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12-12-19, 19:44
I noticed this week I had stained tip of both thumbnails. Took polish off tonight and saw this. There are some slight tinges on other nails but worse in this.

I feel panicked for the first time in a few weeks. I've read about how yellow nails are symptoms of some cancers.

I did have a curry last Friday but have and always do wear nail polish so not sure it would stain through? I'm so scared right nw.

12-12-19, 19:51

12-12-19, 20:00
Yes it looks like staining of some sort to me.

12-12-19, 20:47
I'm genuinely panicked. Tried to talk to my partner and he went in a mood at me so just crying on my own. It's horrible when I'm trying to beat this anxiety then a new symptom appears.

12-12-19, 20:53
Unless you give your nails a break, nail polish will definitely tinge your nails yellow. I'm in the process of giving my toenails a break from polish because it happened to them. Without polish you can see how the new growth is a healthy color and there's a line of demarcation where the yellow stain is.

12-12-19, 21:31
I'm genuinely panicked. Tried to talk to my partner and he went in a mood at me so just crying on my own. It's horrible when I'm trying to beat this anxiety then a new symptom appears.

Maybe not talk to your partner about every little thing (that most take in their stride) ... have you told him you have HA and what you are doing to try and overcome it?

12-12-19, 21:31
I've always always worn polish and this is first time I've seen this yellow stain. Is it looking fungal like? It's on the other thumb and a little on a few others.

13-12-19, 02:31
It’s staining. Even if it was fungus, which it’s not, no big deal. There is treatment for that.

13-12-19, 03:15
It’s staining. Even if it was fungus, which it’s not, no big deal. There is treatment for that.

Turmeric being what turns curry yellow may be it?

13-12-19, 07:30
Wise Monkey, I have yes. We've been together since it started pretty much. So he's seen and heard it all which I know gets annoying and frustrating but I can't help the panic I feel.

Antsy, I think so too but I may go pharmacy just in case. Working in a busy shop and looking after my child I don't want to risk it

13-12-19, 10:45
So my OCD means checking and checking plugs but twice this week I'd left the straightners on. I'd have probably checked before I left but this triggers my OCD into checking repeatedly

13-12-19, 11:04
You might be less distracted if you're less anxious, though.

13-12-19, 12:42
Saw a trainee pharmacist and she said it probably isn't fungal because nails aren't brittle and not curry stain because it's been a week so now I'm sat reading liver failure and autoimmune hepatitis articles. Feel so much worse now.

13-12-19, 12:48
So you shoot yourself in the foot and Google over innocent stains on your thumb. Of course you'd feel worse :lac:

13-12-19, 12:54
Feel worse that she didn't seem to know what it was and to see my doctor. My nail feels tight tight so it possibly is fungal but she said it wasn't. It could be nail polish stain but now I work odd shift work I can't take time for doctor appointment. What would you think it was?

13-12-19, 13:00
I’ve had it from nail polish.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-12-19, 13:08
Everybody checks stuff. Sorting anxiety is about normalising. That doesn't mean you never check something or ask for reassurance, it means it's within an acceptable range. Aiming for purity is a false target and often unachievable.

Checking once is fine. When you feel you need to check beyond, work on eliminating this. Maybe eventually you won't check at all but that will naturally come as you no longer feel the urges to complete a compulsion.

13-12-19, 14:02
Wouldn't that affect all nails and just a few?

13-12-19, 15:49
Are you a smoker ?

It looks like staining to me also, just wait and see if it grows out.

I'm sat reading liver failure and autoimmune hepatitis articles.

I thought you were actually trying to work on your HA ? Great idea to jump to reading ridiculously unlikely causes, RIDICULOUSLY unlikely. I've seen this staining from nail polish, had it myself actually from dark reds if you don't use a base coat underneath. It happens on the drier older ends of the nail more often, as the colour can absorb in there easier, and if the nail polish is left on for a really long time it can also reduced oxygenation to the nail and cause dicolouration. If instead of flippin liver faliure you had looked up stained nails from polish you would have found plenty of pictures like this -


There we go, problem sorted !!!

....oh and no it would not necessarily affect ALL nails as some are more brittle and dry due to finger use than others. My my own experience - wait for it to grow out, don't use nail polish in the meantime and add some almond oil or similar to your nails.

13-12-19, 16:32
Hi Helen if you want someone to chat to/vent when u have a HA flare up, let me know and we could swap numbers. Im also in the UK, female and always annoying my partner with crazy health scares... I know what its like x

13-12-19, 16:43
If it is fungus will it affect wiping myself on loo? Can it spread like that? Cooking? At work?

13-12-19, 17:02
Did you read a single thing I wrote ?

13-12-19, 19:46
Did you read a single thing I wrote ?

I did! I thought it was very informative and helpful. You learn something new every day on NMP [emoji3]

13-12-19, 19:48
Did you read a single thing I wrote ?

The OP isn't interested in a simple and logical explanation though.

13-12-19, 19:55
The OP isn't interested in a simple and logical explanation though.

This is a pattern with Helen and a few others here, like Darkside, we can reassure and try to comfort them but it's like they do even read it. As pages and pages of responses continue and the OP still doesnt acknowledge the help offered, irritation sets in.

So if the OP is known to ignore help offered, what's our best course of action?

Personally, I am here every day looking for an update from J2 about Gavin. 🙏

13-12-19, 20:19
Sorry Carys, I had comemtned before seeing replies.

13-12-19, 20:48
Color changes reflective of systemic problems don't start midway down the nail. They start at the base and extend as they grow.

13-12-19, 20:50
Well, I wrote mine an hour before your reply - why not actually READ (as Nancy points out, people don't even read things) and stop and think about what people have written before adding your next illogical statement.

I did! I thought it was very informative and helpful. You learn something new every day on NMP


13-12-19, 21:19
Color changes reflective of systemic problems don't start midway down the nail. They start at the base and extend as they grow.

Very true, I've been a licensed cosmetologist for 40 years, we have loads of training in diseases and disorders of the skin, hair and nails. Nails and hair become porous the older they get. This is normal from daily wear and tear, because of the porosity both can absorb stains from various things, most common for both hair and nails is yellow. But why would I bother to explain that to Helen when she doesn't appreciate or accept the help?

13-12-19, 22:14
does nail varnish stain nails

Most commonly, yellow nails are caused by our beloved nail polish. The darker polishes especially take a toll on your nails, leaving them stained with leftover dyes. The easiest way to prevent this from happening is by always using a clear base coat. .

13-12-19, 23:03
This irrational anxiety has it's roots in the inability to be confident enough (in oneself) to discern the difference between a simple benign symptom v a serious one. In this situation common sense and the ability to 'hold still' flies out the window and panic ensues. HA then sees danger/death around every corner and views the world as an unsafe place.

HA is usually a learned/conditioned way of responding so it's familiar. More often than not it also has it's roots in an individuals upbringing ie a troubled parent (had similar issues) or a significant traumatic event in a young life.

Recognising where the anxiety (and the pattern of responding) comes from the is the first step, then reprogramming your self beliefs (and your way of responding) is the next and it's the hardest part.

Many of us with HA issues can't do it alone, many need professional help usually from a psychologist. Many of us know what to do but don't know how to do it. We need to learn how to have the inner confidence to respond to health adversity in a more rational, calm appropriate way and to feel safe while we are doing it.

