View Full Version : Left side stomach pain

22-12-19, 16:23
I have had low left side stomach pain on and off for almost a year.
I have hospital appointment tomorrow and pain seems to have got worse and I feel sick.
I have been worried about divicular disease but I do have ibs.
Really stressed..

22-12-19, 17:44

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01-01-20, 10:31
Constant discomfort in lower left side of stomach.
Had a hospital appointment a couple of weeks ago and due to have a colonoscopy in January.
Doctor thinks I have ibs but wants to confirm.
Can ibs really be this uncomfortable and all on my left side..

02-01-20, 14:11
Left sided pain has been on and off for almost a year.
Today I have similar pain on my right side - TRYING to convince myself it’s not appendix..

02-01-20, 14:52
Why don't you ask a doctor. Could be IBS

09-01-20, 13:51
Have appointment with gp tomorrow.
Pain on and off in left and sometimes right side. Pain on left side is in my groin.
Waiting for colonscopy appointment.
Worried it’s diviculitis. Has anyone had ibs left groin pain.
Can someone please answer as so worried..

09-01-20, 14:04
Hi. I'm a long time IBS sufferer and in my experience the pain of IBS can be anywhere from groin area right up to chest, right or left side. Anxiety makes it worse. Doctors often send us for further tests just to alleviate our anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety then please let the doctor know. It seems that very often IBS and anxiety go hand in hand. Relieve one and the other disappears. There are medications to help both.

09-01-20, 15:44
Thank you for your reply , did you have a colonoscopy ?

09-01-20, 15:57
Yes I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and was treated for helicobacter pylori bacteria and also had my gallbladder removed and I still have IBS! and my pain is mainly upper left hand side but does move down to the groin area at times. I've had so many examinations and tests but I'm told my main problem is anxiety which aggravates IBS symptoms.

09-01-20, 16:10
Thank you, I have bad anxiety as well

09-01-20, 16:17
I sympathise. Any time you need to chat feel free to contact me

10-01-20, 11:36
Saw gp this morning. She examined me and my left lower stomach was tender, she said ibs can cause this, but am worried about diviculitis .
Will have to wait for colonoscopy
Has anyone had tender stomach to touch with ibs.
Again anxiety is bad ....

10-01-20, 11:50
Firstly you must trust your doctor. They are well trained and experienced to pick up on anything serious. Secondly, my stomach is very tender when I have an IBS flare-up and when the doctor examines me it does hurt. I'm sure that you would have more serious symptoms if you had diverticulitis. Did you mention your worries to the doctor?

10-01-20, 12:00
I'm sure that you would have more serious symptoms if you had diverticulitis.

That's what I was going to say. I had a diverticulitis attack last year and it put me in the ER. I was sick as a dog! Add to that 10 days of two mega antibiotics and my stomach was a mess for weeks. A tender stomach is not indicative of diverticulitis as it's typically much more extreme when it hits.

Positive thoughts

10-01-20, 12:21
Thank you for your replies, they have helped .

14-01-20, 18:14
Colonoscopy booked for the 1st February.
Stomach still not good, pains on left side but now also some right sided pain.
Just can’t believe this is just ibs.
Worried about Divicular disease which I know is very common.

14-01-20, 18:54
I have diverticular and yes it is quite common.

It still can be just IBS.

17-01-20, 17:28
Have had really bad pains in my lower right stomach for two days, the pain is much more severe than the left sided pain I have been having. Feel a bit sick but have not been sick.
I saw gp this morning , he does not think it’s appendix but I’m in so much pain and scared ...

17-01-20, 18:34
So what did the doc suggest then?

18-01-20, 00:49
Doctor said pain could be a strain, my back or my bowel but not appendix. Need to wait for colonoscopy in two weeks.
Worried as pain seems to keep moving sides now.

09-06-20, 16:06
Hi. What was the outcome of your test??