View Full Version : Please help me rationalise

17-12-19, 12:38
Hi all. I'm feeling absolutely rubbish.
I had a cold start 7 days ago and although I'm not feeling as drained as I was I'm still a bit congested and it's running down the back of my throat and making me cough. I think I've got laryngitis as I completely lost my voice 3 days ago. It's come back but is still husky.

I am very busy with two children and work 4 days a week. I don't get time to rest and my sleep is mostly always disturbed. What's concerning me today is I feel very headachey and have this heaviness to my eyes which is making me feel heavy headed and dizzy. It feels like the dizziness is in my eyes, especially when I move them. I don't want to keep going to the drs. I'm there almost every week. Does this sound like a cold/virus taking its time shift because it's mixed with no rest, poor sleep and stress?

I can't rationalise because my anxiety is so strong at the moment. Every sensation I feel sends me into a massive panic.

17-12-19, 12:55
Poor you! but it sounds exactly like a cold/sinus infection taking its time to move on. My flatmate has had very similar and it took a fortnight to shift...