Our human bodies don't run to clockwork and we can't always control what happens to them. They are ever changing in a myriad of ways and most of these changes are quite harmless, they're just blips along the way.

I hope in a small way that this will help :)

14-12-19, 08:22
It sounds as though your psychologist is helping you to manage your HA, WM but you have always worked very hard yourself and I think that this is essential if you want to have a better quality of life.

14-12-19, 09:14
Thank you Wise, my parents were in a toxic violent relationship and I heard a lot of the 'fights' I believe this is the cause. Plus when my HA started, months prior a close family member was diagnosed with cancer. Since got the all clear but I at the time I was positive for this family member, it was only months after my HA started when I received my first smear test letter.

14-12-19, 09:18
I have often said I wish I could ungoogle. My friend has had dodgy periods for months and isn't slightly fazed. If that was me I'd be in doctors the next day. I worry I'll l never get to the logical side again. Without sounding defeatist I don't see how I can stop this irrationality and it worries me for my child.

14-12-19, 15:25
Did you put a sign by the computer like I told you to?

14-12-19, 15:52
I have often said I wish I could ungoogle. My friend has had dodgy periods for months and isn't slightly fazed. If that was me I'd be in doctors the next day. I worry I'll l never get to the logical side again. Without sounding defeatist I don't see how I can stop this irrationality and it worries me for my child.

The thing is Helen, if you continue down this path, you are teaching your child to be afraid of every little health sensation. Anxiety is seen to be genetic.

14-12-19, 20:24
I have often said I wish I could ungoogle. My friend has had dodgy periods for months and isn't slightly fazed. If that was me I'd be in doctors the next day. I worry I'll l never get to the logical side again. Without sounding defeatist I don't see how I can stop this irrationality and it worries me for my child.

What happened with your CBT? I still don't understand how therapy works in the UK. Is there an option to just find a therapist and go to them? I was just as bad as you and therapy did wonders for me. It's not cheap here, but it was essential to my health and the wellbeing of my family so we put it on a credit card. Sucks, but that was certainly better than be being debilitated with anxiety. It wasn't even CBT, just talk therapy consistently over many months with check ins. Then I realized I really need to go consistently so now I still go once a month even when I feel fine.

And what about medication? Your anxiety is severe but it's an illness with a cure. You never seem to follow through with treatment and that's why you aren't getting back to your logical side.

14-12-19, 20:37
The thing is Helen, if you continue down this path, you are teaching your child to be afraid of every little health sensation. Anxiety is seen to be genetic.

And yes, I got my HA from my mother. She never got over hers. She's lived with it since she was a teenager and is now nearly 67. It's such a shame and it's always pretty bad, no real breaks. Multiple times a day she mentions something she's worrying about - a spot on her arm, a feeling in her body. It's constant and it's how I grew up. My therapist told me that my mother taught me that the world is not a safe place and that even the smallest sensation could be catastrophic. This is one of the biggest reasons I've spent so much time/money getting well. And I spend a lot of time explaining my anxiety to my daughter and how it works/why there's no real danger, etc... But it's so so important to be aware of how it affects our children because they learn from us.

14-12-19, 21:00
It sounds as though your psychologist is helping you to manage your HA, WM but you have always worked very hard yourself and I think that this is essential if you want to have a better quality of life.

Thanks pulisa, but I can't see her until next year, I'm on a waiting list!! These are just my understandings of HA and it's origins...as you might guess, I know what to do but am working on the how ie strategies and how to use them. I've also got bits of OCD as well!

Helenhoo My mother had a personality disorder (NPD) and had an obsession with cancer. She used to tell me about her fears and that she had stomach cancer etc and she was going to die etc. I was about 3 years old when she started this. I later discovered that it was just a ruse she used to get attention, my father wasn't interested (he'd heard it all before) so she used me (I was the eldest)!! So I grew up anxious and frightened of everything and thinking that my mother would die! She was always in my face with something negative.

When I was eleven I took a book and went and hid in the bushes to get some space for myself. When I arrived back my mother was so angry, she threatened to kill herself if I ever did this again! I think this was truly the real beginning of my HA, I felt that I had to protect myself so that she would be safe. It was a role reversal where I had to be the mother and she was the child. My father was a lovely gentle man but he was no match for our mother and he didn't protect us in the way he should have. So he was negligent and she was down right emotionally and psychologically abusive.

I'm not relating this for sympathy but just to show how crazy dysfunctional parent/s can affect/ruin their off springs lives. Luckily for me (through my teaching) I'd learned not to show anxiety around my children so they don't suffer from HA, but they do have some OCD (which they both know about)!

ps. My mother died last year at 91 (of old age) !! She drove all those rest home nurses crazy with her perceived ailments such was her need for attention :lac:

14-12-19, 23:25
Very true, I've been a licensed cosmetologist for 40 years, we have loads of training in diseases and disorders of the skin, hair and nails. Nails and hair become porous the older they get. This is normal from daily wear and tear, because of the porosity both can absorb stains from various things, most common for both hair and nails is yellow. But why would I bother to explain that to Helen when she doesn't appreciate or accept the help?
If I am honest, I didn't see who the original post is from or that there were already three pages of responses or I likely wouldn't have bothered.

Not trying to be cruel at all, just noting a lack of response to anything I posted in the past.

15-12-19, 12:25
What happened with your CBT? I still don't understand how therapy works in the UK. Is there an option to just find a therapist and go to them? I was just as bad as you and therapy did wonders for me. It's not cheap here, but it was essential to my health and the wellbeing of my family so we put it on a credit card. Sucks, but that was certainly better than be being debilitated with anxiety. It wasn't even CBT, just talk therapy consistently over many months with check ins. Then I realized I really need to go consistently so now I still go once a month even when I feel fine.

And what about medication? Your anxiety is severe but it's an illness with a cure. You never seem to follow through with treatment and that's why you aren't getting back to your logical side.


We can go private whenever we like for mental health treatment like therapy. One of the drawbacks is that, aside from a couple of reserved job titles, it is an unregulated industry. You can take a 100 hour online course, never see a client and be a fully qualified therapist/counsellor in months and even join professional-looking associations (some are actually part of the online schools so make themselves appear more credible) to look like you know what you doing. The NHS tell us to be careful with this and look towards a handful of trusting registers like BACP who have a framework that includes minimum client treatment hours and ongoing supervision.

Getting into therapy, and certainly CBT, is as easy as a quick Google search and phone call. With private you might be in within days. But you have to do your research first.

With the NHS though you just see your GP or self refer (if you are under the IAPT framework which covers England). They can refer you to the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT). These guys do the outpatient stuff but they cover every form of mental health issue (they are multidisciplinary with nurses and psychiatrists as well as some community support roles) therefore you can expect a long wait in a queue with people who have not satisfied an inpatient need (Sectioning). Some CMHT's won't even touch anxiety due to funding. A 12 month wait to start treatment is likely (or longer). If you are under IAPT thought this system was brought in to sit between a GP level and CMHT level and provide faster access. About 30 days for Level 2 (self help levels based on CBT for maybe 5 sessions) but it may be more like 3 months for Level 3 (High Intensity CBT, potentially 10-15 sessions over a longer period with a higher trained professional). IAPT represents a CBT strip down though, which it has been criticised for, so it's a bit one size fits all compared to CMHT where they can combine therapies and for longer periods. IAPT people are mostly CBT trained.

