View Full Version : Convinced I have pancreatic cancer

26-12-19, 14:34
Like so many other peoples here, I fear I have pancreatic cancer. BUT, I have a lot of symptoms. I know no-one here is able to give medical advice, but I just need to get this out of my head a bit

So, for the last 10 days or so, I have had a pain/ache in my left ribs, below my bra line but before the end of my ribs. This pain is worse at night, and it keeps me awake. It also radiates up to my left shoulder blade at times. Added to this I have no apppetite, and even struggled to eat my Christmas dinner yesterday.

I am feeling a little nauseaous (could be the lack of food I suppose).

And to top it off, I received a letter from my GP telling me I was prediabetic from a blood test I had done in September.

I've rung 111 and talked it through with a nurse. She didn't seem to think it would be PC, but I just feel like its coming to get me. Anyway she is getting a doctor to ring me later. I am therefore thinking I only have a few weeks left.

Has anyone had all of the symptoms, and had a diagnosis which was easily treatable, or went away on its own?

BTW, I haven't injured my ribs or anything like that.

Thank you


26-12-19, 22:54
Seems like acid reflux to me. Sounds like what I experience. Have you heard from the Dr? Do you have problems with acid reflux? Might be a suggestion.

26-12-19, 23:25
I had something similar years ago, my dr told me our intestines like to spasm in the corners..
That means ribs both sides and hip bones both sides.
I left thinking she was crazy...
But she was right, I straighten out my eating and the more my nerves calmed down the less I felt it..

28-12-19, 03:04
I've been sufferin from left side back and abdominal pain just below rib for a year now.....with diabetic symptoms......

28-12-19, 06:35
Ask your Dr for some blood tests: Lipase, Amylase and liver, to see what's happening (if anything). In saying this, all these 3 tests can be slightly raised due to other factors ie being coeliac, having stomach issues etc. It's not a true measure but it's a pointer to what may be the cause of your symptoms. Alternately you could ask your Dr for an ultrasound or MRI.

28-12-19, 14:13

thank you for all of our replies. I managed to get an appointment with the GP, and he has sent an urgent referral for a scan. I told him my PC fears , and he said "its on the list, but not at the top of the list". So there is nothing more I can do now, until I get my scan appointment through

WiseMokey, I did have quite a few blood tests done two weeks ago, but I don't think Lipase and Amylase were among them . I have had FBC, Liver and kidney function as well as white cell count and red cell count, platelets. All of these came back as normal, but not sure if that helps? there were loads of others, and all within range apart from Random blood glucose.

My digestion is also worrisome, with loose bowel movements, some food taking only 12 hours to go right through me (I wont' go into details, but just mention sweetcorn!)

BadCompany, have you had any investigations? I had my diabetes checked again, and it came back as 36, not 42 (42-49 are prediabetic). I'm sort of clinging on to the hope that the diabetes symptoms that present with PC, would only go one way, and not jump about like that.

thank you all again


28-12-19, 21:07
Hello- I just looked back through your post history and you had a similar pain a couple of years ago (albeit on the right side). Presumably that turned out to be nothing? Our bodies can do strange things and - in my experience- do.... all the time! You are being checked out and that is great..... but my guess is you are fine. Xx

28-12-19, 22:39
I'm basically to afraid of going back to Dr.
I've only had a regular cbc blood work and a basic xrays...
My a1C was never tested.....

29-12-19, 08:57
Thank you for your replies. Yes, I remember that pain, and this one is quite different. It's more of a dull ache radiating outwards, but becomes a little sharper if I lay on my left side.

Bad company. I see you are in the US. I don't know, but over here you can go and get your blood glucose tested at a pharmacy. Might be worth getting it done?

Inanna x

30-12-19, 03:30

Ive noticed that my urine is mostly clear all of the time, even first thing in the morning. This is a symptom of diabetes, which can happen with PC. My pain is still here keeping me awake. I’m starting to prepare myself for the worst, all of the signs are pointing to it. Feels like a foregone conclusion now.

