View Full Version : What else should I check?

25-12-19, 15:30
Hello people.
I'll try to be short and concrete.

I suffer from tons of unexplained and possibly unrelated symptoms. I know the first thing that comes to mind is "health anxiety" but right now I feel like I might go crazy if I hear that again.

I'll start with the symptoms first: The most unusual one is getting a low grade fever once or twice in a month or two. I am never sick, I don't have any other symptoms like runny nose, coughing etc. Just the fever, it is here for a day or two and then goes away. While I have it, I feel like I am burning and yet shivering at the same time, I have no energy to get out of bed, I get a headache and just feel generally unwell. Also, my hair is falling out like crazy.
My other symptoms are feeling fatigue most of the time and brain fog. At the moment I also have blurry vision, no idea why. I won't mention all the breathing/panic attack symptoms because I know how to deal with them, I know what they are and I know how to battle them.

I've been to more doctors than I can remember and they all agree that the fever is not something normal, but have no idea what could be the cause. They also ignore my constant fatigue saying that it's probably because I used to drink a really small amount of water and not work out. I decided to change that, if that's what really causes my troubles, and I did - nothing is changed. I still feel very ill almost every single day. It's unbearable, especially because I don't look sick and most people can't even imagine what I am going through. But it's hell for me.

A few years ago I had a high ASO-titre, 1000. I had no idea what antistreptolysin is until a random person told me to check that and it turned out, it was really high. It means I had strep sometimes in the past, but now there are still antibodies fighting as if I still have it. I did a tonsilectomy and the titre fell to 500. The doctors told me not to worry about it anymore. But what I'm worried about is that no doctor ever mentioned that ASO thing to me, until I personally asked them to check it and it turned out that random friend of a friend was right - it was ridiculously high. So now, of course, I wonder what else is not checked and could be the reason for me feeling so sick?

Until now I've done a whole screening of my body (internal organs and head), echocardiogram, ECG, blood analyses including parameters for autoimmune diseases, immunological tests, CRP, pulmo-slide, urinoculture... and probably other stuff that I can't remember at the moment.

My main question here is do you think there is something else I should check, something that I've missed and might be giving me symptoms like these: fatigue and weakness (to a point where I can't get out of bed), low grade fever, hair loss, really cold feet/fingers, nausea for no reason (I almost never vomit)...?

I'm asking here because I have nobody else to ask anymore. Doctors have no idea what to do, I'm visiting my psychologist once a week, and have been for almost 6 months, I drink plenty of fluids now, started working out, doing yoga. I live with my boyfriend and I'm all in all pretty happy with my life. So if this is all psychological, why? Why does it happen? I am under no stress, my life hasn't been this good in years.

I just want to have a good New Years eve, I just want to be symptoms free and enjoy my youth, or I don't know, just to have an answer what is causing me this unbearable situation... I am really, really sick of this.

25-12-19, 19:12

So sorry your having a rough go. Have you ever had an autoimmune panel done? A lot of these symptoms sound autoimmune related.

Best Wishes

26-12-19, 14:36
Thank you for your answer.

Yes, I have done ANA, ANCA, Anti Gbm, C3, C4. Everything was normal except for C3 and C4, they were both lower than normal. Not much lower, but still a bit below normal. Also my globulin levels were low (it says 27-35, mine is 20).
On the other hand, my iron level and TIBC are also lower than normal and my hemoglobin and haematocrit are on the lower side.

I don't know what all of this could mean, but based on my google research, low C3, C4 and globulins are connected to autoimmune diseases/liver/kidney problems. And the low iron, TIBC, hemoglobin, etc. obviously tell there is something wrong with my blood, but the doctors keep telling me that is nothing and not to worry about it.

I am not worried, I just want to know if that's what's causing me symptoms. If it's nothing, why are they low?

To be honest, I don't even care what is causing me these symptoms, I just want to find out about it and treat it, so I can live my life in peace! Autoimmune disease? Okay, I know what's wrong with me, now I can take proper medication and go on! :(

28-12-19, 03:52
Have you seen a rheumatologist? It is possible to have a negative ANA and still have an autoimmune disorder, not common but it does happen.

28-12-19, 11:08
Have you had your vit B12 checked? Iron, folate, vit D, zinc, copper?

28-12-19, 11:11
Also just thought I use to get sore throat A LOT and I finally realised it was related to my period, so maybe something hormonal? Have you noticed if your low hrade fever is around your period or ovulation? I had a friend who used to get low grade fever during ovulation or period I can't remember when

28-12-19, 12:21
Hey people, thank you so much for your answers.

Yes, the rheumatologist ordered the ANA, ANCA, etc. I know about the possibility of false negative results, that's why we actually repeated the tests last Monday, but now I'll have to wait for two more weeks for the results.:unsure:

I don't think I have vit B12 checked. I have checked iron, vit D, zinc... they are fine, except that my iron is on the lower side of the scale for normal. Not below it, just on the lower side. So as my hemoglobin and haematocrit but the doctor says they fine, cause they are not lower than normal.

And about the period thing, many doctors have told me to check and see if the fever appears before/during my period or ovulation and to be honest, sometimes that's the case but sometimes not. So I can't say for sure.

So maybe I should check vit B12 and folate... thank you!

28-12-19, 19:57
Yeah I was gonna suggest checking to see if our low grade fever is around the time of your period because I tend to get a low grade fever around ovulation and from what I have read in the past it’s not all that uncommon to have a slight increase in body temperature during ovulation and for some people around the start of their period. It might be worth it to track that and see if there is any connection.