15-12-19, 17:34
This is a pattern with Helen and a few others here, like Darkside, we can reassure and try to comfort them but it's like they do even read it. As pages and pages of responses continue and the OP still doesnt acknowledge the help offered, irritation sets in.

So if the OP is known to ignore help offered, what's our best course of action?

Personally, I am here every day looking for an update from J2 about Gavin. 🙏

I find Nancy W to be a persistently negative force in this forum. She has no decorum or patience or compassion towards any other users.

15-12-19, 18:15
But she's currently supporting a member whose child has a brain lesion...after going through a similar experience herself. I think that shows huge compassion in a very emotive situation.

You will dislike many of my posts as well but that's ok with me. We all have different takes on HA but I'd like to defend Nancy because some posters just don't see help as being anything more than an exercise in limitless reassurance and comforting words. If this helps them get better then so be it and that's great but evidence suggests otherwise.

18-12-19, 09:14
Hi all, had a few good days using distraction techniques. Haven't checked breasts in over a week. Some polish on nails has chipped and I saw the yellow is still there so it triggered me. I haven't googled but instead come here.

I've said before, I'm on 4 month waiting list which I believe leads me to Feb. That's as priority as I'm a Mum apparently. I self referred and recently been highly considering medication but I can't get an appointment at my GP for three weeks which is lovely. I referred, waited weeks before an interview for CBT, then more weeks before an assessment and that was only because I was calling them daily and leaving voicemail because nobody answered. Mental health in UK is a joke unless you can afford private which I can't.

18-12-19, 11:24

Are these horizontal lines/beau's lines? I've read it's a sign of cancers, what if it's linked up to the yellow stains?

18-12-19, 11:30

Are these horizontal lines/beau's lines? I've read it's a sign of cancers, what if it's linked up to the yellow stains?

Helen you have been down the nail scares before.

Go back to your distraction techniques as they seem to have worked for you.

You are fine, you have to believe it for yourself.

Best of luck

18-12-19, 12:06
I've read

I was about to say I'm proud of you for not googling... then saw this, which is the truth? Pretty disappointing Helen.

18-12-19, 22:14
I have fungal toenails but the past two years and worry that's it's spread to my fingers. Does my yellow stains look like fungal?

18-12-19, 22:16
Lately I've noticed a few speech indifferences where I've mixed words around or spoken incoherently. Today I wanted to get my child's feet measured and said I'm here to get shoes sized instead of feet measured and just I said the whistle was chimney and not chimney is whistling

18-12-19, 22:43
and? it is compleyely normal

and been meaning to ask, how are your partners testicles?

18-12-19, 22:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


18-12-19, 23:09
I have fungal toenails but the past two years and worry that's it's spread to my fingers. Does my yellow stains look like fungal?

If your fingers start looking like this, definitely see a doctor! ;)


Positive thoughts

19-12-19, 00:14
Even if it’s fungal, No Big Deal. That’s treatable

19-12-19, 07:19
Does my yellow stains look like fungal?

Jeez, so what if it is - as was said above it'll be treated, hardly a life or death situation is it. I gave advice about stained nails from polish and in it I said to not use nail polish at the moment, use oil on the nail and see if it grows out as a stain will do - however, clearly immediately you've covered it back with nail polish. You've ignored anything people have said and are now back to asking if it looks fungal. Like - WHAT DOES IT MATTER IF IT IS !!

19-12-19, 08:06
Please stop making new posts about every little thought that goes through your mind.

19-12-19, 09:06
I work in a supermarket so my nails would be unsightly to customers so I cover them up.

19-12-19, 09:07
I'm able to recognise this is a new thing and I've gone from breasts to nails overnight. I can't seem to let one go without introducing another. I am sorry I'm so irratic at times but I'm considering medication after Christmas. If anyone UK on medication can send me a PM please?

Gary A
19-12-19, 10:38
I'm able to recognise this is a new thing and I've gone from breasts to nails overnight. I can't seem to let one go without introducing another. I am sorry I'm so irratic at times but I'm considering medication after Christmas. If anyone UK on medication can send me a PM please?

You’ve literally been doing this for years now, and while I applaud you for finally recognising your faulty thinking patterns, you still have to realise that reassurance seeking is a big part of the problem also.

I would advise you strongly to stop reassurance seeking and put any further treatments or recommendations firmly in the hands of your doctor. By posting incessantly on here about things that are complete nonentities, you’re giving a particular fear credit and attention that it simply does not deserve.

I’m not going to tell you to snap out of it or whatever, but you really do need to stop putting such importance on to things like slightly unsightly fingernails.

19-12-19, 21:00
This palm one is new but around a year old. I watched it develop but has stayed this size for 8 months.

The thumb photo is new, not sure if it's a freckle or blood blister?


19-12-19, 21:38
Helen what happened?

You were doing better and now you're jumping from one thing to another.

19-12-19, 22:28
Hi Helen

I have exactly the same mole/freckle on my foot. I freaked out ! I was told that it is a parallel furrow mole (which are found on the hands and soles of feet typically and are harmless pigmentation) the pigment distributes itself in the furrows of the skin, as the surface of the skin on the hands and feet are different. Obviously nobody can take diagnose over a forum but I used to get so obsessed with the one on my foot and watched it grow and settle before breaking down in the doctors office. Look at my other posts on moles if that helps :-)

All the best

20-12-19, 00:42
Go on the meds now

20-12-19, 00:44
This palm one is new but around a year old. I watched it develop but has stayed this size for 8 months.

The thumb photo is new, not sure if it's a freckle or blood blister?


Yep I've got these on my hands and feet, I have a yearly check so know they are fine. Freckles and moles pop up now and again, especially as we age, they can even grow but are benign (non cancerous). After I've had my yearly check, I don't worry about them. Not worth mentioning them to your partner (or child).

20-12-19, 00:50
I gave advice about stained nails from polish and in it I said to not use nail polish at the moment, use oil on the nail and see if it grows out as a stain will do - however, clearly immediately you've covered it back with nail polish

There's new nail polish on the latest thread re: Freckles

20-12-19, 07:28
It's more because I've had an ache in my ankle all week when I walk that started in top of foot and now I'm worried it could be bone cancer from one of these freckles/melanomas?

20-12-19, 07:33
I'm really sorry, Helen, but what are you on right now? Freckles/melanomas? This is utterly ludicrous.

20-12-19, 08:20
We have requested many times that when you are flitting from one thing to another that you stick to one thread.

I will now be merging your threads.

Use your self help techniques and start your meds.


20-12-19, 08:48
Trouble is that the OP sees using NMP as a "self help" technique.

20-12-19, 09:30
I agree Pulisa.

20-12-19, 09:35
I'm now shaking regarding this ankle ache as it looks slightly more swollen than the other foot. I've read bone cancers cause swelling and pain moving, this all started in Monday. I'm at work and taking a break in the stock looking at my feet room because I'm panicking. Can bone cancer come on so quickly. The ache was initially in top of foot and moved to ankle later in the week.

20-12-19, 09:56
I've also read it could be ill fitting shoes which I do have tight boots but why would only one foot be affected? I can't feel a lump but it is obvious it's slightly swollen

20-12-19, 10:00
I'm now shaking regarding this ankle ache as it looks slightly more swollen than the other foot. I've read bone cancers cause swelling and pain moving, this all started in Monday. I'm at work and taking a break in the stock looking at my feet room because I'm panicking. Can bone cancer come on so quickly. The ache was initially in top of foot and moved to ankle later in the week.