My biggest fear is telling my kids, I can’t bear the thought of devastating them. I have even thought about taking the cowardly way out, so I don’t have to face then

Inanna x

30-12-19, 03:59

Whoa, your brain is creating quite the story. Your symptoms are real but the story your brain is creating to explain the symptoms is quite extravagant. Take a few deep breaths and recognize that the "forgone conclusion" is anything but that as you don't have any definitive idea of what's going on with you. You're creating this story based upon your googled knowledge. Please remember you aren't a doctor and thus have no clue what your "forgone conclusion" is.

Best Wishes

30-12-19, 16:55
I'm trying to keep rational, but its so hard, when you have all of these red flags.

So, I rang the scanning dept,and they said they didn't have a referral for me. I then rang my surgery but no-one would pick up, so I ended up driving over there (its not that close to me). The young lass at reception went off, and after 10 mins came back saying that the girl who had "done" the referral was in training, and hadn't actually attached the referral to the email (or something along those lines!). So if I had not asked, I would have been waiting forever!

I am obsessing, I know. Even I had to see the ludicrousness of things when I caught myself using my phone torch to peer down the loo, trying to ascertain if contents were yellow or brown....:wacko:

Thank you for replying


30-12-19, 21:18

Ive noticed that my urine is mostly clear all of the time, even first thing in the morning. This is a symptom of diabetes, which can happen with PC. My pain is still here keeping me awake. I’m starting to prepare myself for the worst, all of the signs are pointing to it. Feels like a foregone conclusion now.

My biggest fear is telling my kids, I can’t bear the thought of devastating them. I have even thought about taking the cowardly way out, so I don’t have to face then

Inanna x

So I’m not a doctor but i believe clear urine is a symptom of diabetes insipidus - which is an entirely different condition to diabetes mellitus (which is the more common type and the one that would be associated with pancreatic cancer). Diabetes insipidus happens when your kidneys are unable to reabsorb water so your urine is always very dilute and clear - even when you are dehydrated. Diabetes mellitus happens when your pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin so sugar levels in the blood increase. This can lead to increased thirst and increased urination but it wouldn’t have the same very clear quality - especially first thing in the morning. As I say, I’m no doctor, but I did do biology and I think this info is correct...

30-12-19, 21:54
Hi jojo

thanks for that really informative reply. I’m definitely not urinating more, probably less than before actually.

Inanna x

31-12-19, 11:23

I rang the booking line this morning. They said as they only received the referral today (thanks GP surgery!), they would be sending it for assessment, and I wont hear anything before Thursday (tomorrow being New years day). So still waiting, its like torture

I tried to apply some logic, and looked up that about 250 females in my age group get diagnosed with pancreatic cancer per year, so hoping the odds are in my favour. However, went to the loo and my stool was loose, brownish/yellow, and I think oily, some bubble of oil seemed to ascend and create a film.. sorry I know its TMI

I am just clinging on by my fingernails at the moment :weep:

Inanna x

31-12-19, 17:42

I rang the booking line this morning. They said as they only received the referral today (thanks GP surgery!), they would be sending it for assessment, and I wont hear anything before Thursday (tomorrow being New years day). So still waiting, its like torture

I tried to apply some logic, and looked up that about 250 females in my age group get diagnosed with pancreatic cancer per year, so hoping the odds are in my favour. However, went to the loo and my stool was loose, brownish/yellow, and I think oily, some bubble of oil seemed to ascend and create a film.. sorry I know its TMI

I am just clinging on by my fingernails at the moment :weep:

Inanna x

that oily film is one I know well. I HOPE that it is normal!!

01-01-20, 08:11

Thanks for your reply, it's reassuring that I'm not the only one.

I decided yesterday to go to a new years celebration, and just make the most if it. I managed to eat the meal, and had a few glasses of wine , and danced like there was no tomorrow. I figured that if it is bad news, I need to grab something now. I did feel normal for a little while .

The other news is that I have my appointment with the gastrointestinal dept at the hospital for next Monday. I feel a mixture of elation ( I have something to focus on now) and dead that they will confirm my worst fears

Anyway, happy new year to you all, and my heartfelt thanks for the support I receive on this site

Inanna x

01-01-20, 08:28
So what happened to your symptoms, while you were enjoying your night out?

