View Full Version : Time to stop googling

21-12-19, 16:17
I’m not diagnosed with anxiety, but I constantly have something to be anxious of. Flying, dying, being sick, being abandoned. All my life. I’m on antidepressants for years, they don’t help. So I use clonazepam. It helps.
Now my husband is diagnosed with lymphoma and started treatment the same day. We still don’t know the type or stage of the disease. I’m so scared and google helps me spiral when looking for reassurance. What if it’s stage 4? What if chemo doesn’t help? We’re in the hands of one of the top specialists in the country who says with this type, far far far far most of patients are cured. But he doesn’t know the type and stage yet, so what makes him say that? And how can accept to trust him? Anyway, better to post here and get it out of my system.

21-12-19, 17:59
Sorry to hear about your news, and I'm sure everybody here fully supports your decision to not google. There's no upside to doing it and will just feed your 'what if's'.

All you can do now is roll with it and have faith in the medical care.

Good luck.