View Full Version : Lump in the palm of my hand

18-12-19, 16:36
I discovered it a month or so ago but I've no idea how long its been there. It's pea sized and kinda hard. I can't bend my middle finger back without it hurting, either. I've seen my GP who suggested dupuytren's contracture which is what Google told me it probably was. She then waved that off by saying I'm way too young (I'm only 32) so she seemed a bit puzzled. She suggested an irritated tendon but could an irritated tendon cause a lump? She said it wasn't any form of cyst.

I've been reading horror stories about dupuytren's and how if you're diagnosed young it's probably going to be an aggressive form of it so I'm now absolutely terrified.

This year continues to be the absolute worst :(

October was the tingling in my legs (which I still have)
November was a huge cyst developing on my chest
December is now this..

I'm so tired of worrying.