01-01-20, 16:51

Well, I was still aware of the pain in my side/back, but with a few glasses of wine, I didn't care so much.

I'm not feeling so good today though. I seem to be seeing more and I have a pain in my bladder area as well as my back. My feet won't warm up either, despite me being in bed

Inanna x

03-01-20, 07:31
Hi all

I'm still freaking out about this. Pain is still there, at the sides of my ribs radiating to the back, and sometimes to the frint. It's not a sharp pain. I also have pain in my shoulder, and it's been keeping me awake.

I just wish I could close my eyes and never wake up...I'm just in such a state

Inanna x

03-01-20, 10:21
I just rang the Samaritans, not sure how much longer I can hang on

03-01-20, 21:23

Thanks for your reply, it's reassuring that I'm not the only one.

I decided yesterday to go to a new years celebration, and just make the most if it. I managed to eat the meal, and had a few glasses of wine , and danced like there was no tomorrow. I figured that if it is bad news, I need to grab something now. I did feel normal for a little while .

The other news is that I have my appointment with the gastrointestinal dept at the hospital for next Monday. I feel a mixture of elation ( I have something to focus on now) and dead that they will confirm my worst fears

Anyway, happy new year to you all, and my heartfelt thanks for the support I receive on this site

Inanna x

Hi, I'm glad you are getting it all checked out on Monday, will they give you a scan then? I went through something similar a few months ago (and I'm 63), not pre-diabetic but have slightly raised ALT (liver enzymes) and Lipase (pancreatic enzymes). I also had (and have) stomach issues most likely related to autoimmune activity. Bowel motions can be light brown/yellow, urine is fine. I had and ultrasound scan and MRI (from specialist) and both were normal.

The specialist was thinking I may have autoimmune pancreatitis but the blood tests for this were normal (like the scan). After my results the specialist said that it's likely I have functional dyspepsia (maybe gastritis) which is what you may have also.

Pancreatitis also presents with the symptoms you have and it is inflammation not cancer.

If you had PC that was causing symptoms you'd be a lot sicker than you are now, with jaundice, vomiting, weight loss etc. A friend or a friend has just been diagnosed with PC and he presented with jaundice and terrible pain described as 12/10.

Even if you did have several drinks at the NY party, you would not be up and dancing around if you had PC. I'm picking yours is related to stomach issues of some kind but I'm not a Dr just an older person with quite a bit of experience of these issues. I do know that anxiety make stomach pains ten times worse than they really are!

Take care and let us know the results of Mondays visit x

03-01-20, 22:10
You only have two more days to hang on. You can do it

03-01-20, 22:19
You don't have PC hun. I know this will probably go over your head (I suffer with awful health anxiety too) but your symptoms would be SO much more aggressive than what they currently are.

05-01-20, 08:54
Hi all

Thank you for your replies, it really does make a difference. I did a lot of walking yesterday, and the pain seemed to stay away. I began to feel like there might be some hope for me.

However, woke in the night, and the pain was back, albeit not quite as strong.

One other thing that's scaring me, is that I don't seem to be urinating much. Usually I get up in the night, and wake up bursting for the toilet. In the day I often had to dash to the toilet to stop myself from wetting myself. Well, that just isn't happening. My urine isn't dark or anything though. Did you have this wisemonkey?

Thank you all again

Inanna x

05-01-20, 18:48
I had something similar years ago. Went through tons of tests. Docs thought it was likely my gallbladder. I feared PC. Turned out to be related to IBS. More fiber and my problem was solved.

Hang in there, and try to take deep breaths.

06-01-20, 03:20
My mom went through all of this last year and almost fell back into it this year. It was all just IBS like jules said. Also, you mentioned a few posts back that you had pain in your shoulder. I get bad gas pains that cause pain up into my shoulders. That would be another indication that it's irritation/gas in the bowels and nothing sinister! Good luck with your scans.

06-01-20, 06:16

thanks for your replies.

ive just had a terrible night, the pain kept me awake most of the night. I was beginning to believe that maybe it was nothing serious, as the pain seemed to be lessening the last few days and nights. But last night was really bad.