Helen-do you know how infuriating this is to read as someone whose family had actually had cancer. If you actually had bone cancer you would not be walking. My aunt's cancer caused her bones to snap in half and she could not walk. Go find something to keep yourself busy instead of worrying over nonsense.

20-12-19, 11:35
Sorry to hear about your aunt and I know i am spiralling. Melanoma and bone cancer and breast cancer and whatever else.

My shoe feels tighter than the other foot, not sure if it always has? It doesn't hurt to touch just feels strained if I stretch it downwards

20-12-19, 11:39
Drop it, Helen, there has to be something more fun you can be doing at this time of year.

Gary A
20-12-19, 11:58
Sorry to hear about your aunt and I know i am spiralling. Melanoma and bone cancer and breast cancer and whatever else.

My shoe feels tighter than the other foot, not sure if it always has? It doesn't hurt to touch just feels strained if I stretch it downwards

If you know you’re spiralling then stop feeding into it for goodness sake.

This tactic of a short sentence of something we all want to read then launching into another bout of reassurance seeking is tiresome, and it has been for a very long time.

20-12-19, 12:35
Rebecca, for crying out loud - your relationship is on the rocks because of this, does that not matter ?

20-12-19, 15:30
Sorry to hear about your aunt and I know i am spiralling. Melanoma and bone cancer and breast cancer and whatever else.

My shoe feels tighter than the other foot, not sure if it always has? It doesn't hurt to touch just feels strained if I stretch it downwards

Then quit stretching it downward and leave it alone.

20-12-19, 16:29
It does matter, it's something I need to control. Someone said in here that I rush to the worst rather than shrugging it off like most of the population.

Gary A
20-12-19, 18:15
It does matter, it's something I need to control. Someone said in here that I rush to the worst rather than shrugging it off like most of the population.

Well that’s obvious isn’t it?

Nobody expects you to just “shrug it off”, but the way in which you constantly try to make it about you and your supposed symptoms is just holding you back.

The constructive thing to do would be to distract yourself. By posting lengthy threads about utterly irrelevant things you’re making these things more important than they deserve to be.

21-12-19, 01:26
Rebecca, what are your hobbies?

21-12-19, 01:31
Rebecca, what are your hobbies?

Isn't that obvious? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

21-12-19, 02:19
I want to see if she can tell me anything, FMP.

21-12-19, 03:31
Her name is Rebecca???

It's not Helen???

21-12-19, 04:01
Yeah, I'm pretty sure her real name is Rebecca.

21-12-19, 15:42
Hi all, Ive been okay last night and today but just sure I felt an obvious swelling on the left foot though the ache itself is getting better. I'm terrified it's a sarcoma tumor. Due out for a family meal tonight and now feeling sick.

Hobbies, I don't really have any.

21-12-19, 15:43
I can't feel a lump as such just a swelling maybe.

21-12-19, 16:24
Google: The earliest symptoms of bone cancer are pain and swelling where the tumor is located. The pain may come and go at first. Then it can become more severe and steady later. The pain may get worse with movement, and there may be swelling in nearby soft tissue.

21-12-19, 16:32
Google: The earliest symptoms of bone cancer are pain and swelling where the tumor is located. The pain may come and go at first. Then it can become more severe and steady later. The pain may get worse with movement, and there may be swelling in nearby soft tissue.

And? Google is not your doctor.

21-12-19, 16:38
I can't get to doctor this side of Christmas and now morbid thoughts are present and I feel sick. Family are due to arrive any minute, I just want to sneak off and feel my ankle. Could it come on so quickly?

21-12-19, 17:21
Rebecca, is there anything you’d like to do? Draw? Paint? Finish a book? Play an instrument? Sing? Grow a plant? Run a marathon? Play a sport? Have a pet? Help a child?

21-12-19, 17:23
I can't get to doctor this side of Christmas and now morbid thoughts are present and I feel sick. Family are due to arrive any minute, I just want to sneak off and feel my ankle. Could it come on so quickly?

If you actually had cancer...it wouldn't start in your ankle

22-12-19, 00:49
I like writing.

I can't feel a lump as such just feels more swollen than the other but I'm still wearing the same boots that could be causing it. I'm at family party and little tipsy but most time I can't feel difference, sometimes I can

22-12-19, 06:56
Did you ever start a journal?

22-12-19, 09:48
I did for the breast cancer worries. I've noticed if I flex ankle up I feel a slight difference on the ligament joint bone (biology is never my strongest) than I do the other foot. I can't feel difference at any other stage.

22-12-19, 09:49
But it is definitely a little more swollen around the ankle and squishier.

22-12-19, 11:01
But it is definitely a little more swollen around the ankle and squishier.

Remember that the body is not symmetrical, plus you have been feeling compelled to check it frequently which can cause the puffiness too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-12-19, 11:48
Hi all,

Little worried today too because I seem to be spotting slightly which would be day 25/26 cycle which would be normal BUT last month I was late by three days. My typical cycle is between day 26 and day 28.

22-12-19, 11:58
Hi all,

Little worried today too because I seem to be spotting slightly which would be day 25/26 cycle which would be normal BUT last month I was late by three days. My typical cycle is between day 26 and day 28.

Doesn’t sound like anything to worry about, your normal cycle is 26/28 days and it’s at most a day earlier....

There isn’t actually any worries with the amount of days, even being three days later than expected is completely normal. I have never counted days just weeks... I count four weeks and know to expect it some time on the fourth one. It’s all to do with the rise and fall of hormones in the body, there’s no magic timer that guarantees to the minute, so many things influence our cycles anyway.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-12-19, 12:07
Its entering week 4 tomorrow. I was always irregular since having periods then went on pill for few years. I know the date because of an app I use. I'm only covered because it was Day 30 last week and Day 25 this month.

22-12-19, 12:41
And now I blew my nose and wasn't sure if it was blood or my lipstick on the tissue 🙃

22-12-19, 12:48
Leave it out, Rebecca, and go pay some attention to your family.

22-12-19, 13:14
Ankle. I've shown where it feels more puffy on stock image. Definite difference between the two and there's an extra fold too. https://ibb.co/YXt9j50

22-12-19, 13:31
Leave it out, Rebecca, and go pay some attention to your family.

Do I need to tell you how selfishly you're behaving right now?

22-12-19, 14:45
I want to see if she can tell me anything, FMP.

I hear you and this very question has been asked dozens and dozens of times through the years to the OP as well as other serial posters. The responses were and are always the same.... A short answer followed by more symptoms. It's a pattern frequently seen with serial posters and those that blog their daily battle with anxiety.

Positive thoughts

22-12-19, 16:38
Helen. Stop. You have a sore tendon on the top of your foot, an extremely common location for pain/swelling. Why on Earth would your first thought be bone cancer with a sore foot?? You're in a bad spiral now. Try to break the cycle.

22-12-19, 17:38
I hear you and this very question has been asked dozens and dozens of times through the years to the OP as well as other serial posters. The responses were and are always the same.... A short answer followed by more symptoms. It's a pattern frequently seen with serial posters and those that blog their daily battle with anxiety.

Positive thoughts

Yeah, I know. With the posters that have kids...I keep trying. I have a soft spot for kids and animals.

