View Full Version : Gas an incomplete evacuation

17-12-19, 13:11
Been having a really stressful time over the last 2 weeks. My ibs has been bad and my anxiety is horrendous. I've had a couple of episodes of diahorrea, a day or two of constipation and some nearly normal stools. I've also had mucus when i'm straining, various colours but sometimes I get scared and think it looks an orangey brown colour that can look red at first. For the past 2 days I have had an uncomfortable feeling under my left rib, kinda gassy, and a horrible feeling of incomplete evacuation. I keep trying to pass something and sometimes I manage a really small stool ot there is just mucus. I also have a slight pain just inside my anus which comes and goes, I think it's from all the straining. My anxiety is so bad atm that i'm signed off work for a month and I can barely function and am eating very little.

If anyone can offer some words of reassurance it would be much appreciated,

Thank you.

17-12-19, 17:06
Try and destress and everything else will fall into place. *hugs*

18-12-19, 12:08
Try and destress and everything else will fall into place. *hugs*

If it were only that simple. My life is unfortunately very stressful.

18-12-19, 12:15
Anxiety really high today, not managing to have a proper bowel movement and feel gassy and bloated. How can I calm myself down?xxxxx

18-12-19, 15:35
Hi Rainbow,
I'm sorry you're having a hard time at the moment :( All of these symptoms you describe sound very familiar with IBS. When I'm struggling with it, I take buscopan, have a hot water bottle and do some breathing exercises with an app called 'calm' that I have on my tablet. Something that helps me get through stressful times is journalling, just writing down everything that's going on, I like to keep mine to read at a later date but some people prefer to throw it away, just whatever works for you.
Chamomile and ginger tea may be helpful if you like hot drinks
All best wishes

18-12-19, 16:31
Hi Rainbow,
I'm sorry you're having a hard time at the moment :( All of these symptoms you describe sound very familiar with IBS. When I'm struggling with it, I take buscopan, have a hot water bottle and do some breathing exercises with an app called 'calm' that I have on my tablet. Something that helps me get through stressful times is journalling, just writing down everything that's going on, I like to keep mine to read at a later date but some people prefer to throw it away, just whatever works for you.
Chamomile and ginger tea may be helpful if you like hot drinks
All best wishes

Thank you for your kind words. I get so stressed and worried when my bowels don't work properly, I feel like I need to go but when I try only mucus and small smears of stool come out. My stomach feels so gassy and uncomfortable and I have a slight pain just inside my rectum which I think is from all the straining i've been doing. Sorry for the tmi! Would buscopan help with the issues that i'm having?

19-12-19, 11:55
Anyone else have any advice?

24-12-19, 13:21
I too have the horrible feeling of incomplete evacuation and have been on another forum where I was told to try Flaxseed. I'm only 4 days in to eating this in my porridge in the morning (large dessert spoon) and so far I feel a lot better.
Good luck

24-12-19, 15:09
Unfortunately with ibs the more you worry the worse it will be ' try fresh orange it always works for me if not try senokot but try to relax too as hard as it is to do it's the only way to get them bowels moving .