View Full Version : A mess waiting for mole biopsy

20-12-19, 22:37
Hi all
I went to a dermatologist for 2nd opinion on a mole near my private part down there after I went to my GP and she said they look normal.

Guess what? The dermatologist decided to remove it and sent it for biopsy because it’s down there and would be difficult for me to check or monitor. She also said since we don’t know how long it is been there. I asked her straight out if she thinks it’s melanoma. She said no but only a biopsy can be 100% sure. She said the mole on the hemroid we can wait.

Now I’m all panic. The wait is 1.5 weeks. I’m not sure how to think or how I’m gonna hang in there for almost 2 weeks waiting for bad or good news.

I’ve read all bad things about moles being cancerous if it’s down there in your private part.

Thanks for listening

21-12-19, 07:25
Well you have been told by one derm it is nothing. You were told by a second derm it is almost certainly nothing. The second one is probably biopsying it simply to put you at ease. You read things about moles near your genitals being cancerous because the millions of people with benign genital moles aren't posting about them.

The real issue here is in that last sentence. You've read....

Quit googling. Full stop.

21-12-19, 14:12
Well you have been told by one derm it is nothing. You were told by a second derm it is almost certainly nothing. The second one is probably biopsying it simply to put you at ease. You read things about moles near your genitals being cancerous because the millions of people with benign genital moles aren't posting about them.

The real issue here is in that last sentence. You've read....

Quit googling. Full stop.

Thanks for your kind words. Logically I shall be hopeful but the fears are real.

I actually didn’t google this time. The stories I remembered was way back then. I don’t know if I trust my GP anymore when she said nothing looked bad and yet the dermatologist decided to remove this one. Still have one more to deal with after the result of this one. My youngest baby is about to turn 1 and it’s holiday time. Yet, I’m feeling doomed

21-12-19, 19:18
the dermatologist decided to remove this one.

You're in the US, dermatologists do that. I have never in my life gone to the dermatologist concerned about something on my skin where they DIDN'T remove it. If it bugs you, it's gone.

21-12-19, 20:02
You're in the US, dermatologists do that. I have never in my life gone to the dermatologist concerned about something on my skin where they DIDN'T remove it. If it bugs you, it's gone.

I have no idea how they work. This is my first time having concern on a mole :( thanks for your reassuring words. I didn’t feel right because the GP said they look fine and the dermatologist removed 1 and depend on this one outcome, she would discuss the next one. I’m hoping that since she said she doesn’t think it’s bad, she meant it. They would be frank about these serious issue right?

I’m hoping it’s pregnancy that caused these things. I’m 11months postpartum

21-12-19, 22:16
You said yourself she said she was removing it because it'll be hard to monitor not because she thinks it's anything serious. I have more than one mole down there of no concern. And, any time anything is removed it's sent for biopsy automatically. I had a move removed from my shoulder because my bra kept irritating it and they sent it for biopsy even though the reason it was removed was because I went in and said - this is driving me nuts can you remove it?

Waiting for any results is stressful, but you don't seem to have anything to worry about. You can get moles anywhere on your body and melanoma is exceedingly rare (despite the fact that it doesn't SEEM like it is).