View Full Version : Cysts/boils

19-12-19, 08:19

does anyone else suffer regularly with cysts or boils?

I seem to get a lot wnd it’s really getting me down. When I get one they linger for months and months. I have quite a few on my inner thighs and it must be from where they are rubbing together? One came up in the summer when it was very hot and I wore a maxi dress, it comes up painful and then goes down but always a hard lump under the skin since August.

I’ve got several more smaller ones that come up and down all the time but never go away. Yesterday I’ve found one on my inner thigh that is so hard it’s like a rock. I’ve never had a cyst or boil or whatever it is this hard before. It freaked me out. I’ve managed to get some puss out this morning but it’s still a similar size and rock hard still.

I do suffer with adult acne which I’ve got under control by cutting down on sugar and using a stupidly expensive skin care routine. So the spots on my face are much smaller these days and fewer.

I’m overweight which I’m sure isn’t helping? I’ve managed to lose ten pounds in the last few weeks and I need to lose another 2 stone. Apart from losing weight so they don’t rub is there anything else I can do to prevent this? It’s really getting me down.


21-12-19, 20:31
Anybody? X

23-12-19, 09:59
I don’t get them that often, I am currently dealing with one under my breast which has drained a little and now has that purple blemish / scar which is taking ages to go away.

All I can recommend is perhaps get some shorts to wear under dresses and skirts to avoid your thighs rubbing. I swear by these!

31-12-19, 10:55
I don’t get them that often, I am currently dealing with one under my breast which has drained a little and now has that purple blemish / scar which is taking ages to go away.

All I can recommend is perhaps get some shorts to wear under dresses and skirts to avoid your thighs rubbing. I swear by these!

Thank you for responding. I managed to get some more puss out of it last night but not much and then I was just squeezing blood out. It had decreased in size by about half but it’s like a hard rock still. I think I’m panicking because some cysts can be cancerous and most things that are rock hard aren’t good things :weep:

31-12-19, 11:14
Sounds like boils to me but you aren't really supposed to squeeze them.

I get them in my armpits and groin area sometimes.

You don't need to think cancer though at all.

31-12-19, 11:52
Sounds like boils to me but you aren't really supposed to squeeze them.

I get them in my armpits and groin area sometimes.

You don't need to think cancer though at all.

are yours really hard too? This feels like a marble it’s that hard. Like I say I do get them often but they normally have a softness to them even when hard but this is such a hard ball under the skin. I’ll stop squeezing it x

31-12-19, 12:13
Yes they are hard and I have one left in my armpit that is still hard but the boil has gone.

03-01-20, 16:37

does anyone else suffer regularly with cysts or boils?

I seem to get a lot wnd it’s really getting me down. When I get one they linger for months and months. I have quite a few on my inner thighs and it must be from where they are rubbing together? One came up in the summer when it was very hot and I wore a maxi dress, it comes up painful and then goes down but always a hard lump under the skin since August.

I’ve got several more smaller ones that come up and down all the time but never go away. Yesterday I’ve found one on my inner thigh that is so hard it’s like a rock. I’ve never had a cyst or boil or whatever it is this hard before. It freaked me out. I’ve managed to get some puss out this morning but it’s still a similar size and rock hard still.

I do suffer with adult acne which I’ve got under control by cutting down on sugar and using a stupidly expensive skin care routine. So the spots on my face are much smaller these days and fewer.

I’m overweight which I’m sure isn’t helping? I’ve managed to lose ten pounds in the last few weeks and I need to lose another 2 stone. Apart from losing weight so they don’t rub is there anything else I can do to prevent this? It’s really getting me down.


Hey there

Just read your post and thought I would let you know that I get these ALL the time - hard lumps, they are red and inflammed, really sore for a few days then go but leave a purple mark or just the nodule - I get them on my inner thighs and under my right breast only (weird), been to the Dr and he put me on antibiotics for acne for 6 weeks, the antibiotics unfortunately gave me a bad stomach so never finished the course.

I too am overweight & it seems to be prevelant in this case :(

I find from personal experience that sudocrem works wonders - try it as you might benefit from it also.

They are horrible I know but unfortunately its one of those things :)

03-01-20, 17:09
I’m also overweight and get them under breasts, in armpits, and sometimes on inner thighs up high. I try not to squeeze them though as that can make them multiply I’ve been told. So I leave them alone as much as possible. They hurt tho so I feel for ya!

04-01-20, 07:30
I have got one currently under my breast. It’s been there now 5-6 weeks :(
It never really got a head and I was able to get a little pus out 2 weeks ago. Since then I have been left with the purple blemish / mark.
Those of you who get them, do you also get this? And does it take ages for the purple blemish / mark to go away??

04-01-20, 08:59
thanks for the replies.

I have squeezed mine a lot over the last few weeks. Ive stopped now but I’ll get a little puss out then nothing else apart from blood. Mine has gone down loads it was bigger than a marble when I found it, really round under the skin. Since I managed to get some puss out it’s at least half the size but still a round hard ball under the skin. The others on my thighs are much softer and tender. This one doesn’t hurt, just found it by chance. That’s why I started panicking it might of turned cancerous and because I have health anxiety but the fact it’s decreased in size I’m trying to be logical about it.

The others are still purple and have been for months so I can’t help with that I’m afraid x

04-01-20, 11:49
Have you gone to the doctors about it? They may suggest to lance it and drain it fully to let it heal?

I am going to head back to the docs this week some time. Mine doesn’t seem to be hard or a lump anymore, just the purple blemish.