The thing is, I had been taking diazepam at night, and last night I didn’t. So maybe I just slept through the pain,

imalso thought my appetite was coming back, and ate a bit more yesterday than I have of late,

Im so wrung out with it all.

thank you all again

Inanna xx

06-01-20, 06:17
I had something similar years ago. Went through tons of tests. Docs thought it was likely my gallbladder. I feared PC. Turned out to be related to IBS. More fiber and my problem was solved.

Hang in there, and try to take deep breaths.

did you have pain in your left side? I keep wanting to hope it’s gallbladder , but I think that’s on the right side

06-01-20, 17:06

I was supposed to have my urgent referral today, but it got cancelled, and no mention of another appointment. It's like torture!

Anyway, I decided to go private, so I have now got an appointment for Friday. More waiting, I'm trying so hard to hang on, but I was in so much pain last night,.

Inanna x

09-01-20, 04:39

so, here I am, pain having woken me up again. I awoke, feeling hot, and my heart rate said 93! Took a while to come down to the sixties (my resting hr is 57, so 93 when in bed is high). Then felt very shivery for a while.

Been getting sharp shooting pains under left breast too.

even hypochondriacs get ill don’t they?

This really is the loneliest hour ��

Inanna xx

09-01-20, 05:06
Some of us are awake!

There are so many bugs going round right now it's ridiculous, unfortunately; I'm only just starting to recover after months of being hit by one thing after another.

09-01-20, 05:41
Thanks for replying blueiris.

I really think I am dying... I’m just getting worse and worse. I got up and put my pjs on, so if I die, it won’t be embarrassing for my daughter or the paramedics.

I hope you are felling better

inanna xx

09-01-20, 05:49
Still very tired, but definitely on the mend! I'm a morning person, so I use these hours to catch up on things before work - I have some games that require daily input, plus I'd like to at least start making a necklace before I head in today.

Why don't you find a film on iPlayer? That's what I do when it's too early to get up and I can't get back to sleep.

09-01-20, 16:52
Thank you for replying blueiris, you are a lovely person.

I’ve got about as low as I can go. All my pains, upper abdo, and left side, it’s not looking good for me. I know people say that pc presents with jaundice, orange wee etc, but I’ve spoken to a pc nurse, and she said not necessarily. Depends which part of the pancreas the tumour is in (head or tail)

It also seems to me that everyone has a friend or a friend of a friend with pc, so it must be quite common and therefore a possibility.

Anyway, thank you for talking to me, it made me feel a little less alone for a little while

Inanna xx

09-01-20, 21:26

Having followed this thread and looked at your history and in-particular this post...

Just under 4 weeks ago, I had a load of blood tests, all of which came back normal

Liver function
Kidney function

Loads more, but not amalyse or lipase, or any specific markers

But, in the last few weeks, I have been feeling really ill, lack of appetite, left flank pain (especially at night), shoulder pain, other upper abdo pain. Also loose stools and weird bladder.

I know none of you are doctor's, but I am freaking out about cancer, as these symptoms just won't go away.

Do you think if I had cancer, Amy of these blood works would have shown something?
I am so scared I have pancreatic cancer, I am already planning how I will tell my loved ones

I'm over 50, so it's not good odds



It's quite evident there's nothing sinister going on physically. Scientific tests don't lie and there would have been markers and/or abnormal readings if cancer was present. I don't doubt you feel ill but IMO, its due to your body's reaction to stress and anxiety. After all, you are posting on an anxiety website seeking reassurance :shrug: The last part of your post: "I know people say that pc presents with jaundice, orange wee etc, but I’ve spoken to a pc nurse, and she said not necessarily. Depends which part of the pancreas the tumour is in (head or tail). It also seems to me that everyone has a friend or a friend of a friend with pc, so it must be quite common and therefore a possibility." is 100% catastrophizing and not rational. You're following in the footsteps and patterns of so many others in qualifying your symptoms to feed your dragon.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

10-01-20, 09:28
Thank you for replying fishmanpa.

