View Full Version : Neti Pot with Bottled Water!!!

24-12-19, 14:05
I’m certain I’m going to die.
Yesterday I did the Neti Pot 2x with bottled water. For some reason I thought bottled water was “safe” until I read to use boiled, distilled, or sterile water only! I thought I was doing good not using tap! (Brain eating bacteria) I did go to the water company website and look into their cleaning process and it says they micro filter the water which is what the CDC says needs to be done for Neti pots. I still can’t get past it! Its Christmas and I have two little ones and a vacation that I don’t want to die on and ruin. Please help!!!!

24-12-19, 14:41
So despite being totally safe, you're still worried? If the CDC guidelines can't calm you, how can anyone here? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

24-12-19, 17:18
You'd be happy to drink it yet not use it in a neti pot? What kind of rationale is that?

24-12-19, 17:54
You are fine. I used to do the netipot ALL the time with unboiled tap water and I survived to tell the tale!

24-12-19, 20:51
Yep me too. Was using tap water til I read it was supposed to be boiled. I’m still here....