View Full Version : Brain Tumor fear

21-12-19, 15:41
OK so this all started 2 months ago. I came home from a run one night and lied down and noticed a flash in my vision. I panicked but it disappeared after about 15 minutes immediately I booked an eye test. I had always known one eye was worse than the other so it wasn't too scary when I found out I needed glasses truth be told the only reason I booked the test is because I heard you can spot tumours in them. So while getting used to my new glasses I notice I get this sensation that I'm being pulled to the right give myself countless Romberg tests at home and eventually visit a doctor who give me the same and tells me im fine. So now as of the last two weeks my eyes have been twitching like crazy but only after a blink or wink I'm so scared I have a tumor especially coming up to Christmas I can't enjoy myself at all. Im constantlt googling and worrying its come to the stage where ive almost accepted I have one and find myself just hoping its benign. I feel like such a psycho and I'm so depressed all the time. Does anyone have any statistics or facts that could help thanks so much

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21-12-19, 16:06
Does anyone have any statistics or facts that could help thanks so much


First of all, you've been to a few doctors who have cleared you. You need to trust them.

Second, I hope nobody on this forum gives you statistics because that will only feed your dragon. You need to take a few deep breaths and ground yourself in reality which is that doctors have said nothing is wrong with you.

Third, you have to stop googling because it will only act to confirm your unfounded and untrue fears.

Fourth, enjoy your Christmas.

Best Wishes.

21-12-19, 16:07
Thanks very much for the reply I've only been to the doctors once about a month ago but I keep getting the urge to go back with new symptoms I have. I know I should be reassured but it's so hard the eye twitch really scares me

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