View Full Version : HA flare - needing to vent

23-12-19, 09:54
Well it’s been 10 years roughly since I have been back on here and it’s been a pretty great 10 years with my HA at bay.

Fast forward to this year with frequent panic and anxiety attacks coupled with a health scare with my husband my HA has reared it’s head big time. I am back to that irrational blubbering mess I was all those years ago.

My current worries are:
1. Breast issues - I have / had a boil under my breast and it freaked me out, I didn’t know what it was until I went to the doctor. 3 rounds of antibiotics later and it finally drained some puss. I am now left with a purple blemish / scar which is taking ages to heal (it’s been 4 weeks all up). This has got me freaked out about breast cancer and I am constantly checking and probing my breasts

2. Have done some damage to my femoral nerve and have had some hip and leg pain causing dull aches and referred pain down my leg. I am in physio for this. Some days it feels better than others. However again, it’s got me worrying it is something more sinister I.e a tumor or bone cancer

Writing this out sounds so stupid, and I am so frustrated and disappointed that I am in this head space again.

I made the decision to go see a phycologist and had my first appointment this weekend past, she was lovely and mentioned trying a therapy called EDMR on me. I see her again in the new year to kick it all off.

I am hoping I can get on top of this quickly as it is impacting my life so much at the moment. As wife and a mother and just personally, the mental and emotional toll this takes on not to forget the physical symptoms my body then starts to conjure up.

Anyhow just needed an outlet, as amazing as my husband is he just doesn’t get it - so I am feeling pretty isolated and alone with my own thoughts at the moment.

24-12-19, 09:00
Cannot stop focusing and thinking about this dull ache in my hip area. It’s totally consuming me. I know this is not helpful at all. And by worrying so much I am probably feeling more than what is actually there - that’s a thing isn’t it?

Why oh why do we do this to ourselves! I need to snap out of it!