I really hope you are right. I have my scan today, and I really don’t want to be the first person to say “told ya so” to the fishman

if I get through this, I’m definitely going to try hypnotherapy

Warm wishes

Inanna x

10-01-20, 15:26
I didn’t get my scan, I’m having a ct scan on a Monday instead

always scared
10-01-20, 21:42
why did they move it to monday

11-01-20, 06:42
I think because the doctor decided he wanted a CT scan with contrast rather than an US scan

12-01-20, 09:12
So, I poke to the gasrtonenterologist and gave him all my blood test results. I said "would some of these show an out of range reading if I had pancreatic cancer?" - his reply was "not necessarily", so of course I am spiralling again.

An when I say its keeping me awake at night, what I actually mean is that it doesn't hurt when I go to bed, but I will wake up at about 3.30 with the pains. They last through the morning. Yesterday I was also getting sharp pains above my left breast. I dont think its heart related as I've had an echo and ecg with good results quite recently.

I know there is nothing I can do, except wait for the scan, but this is so hard. No doubt, I will have to wait for the results too...

Inanna xx

14-01-20, 11:13
Hi Inanna

How did you get on on Monday? Like you, I have real concerns about PC. I have had mid/lower left sided back pains which initially began in September 2018, disappeared, came back again early last year and have now been persistent since November, i.e. for over 2 months. What concerns me most is that, whilst I can get them day or night, I can guarantee to get them by lying on my back or front in bed (so I have to sleep on my side). I've also started getting left sided abdominal pains (which can be dull or burning in sensation) and have regular symptoms of indigestion.

Whilst at 42 I'd be pretty young for the disease, have none of the risk factors and have recently had blood tests (not pancreas specific ones) which all came back fine, I can't shake the fear - this is my first post on the forum despite haunting it on and off for a while.


14-01-20, 12:01

Thank you for your post. I had my CT scan, but I won't get my results until the end of the week.

I'm really sorry to hear you are suffering too, it's a really lonely place to be.

My pain is worst at night, it wakes me up. Not as soon as I lie down, but I am waking any time between 2.30 and 4.30 with these very real pains. It's there in the mornings, but seems to improve in the evenings, but I could be wrong. My mind is mush..

I also had a really bad time with the second consultant I saw, he was so rude, and practically wrote me off as it's all anxiety. He even said " we all get back ache". I tried to tell him the nature of the pain, the loss of appetite, etc, but he was having none of it.

Asked me if I wanted to do his job!

Anyway, nothing much more I can do but wait for the scan results.

Thank you again


14-01-20, 20:41
Has anyone suggested acid reflux type pain? That often comes on at night...

14-01-20, 21:02
Has anyone suggested acid reflux type pain? That often comes on at night...

I have both that type of pain and what I can only describe as “deep” pain. I can bring the latter pain on whether I lie down during the day or night, which makes me think it’s to do with a growth of some kind. It’s not the first time I’ve thought I’m on the brink of a catastrophic diagnosis but this one feels different. I know the current worry is always the worst worry but . . . .

15-01-20, 08:01
I'm not sure if it's a reflux. Sometimes it aches deeply, sometimes it feels like my lowest Rib is digging deep into my organs.

Scarily, when I went to the toilet on Sunday evening, my wee looked sparkly.
It hasn't happened since, and Im so afraid of what that might mean, but I'm not going to Google it. (Crystals?)

I know what you mean twitch, I can't help feeling this is something really really bad.

Had a letter for my follow up consultation, and it's not until 22jan. The letter is dated prior to my CT scan.

Thank you so much for talking to me.

Inanna x

15-01-20, 08:31
hello Inanna

I know you are convinced that you are severely ill so there's no point in offering you any other benign reasons for your pain. You would of course be contacted before the 22nd if anything serious were found on your CT but the waiting will be hard until then. HA is unremitting and ghastly but you have no diagnosis at this stage even if you think it's a formality. It isn't a formality as the second consultant stated and you are allowing your HA-led "research" to question the opinions of a consultant specialising in your area of torment.

Can you just take a small step back from tormenting yourself now that the CT is over? Agonising won't change the result and you will soon get your results..Will you believe them if PC is ruled out or will you press for a more sensitive and targeted test (if it exists?)

