View Full Version : Christmas anxiety

22-12-19, 21:45
Does anyone else get more anxiety towards Christmas. My HA has gone through the roof all of a sudden and it’s only been this year that I’ve really noticed, when I think back to last year it happened then and the year before that I was suffering from nausea all the time which I believe was due to high anxiety. Yesterday I had a panic/screaming attack in the car on the way home. I had to pull over and get out of the car and walk for a while. My husband doesn’t cope very well with my anxiety and ended up shouting at me which made the situation so much worse. Today I’ve had a silent panic attack ( getting pretty good at hiding w panic attack now) I felt sick all of a sudden, tired and that I needed to go to the toilet, dizzy and this started of the anxiety. (Think it was a anxiety attack) no idea why. I keep worrying about all different illnesses again today. I will discuss all of this with my CBS’s therapist this week but I was wondering if anyone else got this??? P.S HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you all. I hope you get a little bit of peace and quiet.

22-12-19, 21:51
Have you seen this thread? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?162814-Christmas-and-new-year-survival-support-group)

Positive thoughts

22-12-19, 21:51
I don't know if it's Christmas or not, but I just started getting almost daily panic attacks this past week after more than a year anxiety-free. I've been under a lot of stress in general, so I put it off to that, but it's been awful. I'm not one for panic attacks even when my anxiety is high - I typically hone in one some medical issue and worry about it, but I don't get out of the blue panic attacks. But, that's what's happening now and it's just so terrible.

For me, I'll suddenly started getting tingly in my face, then my jaw tightens up and then I feel like I can't move my hands/fingers and the panic just seers through me! I even took a lorazipam the other day because I couldn't get out of the panic on my own.

I'm sorry your husband is not supportive! That makes it even worse!

23-12-19, 15:51
I’ve had a burst of daily HA for the last week or so. I’ve attributed it to general additional stress that comes with year end/Christmas stuff, plus my father in law being diagnosed with terminal cancer. Extra low level stress = Extra HA in my experience. I notice that towards the end of the day when I’m relaxing in peace in my chair, my HA eases only to go up again in the morning. Sounds like normal stuff for you too. Key thing that helps me is breathing, remembering my ‘black and white’ and ‘catastrophe’ thinking from my counselling and do my best to distract myself. The more I dwell on it the worse it gets

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24-12-19, 04:54
I'm wondering if this is happening to me, too. I'm wigging out over stuff that normally doesn't bother me, going down rabbit holes that I am usually talking other people out of. It's scary stuff. This is my first Christmas with both parents gone, and without the family home. I'm not at all looking forward to trying to face relatives this year, and I'm wondering if that is adding to my state. You are definitely not alone. I