View Full Version : Mole

19-12-19, 13:22
Hey everyone!

My health anxiety has been on a right rollercoaster this year.. I’ve been good for the last 7 months, but in the last two weeks I’ve been having an issue with my back. I have about 10 moles in total on my back (what doctor told me) all different - some flat, some large and some hang.
I’ve never really ever been worried about them as I’ve never felt anything wrong with them, and most of them have been there since I was a child (a couple have developed as I’ve gotten older) but recently I’ve had the sensation over my largest one where it feels like it’s got this constant pins and needles sensation.. sometimes even a burning feeling! The doctor looked at it Monday and measured it (7 by 8mm) and said it doesn’t look concerning (it’s flat and round) and to just keep an eye on it for any changes and come back in two-three months. I’ve taken a picture of it everyday since Monday and it looks the exact same, so I don’t really know. If it wasn’t as big then that would make me feel a bit more relaxed I think..

The sensation is really worrying me and because I’m so focused on it I can’t stop feeling it. It’s almost like a ringing in my back around the area. Not enjoyable, and I’m now convinced it’s melanoma and it’s just being left to spread. Everyone has told me that you have to listen and trust the doctor and that it’s nothing, but I just can’t get the doubt out of my mind. I’m really hoping to wake up one day and feel nothing.

Anyway, I’m just wondering if anyone has ever had a similar problem with a mole and it’s just sorted it self out?

Thanks to anyone who responds.

19-12-19, 15:57
Hi Nightcat :-)

Moles have been a source of anxiety of mine for as long as I can remember. I have one on my back, just like you describe except mine is raised and felt tingly and a bit itchy. Like you, I assumed the worst and had mine looked at and the doctor put my mind at rest. If the doctor had any doubt, he would rush you off to a dermatologist within 2 weeks. They just don't take the risk.

It's worth remembering that normal moles can itch, feel funny, bleed, change shape, grow. In most cases, it means absolutely nothing. Especially in the UK where sunshine is pretty non-existent.

If you're anything like me, the doubt will niggle for a bit and then subside.... and our anxiety makes us think about something else. Usually I alternate between moles, stomach ache, lymph nodes. Good old anxiety eh?

Try not to worry and enjoy your Christmas but send me a PM if you're struggling. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt where mole anxiety is concerned. :-)