15-01-20, 08:32
This is what I always worry about when people look for definitive answers - there's no such thing as definitive for the anxious mind.

15-01-20, 17:20
Hello All

Thank you for your replies, always make me feel a little brighter.

So, I got a call from my Drs secretary today. She explained that the consultant was away this week, hence the appointment for next. But she said that he had asked her to ring to let me know that my abdominal scam was normal!!!! My heart was pounding, especially as pulisa said they would probably call if something was serious.

I couldn't believe it, and asked her to repeat it 3 times/.

I have the appointment next week, because obviously the pain is caused by something, but for today, I am so very relieved that the something is not a tumour in the pancreas, kidney, liver, spleen or gallbladder.

Also, I have promised my partner that I am going to get help for my mental health, so that will also be something to look at. Otherwise I will slip straight into the next worst case scenario.

I really hope that my thread will help someone, in some small way. I will come back and post any actual diagnosis I get.

Inanna x

always scared
15-01-20, 17:47
Hello All

Thank you for your replies, always make me feel a little brighter.

So, I got a call from my Drs secretary today. She explained that the consultant was away this week, hence the appointment for next. But she said that he had asked her to ring to let me know that my abdominal scam was normal!!!! My heart was pounding, especially as pulisa said they would probably call if something was serious.

I couldn't believe it, and asked her to repeat it 3 times/.

I have the appointment next week, because obviously the pain is caused by something, but for today, I am so very relieved that the something is not a tumour in the pancreas, kidney, liver, spleen or gallbladder.

Also, I have promised my partner that I am going to get help for my mental health, so that will also be something to look at. Otherwise I will slip straight into the next worst case scenario.

I really hope that my thread will help someone, in some small way. I will come back and post any actual diagnosis I get.

Inanna x

Inanna That's awesome news!!!! I'm so happy for you. I've been following your posts because I have the same fears and pains as you do.

15-01-20, 17:58
That's great news, Inanna but be careful about speculating further because you are sure to come up with something equally grim before the 22nd to torment you further?

Celebrate the good news re ruling out PC though x

15-01-20, 18:17
Hello All

Thank you for your replies, always make me feel a little brighter.

So, I got a call from my Drs secretary today. She explained that the consultant was away this week, hence the appointment for next. But she said that he had asked her to ring to let me know that my abdominal scam was normal!!!! My heart was pounding, especially as pulisa said they would probably call if something was serious.

I couldn't believe it, and asked her to repeat it 3 times/.

I have the appointment next week, because obviously the pain is caused by something, but for today, I am so very relieved that the something is not a tumour in the pancreas, kidney, liver, spleen or gallbladder.

Also, I have promised my partner that I am going to get help for my mental health, so that will also be something to look at. Otherwise I will slip straight into the next worst case scenario.

I really hope that my thread will help someone, in some small way. I will come back and post any actual diagnosis I get.

Inanna x

This is great news! My mom went through basically the exact same thing as you and all it turned out to be was GERD, IBS, and both of those things being exacerbated by her anxiety. She took a month or two of a PPI for the stomach acid and got back to normal! It started flaring again this year - again right at the holidays - and she was able to calm down after a nurse at her doctor's office was like - NO! You have GERD and IBS. Stop. Also, makes sense it would get back around this time of year when people are often eating the worst!

15-01-20, 20:36
Yes, great news ... it will be good for you to read back over our replies to your thread and yes it will help others.

I've also been there too and have stomach issues, plus I had slightly raised Lipase levels so was really worried. I learned that these raised levels can be due to other issues other than relating to the pancreas eg. stomach, IBD, coeliac, Sjogrens and some other autoimmune conditions, but my HA jumped me to the worse scenario.

You may find that in a few days time, your pains ease off because the muscle tension will lessen. Write down some things you want to discuss with the specialist and good luck with it all. Enjoy this time and celebrate in some way x

15-01-20, 23:26
I'm so happy to hear this! I've been following this thread closely and I'm so happy you received favorable news.

Best Wishes

15-01-20, 23:28

Having followed this thread and looked at your history and in-particular this post...

