View Full Version : Throat Problems

20-12-19, 15:46
I’ve developed some odd throat problems over the last week and they are starting to worry me now.

My voice has got noticeably deeper, yet I’ve not got a sore throat to accompany it (the only other symptom in that area is the feeling of something stuck in nasal passage just behind the uvula, like I need to cough something out but it won’t shift).

Also seem to be burping more than normal (or I’m noticing it more) - I’m on medication at the moment (esomeprazole 1x40mg a day) for hiatus hernia related acid, the side effect lists gas so this isn’t troubling me as much as the first two symptoms. I feel absolutely fine other than this (I did have an upset stomach on Sunday and had sickness and diarrhoea for a day but that’s gone)

03-01-20, 16:41
Yes I have had this - feels like something dangling behind your nose leading to your throat?
I was diagnosed with Globus - voice went squeeky and they higher pitched then deep - iced water or sucking on ice cubes reduces this feeling - Acid reflux can give you this feeling too, continue with the PPI's and see if this helps you.