View Full Version : Bad panic attack now

22-12-19, 05:22
I am not doing well at all. My chest hurts my heart is racing. I'm a little nauseous. Hands are tingling. Recently been cleared by cardiologist but I dont like the way I feel. I feel like something bad is going to happen. I'm just laying in bed wide awake but I want to sleep.

22-12-19, 06:14
I know it’s scary, but just keep breathing in and out. Focus on your breathing or even play a game on your phone.
You’ve got the all clear, that’s wonderful!
Fearing something awful is going to happen is one of the top anxiety symptoms. You have been given the all clear but your anxiety is almost trying to find a new outlet - don’t let it. You are well.

22-12-19, 16:08
Thanks. My husband came to bed and just held me and I was shaking and sweating. It was horrible. Today I feel like I got run over by a truck. All my muscles hurt my head hurts and my chest feels hallow. I haven't had a attack that bad in like 5vyears. I pray it never happens again. I was close to going to er.

22-12-19, 16:17
You will feel the after shocks for a while. I,always feel like I'm walking on egg shells for a couple of days...in case I re awaken the sleeping monster but it passes. That's the important thing to remember. You did well not to go to the ER. If you had you would have been adding importance to the panic. They are truly terrifying but no matter how bad, they do go. You have 100% proof of that.

22-12-19, 16:47
I just kept telling myself that it was panic and they just checked my heart and it was good. I'm going to take it easy and hope I feel better.

22-12-19, 19:23
I cant help but think that I should have went to ER last night. That maybe something was wrong with me and I should have went. My chest and back are still sore and I haven't felt like eating anything all day.

24-12-19, 17:34
I cant help but think that I should have went to ER last night. That maybe something was wrong with me and I should have went. My chest and back are still sore and I haven't felt like eating anything all day.

can definitely relate to how you're feeling right now sunflower. I hope you have some answers by now and that you are feeling better!