23-12-19, 12:27
Thanks for your logical explanation. I've started icing my ankle of the evening and taking ibuprofen. I know my boots are tight on this foot so it makes sense. I don't remember injuring my tendon though?

23-12-19, 13:10
Is it worth having a talk with the doctor regarding what my mental health actually is. Obviously it's OCD and health anxiety but I have occasional intrusive thoughts

23-12-19, 13:29
Thanks for your logical explanation. I've started icing my ankle of the evening and taking ibuprofen.

Start producing your own logical explanations Rebecca, not relying on others.

Also, its just a minor pain - hardly needs such dramatic treatment either. I mean good grief, if I listed and started 'treating' every ache pain and anomally I'd be there hours each day - just wear different shoes and get on with things.

23-12-19, 20:35

Tonight I'm focusing on this thumb freckle mark. It's new and it feels like I could attempt to scratch it off as it's slightly raised. My cat does scratch me a lot but I think it looks like a freckle/mole.

23-12-19, 20:41

Tonight I'm focusing on this thumb freckle mark. It's new and it feels like I could attempt to scratch it off as it's slightly raised. My cat does scratch me a lot but I think it looks like a freckle/mole.

It's a mark..hardly anything to get worked up about. Go celebrate the holiday.

23-12-19, 21:08
I feel like I might scratch it off but scared to do so in case it's a melanoma

23-12-19, 21:43
I feel like I might scratch it off but scared to do so in case it's a melanoma

Helen...this is going to sound harsh but...


You really need to find something to occupy your time during the holiday.

23-12-19, 22:10
Now I'm worrying my ankle and foot is oedema or because of a clot. The ache itself is possibly easing off but the swollen is still there

23-12-19, 22:22
Helen. It's Christmastime and you have a little one. Try, try, try to enjoy it. I am so regretful that I wasted so much of my daughter's younger years with anxiety and mine was never as bad as yours appears to be. I've had pain and swelling in that area many times from wearing bad shoes or just new shoes that slightly changed the way I walked. You don't have anything but a sore tendon/muscle. You don't have melanoma or anything else. You have anxiety and you're letting it ruin your life. That's the scary thing. That's it. Please treat it. Please.

23-12-19, 22:25
Erin can you please DM me, I'm struggling.

23-12-19, 22:31
I just messaged you.

24-12-19, 00:39
Helen. It's Christmastime and you have a little one. Try, try, try to enjoy it.

Honestly, this was my first thought.

Reb, really.... after all these years and countless threads with the same patterns over and over.... You're a parent now. It's Christmastime. Somewhere, deep inside, beyond what we see here, there HAS to be a shred of rationality and will power. For once, try to listen to reality and rationality and reassure yourself. Think of it like a Christmas present for yourself as well as one for your family and all those on the forum that have offered countless replies of rationality and reassurance through the years. For once, make a post that show us and yourself that you really do possess that inner fortitude to stand up to your dragon.

Positive thoughts

24-12-19, 08:19
This , above !

26-12-19, 10:31
I've been a little better with ankle but it's sore alongside side of the foot and around the ankle. I'm sure I felt I felt it pop a little earlier too. I obviously worry its bone cancer but the pain does ease and swelling goes down when I use ice. I'm still walking on it but not wearing the boots.

So, it's around ankle and alongside inside of the foot but swelling is ankle based

26-12-19, 14:26
It's feels bruised like if I knock it but doesn't necessarily hurt if I walk. Does this indicate bone cancer?

26-12-19, 14:59
I've found a few articles saying pain is associated with soft tissue sarcomas in ankle so now I'm paranoid again.

26-12-19, 15:06
I've found a few articles saying pain is associated with soft tissue sarcomas in ankle so now I'm paranoid again.

See this thread... vvvv

How did you or are you beating this?
New year, new me and all that but I'm so adamant to beat this once and for all. Its ridiculous how consuming it is and how much control I let it have. Just looking for anyone who is beating this or has overcome their anxiety?

26-12-19, 15:14

I was doing OK but my child accidentally stepped on my ankle and it hurt like a bruise so found self looking online again.

26-12-19, 18:42
WHERE is that sign for your computer, Becca?

26-12-19, 19:56
I just have my phone that I use.

I'm now worrying that maybe it's night-time seizures? Sometimes I wake from a dream quickly and randomly rather than a slow rouse. Maybe that's how I hurt my foot? Last time I woke up and my neck was a bit sore but hadn't hurt today.

26-12-19, 21:23
Just read this: People who have nocturnal seizures may notice unusual conditions upon awakening in the morning, such as a headache, having wet the bed, having bitten the tongue, <b>a bone or joint injury, muscle strains or weakness</b>, fatigue, or lightheadedness.

26-12-19, 22:01
I'm worrying.

26-12-19, 22:22
Go put your phone to charge in another room. Stay off of it.

26-12-19, 22:59
I'm worrying.

You do literally nothing to help yourself Rebecca, and give up in the first few seconds of feeling even slightly uncomfortable.

26-12-19, 23:10
I just have my phone that I use

Give your phone to your boyfriend.

You asked for suggestions, did you even read them? Are you just playing us all?

27-12-19, 07:40
I'm thinking it could be an extreme attention seeking issue, there's another one on this forum at present who has the same issue.

27-12-19, 08:27
And they both have young children, that’s what’s disturbing. I hope the partners are stable.

27-12-19, 08:39
The partners are the ones who bear the brunt of the attention-seeking sadly.

27-12-19, 08:56
It's not attention seeking, it's irrationality. I was aware last night when I was asking my (former) partner so many questions at once. I apologised. It's just the ankle ache that's still present that triggers me.

27-12-19, 17:30
So when you say "(former)" are you talking about the father of your child?

Becca, where is rock bottom for you, do you think? How bad are you going to have to get before you take the bull by the horns?

28-12-19, 10:37
Anyone else been this bad? So many new things at once. First ache or twinge and immediately thinking the worst or worrying about it. My ongoing thing is my ankle but I've got my nails, had a nipple pain yesterday, had a weird dream, had abdominal sharp twinge. All of which I panic at and Google. It's ridiculous and I want to stop.

I found my letter from CBT yesterday so it's halfway point and looks like it may be Feb when I start face to face, I was told 4 months minimum wait

28-12-19, 12:22
Has your partner left Rebecca ?

28-12-19, 14:05
We've split but live together until New Year.

28-12-19, 17:51
Becca, we've all been that bad. I've been so depressed I couldn't leave my house and so anxious that I've been to the ER thinking I'm having a heart attack. Which is why we feel for you, we do. But all of us had a kick in the butt, some rock bottom, that made us take the bull by the horns and start to get help. We're wondering when that's gonna happen for you, because no matter what we say, the only person who can try to change your thinking is you. There are things you can do before your CBT starts.

28-12-19, 19:22
And I want to do those things. For my own sake. I realise that I feel the real me is a fake because she's so rarely seen. I was out with my friends recently and I was having fun and making jokes, leader of the pack so to speak and I hadn't been that person in ages. It was nice to feel me again. I honestly wonder what my doctors would say if I told them how I felt if they'd take my child away because I feel so low some days. Nothing *trigger warning* suicide or harm to me or others. I also think I have PND.

28-12-19, 19:34
Why not have a chat with the doctor then?

28-12-19, 22:08
I know, I plan to in the new year.

I'm now getting worried about the thumb mark again not sure if freckle or a scab. The freckle on my palm nook that I haven't been worried about until now. Sigh.

