View Full Version : Brain Fears

28-11-19, 06:04
Hey everyone.. I just spent like an hour arguing with someone online to the point my head was throbbing and I could tell my blood pressure was high. I eventually just walked away and tried to calm down but I still have bad pain in my head and weird numbness and my husband decided to say "you need to calm down before you give yourself an aneurysm" which has now kicked my anxiety into overdrive. Aneurysms used to be a huge worry of mine as well as strokes since they run in my family. I'm only 24 if that helps.. I've gotten angry to the point I've had high blood pressure before, but not to the point my head was killing me like this. I'm really scared right now.

13-12-19, 05:50
I was visiting with my therapist earlier today and when I walked upstairs to her office and sat down there was a sudden rush of blood to my head that hit me like a train. Blood was racing in my ears and I could see my pulse in my vision. I felt like I was going to pass out and might fall over if I were to stand up. It's pretty normal for me to feel a little dizzy when I stand up after sitting or lying down for a while, but this was different. It was after I had sat down and I literally thought I was going to die. I told my therapist about it but she said all she could really do is call me an ambulance if I thought i needed it so I just waited for it to pass. I've had a weird pressure sort of headache ever since. It's been almost 6 hours now and I've had a headache the whole time and also been disassociating terribly. I've been disassociating badly at night recently but in combination with this incident I am seriously freaking out. I know I post on here too much and I'm sorry but I do not want to go to the emergency room if I don't have to and you guys keep me sane. It's too late to make a doctor's appointment right now so my only option would be the hospital. I really don't want that but I have fully convinced myself that I'm going to have a stroke. Does anyone else experience this? I saw a weird purple splotch yesterday for a minute but then it was gone and that's got me worried about strokes too.

13-12-19, 09:50
Only you will be able to decide to go to the GP or hospital. But head rushes are very common with anxiety. I've had hundreds over the years. And that's not an exaggeration.
And mostly when I am not doing anything particularly, just standing or sitting.
Maybe if you do a search on here for head rushes you will see how common it is, but like I said, see a doctor if you think you need one.

18-12-19, 22:59
Hey everyone.. I just spent like an hour arguing with someone online to the point my head was throbbing and I could tell my blood pressure was high. I eventually just walked away and tried to calm down but I still have bad pain in my head and weird numbness and my husband decided to say "you need to calm down before you give yourself an aneurysm" which has now kicked my anxiety into overdrive. Aneurysms used to be a huge worry of mine as well as strokes since they run in my family. I'm only 24 if that helps.. I've gotten angry to the point I've had high blood pressure before, but not to the point my head was killing me like this. I'm really scared right now.

I believe the panicking/anxiety will only make your headache feel worse than it already is. You need to try and relax, you are fine.

25-12-19, 05:29
I've had a bad cold the past few days and just now I coughed really hard and saw black spots in my vision. This is the first time this has happened to me that I can remember, and I know I saw somebody on here panicking once about how seeing black spots when you cough can cause an aneurysm or brain bleed or something. I've just been kinda paranoid since this happened and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? Is this normal? Should I be concerned? I'm not having a headache or anything aside from the pain in my sinuses that I get when I've got a cold.

25-12-19, 09:08

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


27-12-19, 23:40
“Another common phosphene is "seeing stars" from a sneeze, laughter, a heavy and deep cough, blowing of the nose, a blow on the head or low blood pressure (such as on standing up too quickly or prior to fainting).”

You’re fine.

28-12-19, 03:46
I have had something similar when I cough hard or sneeze except I see silver spots. It’s happened many times over the years and so I really don’t think it’s anything to be worried about.

30-12-19, 09:28
I was just sitting here listening to music when I suddenly smelled toast burning. Its late at night and my husband is asleep and the windows are shut. I know there is no toast. I still ran around sniffing things to try and find the source of the smell when suddenly I panicked because I remembered that the phantom smell of toast can signal a problem with your brain or a seizure coming on or something. Over the past couple months I've been having manic episodes and having bad migraines with auras. I've also been on and off birth control trying to find one that works for me so its possibly due to that, though I can't stop overthinking. I have a tension headache now but I get those sometimes when my anxiety kicks in. I'm also getting over a cold right now, but its not that bad anymore so I don't know if it could have something to do with the smell. Should I be concerned? I don't want to go to the ER unless my life is literally on the line, but I will probably make a doctors appointment in the morning. I will admit I'm a little scared to sleep because I've never dealt with the phantom smell symptom before, though I do know it can be caused by anxiety. Anyone else get this?

30-12-19, 10:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


30-12-19, 10:52
I wouldn’t worry about it after a cold, you can get all sorts of smells with gunk and what have you clearing up in the sinuses.

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