View Full Version : The importance of muscle relaxation

17-12-19, 11:25
I've always had tension in the back and shoulder, worsened by the long hours spent working at the computer. I used to take yoga lessons and it helped me immensely, but after many years I lost interest a bit. (I then discovered nordic walking. I love it and it's very helpful, but hard to practice when it rains for weeks...)
These weeks I noticed my tinnitus getting worse, with whooshing sounds in one ear, I also got tension headaches, with a sense of pressure/heavy head. Constantly or almost. Of course I started worrying. I checked my BP at the doctor and it was perfect as always. Then I started listening to "masking" music on YT while working. It was nice, but when I took off the headphones the tinnitus was still there, and my head still heavy.
Could the tension in my body be worse, i wondered, than I thought? I started really paying attention to my posture and noticed that I was tense (tight shoulders) even when looking out of the window with a cup in my hands. I tried relaxing my shoulders and arms while typing, straightening my back, turning my neck now and then, and getting up more (it helps that I work at home). I started practising asanas almost daily, even if only for 20 minutes. i relaxed my whole body before sleep. And my, did it all work! :) The tinnitus is less noticeable and the head pressure almost gone. I feel... nice and more focused. It is silly that I knew it was an important aspect of my general well-being and yet I neglected it to this point, but from now on I'll be more careful.

Hope it helps.
And what about you guys, did anybody find relief in relaxation/yoga?

17-12-19, 11:41
During a mindfullness course, we did a section on Yoga - well only a few very basic moves. I think it helped me at the time, and I should do it more nowadays because I'm tense all the time.

I also did Tai Chi for a year or so and definitely felt more relaxed after sessions, and I think it helped overall with my mental health and strength. Unfortunately the sessions clashed with other things and I had to stop, otherwise I'd still be going.

I've also thought about doing Yoga, but I can't bring myself to go - probably a man thing!

17-12-19, 14:27
Can't you do some tai-chi at home? You could also tried following some yoga videos (even if it's always better with an actual teacher).

17-12-19, 14:54
Can't you do some tai-chi at home? You could also tried following some yoga videos (even if it's always better with an actual teacher).

Yeah, that's where my own self discipline fails me I'm afraid! Also I'm not sure how much I enjoyed it, so maybe that stopped me from practising at home.

Do you go to classes now?

17-12-19, 15:03
I understand you, trust me. In class I practised for one hour and a half (including relaxation), at home I do 20-30 minutes max. But... it's still better than not doing it. I motivate myself by telling me it's always nice when I practise.

17-12-19, 16:08
Wow that’s great.

I love that from learning about progressive muscle relaxation I can give my body a quick mental scan at any time and relax an area that is tense [emoji4]