28-12-19, 22:25
Once again you need to start doing self help CBT until you get real life help.

You seem reluctant to help yourself at all.

28-12-19, 22:29
I concur with Nicola. Everything you could do is put off until later. Even little steps. If you can’t make yourself do anything, that’s some serious depression. Start on the meds you were talking about with your doc. Go in Monday.

28-12-19, 23:29
I will, I need to.

I have now just had a panic because of my ankle again. The pain has eased and I haven't worried at all, all day but take socks off and left one has more indent so I feel and the left ankle feels bigger than the left. Like it doesn't feel the same so now I'm having a panic about sarcoma again.

28-12-19, 23:55
I will, I need to.

I have now just had a panic because of my ankle again. The pain has eased and I haven't worried at all, all day but take socks off and left one has more indent so I feel and the left ankle feels bigger than the left. Like it doesn't feel the same so now I'm having a panic about sarcoma again.

Brief acknowledgement and more symptoms.... classic pattern and sadly, one that we cannot remedy.

Positive thoughts

29-12-19, 09:41
Because there's always something. The aching itself has gone if I stretch my foot but I happened to feel the 'lump' again. It's next to the tendon that pops up when flex foot.

29-12-19, 09:43
Not a lump that sticks out just goes across a most of my ankle whereas other ankle theres a gap between the tendons. I'm terrified it is a huge growth. It all came in ache and 'lump' last Monday

Gary A
29-12-19, 10:12
You’re just repeating yourself over and over though. When you get an answer about one thing you ask about something else, then you just go around in circles.

You have been playing this silly game for almost 5 years now without ever once trying to take the bull by the horns. You are an adult, you are a mother. For once, stop lamenting this nonsense to a forum full of strangers and find some mental strength of your own.

Nobody is ever going to be able to make you feel better if you keep throwing up road blocks, which is exactly what you do. You keep finding weird and wonderful excuses to avoid speaking to medical professionals, you have a “yeah but” lined up for every logical response you get, and when you don’t you just deflect and ask about some other equally benign “symptom” you have.

This got tired years ago, at this point it’s just utterly absurd. Your partner always seems to leave you when sympathy starts to run out on here as well, I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

Stop posting about your symptoms, stop seeking reassurance, stop going around in circles and playing little games in attempts to manipulate people into giving you attention. Stop Googling about diseases and start Googling about anxiety, try to learn about the illness you do have rather than polluting your mind with misinformation about illnesses you don’t.

Time to grow up.

29-12-19, 15:11
I want to. Believe me I do. I'm just now convinced it's a sarcoma. There's an obvious difference in the ankles where the joints meet. I feel sick to my stomach. I have more sock indent on this foot too.

29-12-19, 15:13
Bodies aren't symmetrical, Rebecca.

I'm sorry you're having such an awful time right now, but you have to learn to tune out the physical stuff because it really isn't the problem here.

29-12-19, 15:43
Why don't you start some online CBT then and get on top of the anxiety?

You seem to not want to get better at all.

29-12-19, 16:29
You seem to not want to get better at all.

Or does, but thinks there is a miracle cure and she will wake up one day cured...... either that or is happier with how her life is right now rather than she would be actually trying to put effort into her recovery

29-12-19, 16:34
Just saying..... (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?180363-I-want-to-beat-this-anxiety-once-and-for-all) Some things never change.

Positive thoughts

29-12-19, 16:55
pictures removed by admin

My ex has now left the house because I asked him to look at my ankles. Please see in links above the obvious difference I'm seeing. I keep reading people with sarcoma have weeks left after diagnosis and I'm so frightened.

29-12-19, 17:06
Just saying..... (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?180363-I-want-to-beat-this-anxiety-once-and-for-all) Some things never change.

Positive thoughts

This makes me sad tbh seeing how naive I was that this would be a short term thing and I was worried if have it for years. And here I am..

29-12-19, 17:17
Well do something about it then

29-12-19, 17:20
When Antsy said a few pages back 'how low will you go' ? The reference was 'which is the point at which you decide not to live your life by the rules of fear' - will it be when another partner (the father of your child) leaves you ? It seems that even knowing that this person can't tolerate your behaviour anymore didn't stop you asking him again about your ankles ?! So, the answer is, I guess, you are prepared to go lower.

By the way, your ankles look identical to me. If you have learnt anything from your years here, if any of the advice and words that have been typed have got through, you will know some basic steps to take now to help yourself.

29-12-19, 17:44
There is a line that isn't on the other one and it's softer and firmer on the highlighted one. I wouldn't have noticed this if I hadn't gone prodding because of the ache causes seemingly by my boots. I haven't worn these in a week now.

I know to you it's more irration. Ramblings but to me it's 'it' now and I worry it's sarcoma. I'm not sure if the area I worry about is ankle or lower leg? It's the part where you'd flex up. I've read these are extremely rare and only 136 since 1930s. But if it's lower leg than they're more common.

29-12-19, 18:01
You're focusing on the wrong problem, though. Can you not see that your thought patterns are faulty?

You need to learn to sit with the uncertainty.

29-12-19, 18:19
When Antsy said a few pages back 'how low will you go' ? The reference was 'which is the point at which you decide not to live your life by the rules of fear' - will it be when another partner (the father of your child) leaves you ? It seems that even knowing that this person can't tolerate your behaviour anymore didn't stop you asking him again about your ankles ?! So, the answer is, I guess, you are prepared to go lower.

By the way, your ankles look identical to me. If you have learnt anything from your years here, if any of the advice and words that have been typed have got through, you will know some basic steps to take now to help yourself.

Exactly. Becca, the loss of your partner, the father of your child means nothing to you? You’re still going on about your ankles instead of fighting this to keep your family intact? Do you really know what divorce/separation is gonna be like? I’ll tell you.

I hope you enjoyed this holiday with your kid...because the next one, you might not get to be with her. That’s right. You have to share custody now. That means her dad will get some holidays and you will get others. He might even get remarried someday. You’ll have to watch as she becomes part of a new family without you. Then as she gets older, who is she going to want to spend time with? Stable Dad or Crazy Mom who is obsessed with dying?

Think about this, Becca.

Gary A
30-12-19, 04:46
Exactly. Becca, the loss of your partner, the father of your child means nothing to you? You’re still going on about your ankles instead of fighting this to keep your family intact? Do you really know what divorce/separation is gonna be like? I’ll tell you.

I hope you enjoyed this holiday with your kid...because the next one, you might not get to be with her. That’s right. You have to share custody now. That means her dad will get some holidays and you will get others. He might even get remarried someday. You’ll have to watch as she becomes part of a new family without you. Then as she gets older, who is she going to want to spend time with? Stable Dad or Crazy Mom who is obsessed with dying?

Think about this, Becca.

Her partner hasn’t left. That’s just another attempted sob story designed to excuse her from dealing with her anxiety.

30-12-19, 14:24
Yes he has and I don't need to prove to you otherwise.

I've been doing better, still feeling my ankles though and it's only in certain positions I feel a difference but in other angles, the right feels a bit different too. My left leg and hip aches at the moment though and I just turned quickly on the ankle accidentally and it hurt across inside of the foot like a sprain.

30-12-19, 14:49
Are you aware that your thought patterns are faulty and your physical sensations aren't the issue here?

