View Full Version : Period back 2 weeks later?!

18-12-19, 02:43
I have always been pretty regular. The one exception was in March I had a 3 week cycle I chalked up to a panic attack messing me up. Then in May I did have some spotting mid cycle after a very hard exercise and brushed that off as ovulation spotting or just from the exercise. Beyond that I have had nothing out of the norm until November. My period started Nov 1 and was very heavy with clots. I also had spotting mid cycle for one day, once again I didn't worry, chalked it up to ovulation. So when my period arrived a bit late for me on 11/30, light and short I thought my body was just going easy on me for the horrible one I had the month before. Then yesterday spotting, and today bleeding again! Only 17 days since my last period. What in the world is going on with me?! I'm 36 and of course I am fearing the worst and suffer health anxiety. My gyn is booked until Feb, but they could have got me in with her ARNP tomorrow, but with my current flow I scheduled for next week. Hoping I can keep myself distracted and not worry myself sick in the meantime!

18-12-19, 16:15
We have loads of posts about this very same thing. Scroll down to the bottom and read similar threads or do a search.

That should reassure you.