04-01-20, 12:02
Not yet as it’s going down, they tend to linger for months with me unfortunately. If it grows again I will.

Im sure yours it just healing still. X

04-01-20, 17:05
Yup. Hidradenitis Superativa...if you google it, you’ll mostly see worst case scenarios so probably not worth doing. But I suffer with a mild version of it....it causes boils/abscesses where there are hair follicles, such as in groin, underarm and/or boobs.
Some people’s HS is related to stress, hormones or heat. Others find their outbreaks are related to diet....like mine. If I eat cheese I get outbreaks.
Chlorine at the swimming pool seems to help, as does heat compress or TCP

05-01-20, 00:37
Yup. Hidradenitis Superativa...if you google it, you’ll mostly see worst case scenarios so probably not worth doing. But I suffer with a mild version of it....it causes boils/abscesses where there are hair follicles, such as in groin, underarm and/or boobs.
Some people’s HS is related to stress, hormones or heat. Others find their outbreaks are related to diet....like mine. If I eat cheese I get outbreaks.
Chlorine at the swimming pool seems to help, as does heat compress or TCP

it’s funny that you mention chlorine. When I had my membership at the YMCA and was doing water aerobics I noticed I didn’t get the boils. Also, I don’t get them as often under the boobs when I use a bra with no underwire. So I’ve stopped buying underwire bras. Don’t know if/how that would be related, but it’s just something I noticed!

05-01-20, 00:38
I have got one currently under my breast. It’s been there now 5-6 weeks :(
It never really got a head and I was able to get a little pus out 2 weeks ago. Since then I have been left with the purple blemish / mark.
Those of you who get them, do you also get this? And does it take ages for the purple blemish / mark to go away??

it takes FOREVER for the purple mark to go away. And some times leaves a permanent scar that will fade over time (like a long long time) especially if you do a lot of popping/squeezing.

05-01-20, 03:05
it takes FOREVER for the purple mark to go away. And some times leaves a permanent scar that will fade over time (like a long long time) especially if you do a lot of popping/squeezing.

That’s what I thought :( I am pretty sure there Is no more puss in there and it’s just the purple mark that is left.
Going to stop touching it! I am sure I am probably causing it more trauma than help haha

05-01-20, 03:33
I had one and i used icthammol ointment (drawing salve)on it and it came to a head overnight. Was gone in a couple days.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-01-20, 09:29
I have got one currently under my breast. It’s been there now 5-6 weeks :(
It never really got a head and I was able to get a little pus out 2 weeks ago. Since then I have been left with the purple blemish / mark.
Those of you who get them, do you also get this? And does it take ages for the purple blemish / mark to go away??

Yes I still have the purple scars from a year ago!
No real heads on them but if you squeeze them its like bloody water (for me) - brown also sometimes
I had a real bad one on my stomach last year that required antibiotics (horrible).
Has your Dr tested you for Diabetes as apparently this can be a symptom of the disease, I was tested and it was negative :)

Its weight related my Dr says, diet plays quite a big role in these little critters too lol
The sudocream really works though, if you want to get the purple blemishes to fade use some Bio Oil (its works)

Hopefully we all stop getting these :)

06-01-20, 10:43
Yes I still have the purple scars from a year ago!
No real heads on them but if you squeeze them its like bloody water (for me) - brown also sometimes
I had a real bad one on my stomach last year that required antibiotics (horrible).
Has your Dr tested you for Diabetes as apparently this can be a symptom of the disease, I was tested and it was negative :)

Its weight related my Dr says, diet plays quite a big role in these little critters too lol
The sudocream really works though, if you want to get the purple blemishes to fade use some Bio Oil (its works)

Hopefully we all stop getting these :)

Thanks for this! I actually saw the doctor tonight for something else and he also said the blemish will take a while to go away.
As soon as I saw it I went to the doctor and I was on 3 rounds of antibiotics, perhaps that’s why it never got really sore and with much puss.
I have some bio oil - I will give that a go, thanks for the tip!

I am overweight and diet isn’t fab, mixed with large breasts and working out clearly didn’t mix this time around. I am pretty sure it started from my heart rate monitor rubbing under my breast when working out - have since moved it down to avoid doing it again!!!

Such a pain as it has put my health anxiety into a bit of a spin and I am now constantly checking my breasts :( starting to feel better about it as it continues to look better though :)

06-01-20, 14:35
I think what I find sad is a few years ago I wouldn’t of thought anything of a few boils or cysts. Now I think one will turn cancerous, why is it so hard, why won’t it go away, something must be going on etc. I hate my head now x

07-01-20, 01:11
I think what I find sad is a few years ago I wouldn’t of thought anything of a few boils or cysts. Now I think one will turn cancerous, why is it so hard, why won’t it go away, something must be going on etc. I hate my head now x

I totally understand! I think we just have to take them for what they are - which is a boil and that they are a pain in the butt and take ages to heal :(

07-01-20, 10:49
I think what I find sad is a few years ago I wouldn’t of thought anything of a few boils or cysts. Now I think one will turn cancerous, why is it so hard, why won’t it go away, something must be going on etc. I hate my head now x

I said the same to my Dr last year and he said how many scars do you have under your breasts from this....I checked in front of him and he said there you go, cancerous lumps dont come and go and pop up elsewhere :) (a little reassurance for you) when I feel one start I just leave it well alone! Dont fiddle with them, nails and hands are dirty lol...

Good luck with the Bio oil - it works for me