30-12-19, 15:09
I do but anxiety is telling me thus is it time and I'm torn between enjoying new year with my ex and our friends and booking in for same day appoitment and told its possible a sarcoma. I'm trying to fight but when the aches are there...

30-12-19, 15:14
So you're achy, big deal. Everybody aches, and if you're constantly on the alert every harmless twinge will seem so much worse.

30-12-19, 16:42
I sometimes can't feel the lump bump. Should I go to the doctors? The ache came two weeks ago felt the bump shorty after. Sarcoma websites said the swelling comes weeks after pain typically. I just don't know if it's worth risking it if it is sarcoma? Could I have just twisted my ankle without realising? Part of me sort of remembers alwyad having a deeper indent in one ankle than the other.

30-12-19, 16:49
Why do you keep on looking stuff up when you know how unhealthy it is for you?

30-12-19, 16:56
Only you can decide what to do. You are responsible for your own health and we can't tell you to see a doctor or not. Your choice.

30-12-19, 17:59
You told me you were going to the doc to day to get medication. Did you do it, Becca?

30-12-19, 18:20
If I accidentally put top much pressure on it, it'll ache like a sprain. There's definitely more indent in the one foot ankle than the other, is this itself normal?

30-12-19, 18:22
I haven't today but think I should tomorrow.

30-12-19, 18:27
If I accidentally put top much pressure on it, it'll ache like a sprain. There's definitely more indent in the one foot ankle than the other, is this itself normal?

Give it up Rebecca! You have an aching ankle from a too tight boot which has clearly caused some ankle pain from walking oddly, such a fuss about something so small and insignificant - the type of which people experience every single day as a part of being a human. You are young, I dread to think how bad you will be when you are older and daily aches, pains and odd physical occurrences start happening.

30-12-19, 21:19
I haven't today but think I should tomorrow.

Make an appointment right now. RIGHT NOW

30-12-19, 22:34
Make an appointment right now. RIGHT NOW

Helen, don't you have a child you should be spending time with ? Instead of wasting it on a silly ache ?

31-12-19, 00:11
I think you missed a few pages, utrocket. She said she was going to make an appointment with the doc to get some antidepressants or psych meds. I think we should encourage her to do it and hold her to it. Apparently, her partner leaving and having to share custody of her child aren't enough motivation for her to try something to stop obsession over her aches and pains.

31-12-19, 00:13
Nothing will work despite all our efforts so sometimes we have to just step away and let her get on with it.

31-12-19, 00:24
How many years has this been going on, Nic?

31-12-19, 00:42
How many years has this been going on?

July 2015.... :wacko: The thing is, for the numerous serial posters, there will always be dragon food. Positive, negative, new members, old members, admin etc. It's a 'Catch 22' and sadly, nothing will change.

Positive thoughts.

31-12-19, 01:13
As you know, FMP, I was a child of a broken home with a mentally ill mom who refused to get help. I don’t want any kid to go through what I had to... but as you say, there’s only so much we can do. We can’t go to Becca’s house and make her get help.

31-12-19, 12:14
I don't want that either. The other night I was sat feeling my ankles and my child came up and did the same on my ankle. Now they're getting older I don't want them to mimick.

31-12-19, 12:19
Well they will, so why won't you do something about it?

31-12-19, 14:17
I have done. I've said time and time again I'm on waiting for high intensity CBT. I had low CBT in 2017 and didn't really work. I'm sad for the 26 year old me who didn't want to have this for years and here I am. Four years of this. Two breaks up and one child later I'm no better.

31-12-19, 14:30
What are you doing in the meantime, though?

31-12-19, 14:32
There is loads you can do for yourself and online CBT that we keep telling you to look at.

You can't pin your hopes on the face-to-face CBT alone - loads has to change as well so why not start working on that NOW

31-12-19, 16:40
I suppose in my head if I feel and don't find a difference than that reassures me but then I'll feel again to make sure and then feel an extra boney bit. It's a viscous circle. My friends a GP and, no I've never gone to her for my anxiety, she's a new friend so haven't got that close yet, she said so many people waste appointments with nothingness. I don't want to be that person BUT I also worry if I don't get it checked then I'll die. That's how bad it is.

Can you tell me your ankles feels different? Particularly the ligaments between the foot? I'm trying to find logic, and enjoying the evening with friends

31-12-19, 17:18
No we can't tell you - how can we? every person is different.

Go and enjoy the evening and stop playing with your legs.

You are not going to die but you are still evading the questions I ask about doing self-help - why is that can I ask?

31-12-19, 21:00
I mean your own ankles.

31-12-19, 21:14
Still not listening to me then :lac:

31-12-19, 22:14
Sorry Nic. I can't help feel my feet and ankles. I've now noticed another part of my other foot feels different like a boney lump 🙃 can't stop and don't know how!

31-12-19, 22:26
Why not start using the resources available on the site?

31-12-19, 23:31
Put socks on and sit on your hands. There is nothing wrong with your feet at all.

31-12-19, 23:33
Sorry Nic. I can't help feel my feet and ankles. I've now noticed another part of my other foot feels different like a boney lump  can't stop and don't know how!

...and obviously not going to try.

31-12-19, 23:43
I really do suggest to those who quite admirably and tirelessly continue to try to help Reb, it's in your best interest to invest a little time into looking at the post history. Might save you some angst.

Positive thoughts

31-12-19, 23:58
She's playing everyone on this board, the joke is on us.

01-01-20, 10:31
can't stop and don't know how!

Well, you've been given years worth of advice about 'how to', and if that has made no difference to you then theres little point us repeating everything. Maybe if you had listened earlier...... OR you could read through your threads right from the start and read them properly taking on board everything that is said ?

01-01-20, 13:58
Very true Carys, but its not going to happen and Helen, Reeb, Rebecca is wasting our time and intentions.

We have people truly and sincerely struggling that we can support and help but with a person like Helen sucking the life out of us, they are not getting it.

What are we here for? To pound our heads against the wall? No matter what we say insists on dissecting her ankles?

Our member J2 is heading for what to many is their worst nightmare come true on Jan 2.

Think Helen has stopped focusing on her ankles for 1 second to offer support, send good thoughts or even care?

01-01-20, 15:48
Very valid point indeed - I would suggest anyone, who hasn't already, including you Helen/Rebecca drops over to see J2's thread and offers their support. Maybe focusing on the needs of someone else will be of benefit to you, for a change.

02-01-20, 10:20
I'm sorry I seem to continously frustrate members. I've been good and not been to focused but still had feels. Both feel different to the other so assume it's OK? It's just that it does feel like a sprain type of pain if I flex my foot upward.

02-01-20, 10:22
Maybe read up a little way and pay attention to what people are saying?

Gary A
02-01-20, 10:37
I'm sorry I seem to continously frustrate members. I've been good and not been to focused but still had feels. Both feel different to the other so assume it's OK? It's just that it does feel like a sprain type of pain if I flex my foot upward.

Once again, a few lines that are designed to get people off your back then launching right back into discussing your symptoms.

How many times can this be pointed out to you? Stop being so bloody self obsessed and try to put some work into curing yourself.

02-01-20, 11:28
I'm sorry I seem to continously frustrate members. I've been good and not been to focused but still had feels. Both feel different to the other so assume it's OK? It's just that it does feel like a sprain type of pain if I flex my foot upward.

Self-absorbed again. Go back and read what was said to you.

