View Full Version : Strange sensations in head

24-12-19, 17:29
Hey everyone,

Im not having a great time at all at the moment. I'm having so much panic about something being seriously wrong and it's really not ideal with it being Christmas.

My head feels " spaced out" is the best way I can describe it. Like it's not fully there. I've had a few episodes of this over the last couple of months and normally I can get myself out of it when I eventually fall asleep/ have had a good nights sleep or get on with my day. However at the moment I can't seem to snap out of it and I'm fearing the worst. My mind keeps jumping from cancer to meningitis to diabetes, MS.

I saw a GP yesterday for my throat tightness and they put it down to anxiety/ indigestion. Because I didn't have the lightheadedness/ spaced out feeling yesterday thsts not what I focused on and I wish I had now.

Just wondering if anyone else is feeling the same right now or has done recently?

24-12-19, 17:56
This is one of my number one anxiety symptoms. My anxiety has been up the last few weeks and I just felt spacey the whole time I was walking through the grocery store. Drink some tea, relax a bit, and enjoy Christmas!

24-12-19, 18:01
Thanks for the reply ErinKC! It's good to know I'm not the only one even though I wouldn't wish it on anyone! It's really hard to make sense of and trying to describe it to people is hard. When I get it I find it really hard to snap out of , sometimes impossible. I'm just really upset I've ended up with it now of all times. I think I really stressed my family out last night as I had a bit of a melt down over it, which just makes me feel even worse.

25-12-19, 00:52
I get this strange head feeling, it is anxiety . I am also diabetic and this isn't one of the symptoms . The feeling passes once your anxiety eases .