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View Full Version : I feel like I have no one to talk to about how I feel

21-12-19, 16:49
Things have been pretty bad recently and I have so many thoughts in my head. It just feels like they are building up and I know I need to talk about it but I don’t know who to. I also feel like I’m just going to be a burden to whoever I talk to.

I used to share my worries with my family but they would often tell me to grow up or stop being pathetic especially my mum. She would tell me I was stressing her out and to go away. Tell me I was “crazy” and she couldn’t deal with this and threatened to phone my dad, who was even less understanding. Then she would say the stress of my anxiety was what caused her to drink. One time she hadn’t drank for a few months and I decided to share something I was worried about. She started drinking two days later and blamed me. She’s said she has enough problems to deal without my “silliness”. She’s even said things like “I’ll kill myself id you don’t stop” So i just stopped sharing with people.

I want to talk to my boyfriend about how I feel right now but he’s struggling with depression. I don’t want to drag him down and make him feel worse. At the same time I just want someone who will care, and I want him to hold me and tell me it will be ok but I’m trying to be the strong one for him.

I have tried talking to a friend and she’s been a little helpful but it’s not the same thing.

21-12-19, 17:21
Well - I know how that feels, all you want is a way of talking stuff through with people and either you don't feel you can burden them or you know/think they will be unsympathetic and reveal they see MH issues as in some way more trivial than Physical - A hug and I will help would be so good but you just know
All the time the issues build and you fear being told to pull yourself together or stop being silly

Just talk to us - we can try to help!
Chris xx

21-12-19, 18:45
Well - I know how that feels, all you want is a way of talking stuff through with people and either you don't feel you can burden them or you know/think they will be unsympathetic and reveal they see MH issues as in some way more trivial than Physical - A hug and I will help would be so good but you just know
All the time the issues build and you fear being told to pull yourself together or stop being silly

Just talk to us - we can try to help!
Chris xx

Thank you, that’s exactly how it feels and it sucks.

I think I’m just extra stressed right now because I’m worried about my boyfriend. He’s really struggling. Spends most his day in bed asleep. I’ve been trying to get him to open up but he won’t. I know you can’t force someone to talk and they only will when they’re ready but it’s horrible seeing him like this. He said he had a lot on his mind last night so I offered to chat and reassured him he wouldn’t be a burden but he just said thanks.

21-12-19, 18:54
I'm sorry for what you're going through right now, but you are absolutely, 100% not responsible for your Mother's drinking. She is simply being a terrible failure as a parent. What she is doing is despicable.

You are not responsible for her bad choices.

21-12-19, 19:40
You could try taliking to him about how you feel - when we are depressed we feel useless - perhaps knowing that you want / need and value his support will help him and in that you

21-12-19, 19:59
Yeah I want to talk to him about how I feel but I don’t even know how to bring it up. I’m also scared I’ll just make him feel worse.

21-12-19, 20:59
Well - inch by inch is my advice
Tell him that you have not been feeling too good for a while
See how he reacts
He will either grasp the opportunity to help and if he does you need to guide the conversation the way you want it but gently
If he does not - give him more time and support him the best you can

21-12-19, 21:54
its kinda worse when your younger, as everything is so unknown, looking to a future carefree life seems impossible but it is.

one thing for sure, talking at least twice a day to someone who cares and listens to you will really really lift your spirits and give you that energy boost
to get back off the ropes and knock anxiety on its ass.

at this point I think you need to find some anxiety help line phone numbers toll free, to tell them about your feelings, you would be amazed how much it can help to just get your worrys and concerns off your chest.

seriously consider helplines, find a good one, that you can call once every couple of evenings, and make sure your getting help for your anxiety from your doctor,

21-12-19, 23:42
its kinda worse when your younger, as everything is so unknown, looking to a future carefree life seems impossible but it is.

one thing for sure, talking at least twice a day to someone who cares and listens to you will really really lift your spirits and give you that energy boost
to get back off the ropes and knock anxiety on its ass.

at this point I think you need to find some anxiety help line phone numbers toll free, to tell them about your feelings, you would be amazed how much it can help to just get your worrys and concerns off your chest.

seriously consider helplines, find a good one, that you can call once every couple of evenings, and make sure your getting help for your anxiety from your doctor,

The problem with helplines is I have social anxiety and talking on the phone makes me super uncomfortable even with friends so I’m not sure how helpful that would be for me.

22-12-19, 16:10
You can use the NMP chat room too.That may help you.:)

23-12-19, 15:10
I know how that feels I feel very isolated and find it hard to reassure myself. Here can be useful just try to remember people here are helpful and kind just sometimes if your not feeling well it can feel like they’re not x

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