03-01-20, 00:14
I am due to ovulate today /tomorrow but I've had a pulling sensation lower right side this evening that pulls if I walk. Not a pain exactly. Now I'm worried it's appendicitis and can't sleep. I'm back at work tomorrow too

03-01-20, 00:23
Can I ask, after dozens and dozens of posts advising you to keep your irrationality to one thread, you cannot even manage to do that?

Positive thoughts

03-01-20, 00:55
This is seperate.

It's more like a stretching. I've done jump up and down and heel test, pressed inwards and nothing. If I jump with arms up it feels pulling. Ovulation pains possible

03-01-20, 10:19
So two worries gone. The mark on my thumb isn't there anymore so assume it was a scab after all. Not sure when it fell off. I also filed the yellow off my nails and seems to be OK at the moment.

03-01-20, 10:22
Self-absorbed again. Go back and read what was said to you.

Gary A
03-01-20, 11:47
You’ve been asked by admin repeatedly to keep all of your woes in one thread, you refuse to do so.

If you cannot follow that simple instruction then what chance have we got? Seriously?

03-01-20, 14:46
This is seperate.

It's more like a stretching. I've done jump up and down and heel test, pressed inwards and nothing. If I jump with arms up it feels pulling. Ovulation pains possible

Why are you jumping up about and down if you are having ovulation pains?

03-01-20, 17:15
It was a test I read about.

I just had to run across road and the ankle hurt again as I ran like a stretched sprain? I don't remember initially injuring it? I mean I did years ago.

It doesnt hurt now I'm back home. Is it worth getting checked out for an ankle that occasionally hurts when I run?

03-01-20, 17:20
Do you really not care about anybody else on the boards here?

Time after time, people come to offer advice when they're facing huge problems of their own. Do you genuinely not care about them at all?

03-01-20, 17:33
I read about.

SERIOUSLY When are you going to STOP ???

03-01-20, 17:46
Self-absorbed again. Go back and read what was said to you.

(and I will keep copying and pasting this UNTIL you go back and actually READ THE REPLIES PEOPLE HAVE MADE TO YOU )

03-01-20, 18:00
SERIOUSLY When are you going to STOP ??? I had stopped today until I ran and it felt funny. I'm starting to not feel much difference in ankle themselves either but it DID hurt as I ran on it.

03-01-20, 18:11
Self-absorbed again. Go back and read what was said to you.

(and I will keep copying and pasting this UNTIL you go back and actually READ THE REPLIES PEOPLE HAVE MADE TO YOU )

03-01-20, 18:56
I had stopped today until I ran and it felt funny. I'm starting to not feel much difference in ankle themselves either but it DID hurt as I ran on it.

Do you realize you are scared of your own shadow? You will NOT get and better until you say F**K it come and get me to all the rediculious, petty, insane obsessions you have .. come on Helen for God's sake and for the sake of your children ..

Say it out loud ... F**k it! Come and get me !!

03-01-20, 23:26
I’m now convinced that nothing but an intervention done by Rebecca’s loved ones will get her any help. If they all get together and decide not to enable her anymore until she seeks treatment, then maybe she’ll listen. Cause her OCD HA is basically an addiction for her right now. she’s losing loved ones to her OCD and won’t try to help herself, so really a bunch of us internet acquaintances will convince her of nothing.

05-01-20, 15:31
Thought I was doing really well but now in obsessing over the face my lower left is slightly pinker than the other.

05-01-20, 16:10
Do you realize you are scared of your own shadow? You will NOT get and better until you say F**K it come and get me to all the rediculious, petty, insane obsessions you have .. come on Helen for God's sake and for the sake of your children ..

Say it out loud ... F**k it! Come and get me !!

I have been quite literally scared of my own shadow before but I know. It is ridiculous.

05-01-20, 16:41
Ok well start doing something about it then

05-01-20, 20:31
Why is there always SOMETHING. I now have a soft lump inside my mouth.

05-01-20, 20:39
We can always find stuff to obsess about if we look hard enough.

05-01-20, 20:41
I'm so tired from it all. Today alone Ive thought my leg is darker than the other and now this skin tag in the mouth. Which is definitely there and new.

05-01-20, 20:44
Why is there always SOMETHING. I now have a soft lump inside my mouth.

Could that be your tongue?

05-01-20, 20:51
Why is there always SOMETHING.

Why do you think there is Reb?

What do you think is the driving force?

There is CLEARLY nothing wrong with you physically, you'd be dead by now.

05-01-20, 21:11
There is always something new because you have a psychiatric condition called anxiety. My brother is diabetic. This would be like him asking, "why does my blood sugar get higher EVERY time I eat!?" Anxiety is a medical condition just like any physical condition, and it can be treated!

05-01-20, 22:06
Ok well start doing something about it then

05-01-20, 22:25
This is the thickest and most impenetrable brick wall imaginable......

06-01-20, 08:47
I'm now obsessing over my legs and feet being slight shade darker/pinker than the other.

06-01-20, 09:10
THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Are you even reading replies on here ?

06-01-20, 09:50
I can't focus and I'm at work, one foot is definitely darker than the other and I'm worried about clots and blood circulation.

06-01-20, 10:04
My ankle doesn't hurt much at all until I twist it over. I pressed in both feet five seconds and the finger marks disappear at same time within five seconds each. Possible it's a clotting disorder with feet? I can't get to doctors until Wednesday

06-01-20, 10:10
If anything if fades slightly quicker on the pinker foot?

06-01-20, 10:10
So book an appointment for Wednesday. Take a list of all your worries with you. Maybe book a double appointment...

06-01-20, 11:14
I'm scared it's a blood clot and I'm going to die

06-01-20, 11:28

Please see obvious difference.

06-01-20, 11:33
This is your imagination. There IS no difference.

06-01-20, 12:47

Please see obvious difference.


There is no difference. Also, doesn't seem like you know how blood clots work.

06-01-20, 13:03
You don't think the left foot looks more pink?

06-01-20, 13:06
Knock it off, Reb, you're being completely ridiculous.

06-01-20, 13:13
I recognise that floor and work attire - is it M and S you work in ?

06-01-20, 14:23
There’s absolutely no difference.
Would your husband go to the doctor with you & help you to discuss your anxiety?

06-01-20, 14:47
Her partner (father of her child) has just left her, she says, due to her mental health problems.

06-01-20, 15:32
It also hurts a little and tenderness and reddish skin are signs of blood clots. I'm terrified, do I go tonight or tomorrow. What if I've caused a clot by my constant prodding of my ankle?

06-01-20, 15:34




Don't waste nhs time.

06-01-20, 15:39
Why do I see a clear difference though? And it feels bruised like if I accidentally knock it.

06-01-20, 15:40
.....because the entire focus of your life is convincing yourself you have serious and life-threatening illnesses. You create the most bizarre scenarios out of the most benign and trivial physical 'symptoms'. Most human beings aren't doing this, so it is easy for those of us without HA to see that this is your mental health that is the problem.

06-01-20, 15:46
Why don't you find yourself a hobby instead of obsessing about your health?

06-01-20, 15:52
It also hurts a little and tenderness and reddish skin are signs of blood clots. I'm terrified, do I go tonight or tomorrow. What if I've caused a clot by my constant prodding of my ankle?

No. Helen. THOSE ARE NOT SIGNS OF A CLOT. If you actually had a clot, you would not be walking. The area would be red, and warm to the touch.