It's quite evident there's nothing sinister going on physically. Scientific tests don't lie and there would have been markers and/or abnormal readings if cancer was present. I don't doubt you feel ill but IMO, its due to your body's reaction to stress and anxiety. After all, you are posting on an anxiety website seeking reassurance :shrug: The last part of your post: "I know people say that pc presents with jaundice, orange wee etc, but I’ve spoken to a pc nurse, and she said not necessarily. Depends which part of the pancreas the tumour is in (head or tail). It also seems to me that everyone has a friend or a friend of a friend with pc, so it must be quite common and therefore a possibility." is 100% catastrophizing and not rational. You're following in the footsteps and patterns of so many others in qualifying your symptoms to feed your dragon.

Courtesy of your friendly neighborhood "Told Ya So Gang" ;)


Glad all turned out Ok...

Positive thoughts

18-01-20, 05:33
Thanks for all of your replies

yes, I have to try really hard not to go down the rabbit hole again, especially as I still have pain, especially at night. Mostly in my side, but then this morning I coughed and I got the most horrendous pain in my stomach area. I also have mild pain in my groin right now.

Ive done all of this ha things, wondering if they missed something, or got my results mixed up with someone else, or even if they were just telling me that on the phone, as it’s a long time to wait and worry and will give me the bad news next week.

In other news, I have booked my first hypnotherapy session next Thursday

thank you all again


18-01-20, 08:20
Ive done all of this ha things, wondering if they missed something, or got my results mixed up with someone else, or even if they were just telling me that on the phone, as it’s a long time to wait and worry and will give me the bad news next week.

thank you all again


Of course you know deep down that the above is irrational. The nurse/secretary, (let alone the specialist) would loose their jobs and careers if they told outright lies to a client, that's just not going to happen :)

18-01-20, 08:31
Good news about the hypnotherapy-a very positive move.

Ignore that HA "voice" though-as WM says, it's completely irrational and ridiculous. You've had a clear scan and whatever discomfort you are feeling is of a benign cause.

20-01-20, 13:04

thanks for the reassurance. Oh why won’t ha let us have some peace?

Now, I am worrying that maybe it’s lung cancer. When I had the scan , the radiologist said “ all abdo organs except lungs”. My dad died of lung cancer and he never had a cough, his symptoms were rib pain. ��

I don’t smoke , but that doesn’t mean it can’t be.


20-01-20, 13:54
That's great news, Inanna but be careful about speculating further because you are sure to come up with something equally grim before the 22nd to torment you further?

Celebrate the good news re ruling out PC though x

So you've chosen lung cancer as a replacement for PC? That's such a huge leap..especially when you have decided on another "diagnosis" so soon after finding out that your abdo organs are completely normal and healthy. Pain doesn't have to mean cancer.

20-01-20, 17:33
Hi Pulisa

inknow it seems crazy, but I came across my dads letters from the hospital and it clearly said that my dad only had rib and back pain as symptoms, so it’s a bit scary. He died less than 2 months after diagnosis.

im trying to rationalise it to myself, my dad was in his eighties, an ex smoker, worked lining boilers with asbestos as a teenager, but I have just been feeling so poorly for over a month now, it’s hard to imagine it’s something less than catastrophic.

Inanna x

20-01-20, 19:50
For "came across" I interpret that as "deliberately searched for" your Dad's letter?

You need an answer for your pain/discomfort and it has to be "catastrophic". Why? I understand the fear of cancer (any cancer) but has any doctor raised the possibility of lung cancer? You were SO sure that you had PC and now this has mutated into lung cancer in the space of a few days. If you google you will find plenty of other worse case scenarios to ruminate on until the 22nd but why bother? You have your follow up with a consultant presumably so why not challenge his medical knowledge and expertise and put forward your diagnosis and see what he says?

20-01-20, 21:19
As pulisa said you were seeing your GI specialist soon to find out the reason for your stomach pains so tell him/her your worries about 'lung cancer' fears. Chest X-Rays are cheap and easy to perform. Continual coughing is first sign of LC, which you don't have.

There's a couple of other members on here who are spiraling from one cancer to another and it's no way to live ... HA in both cases!

ps. as others have said before pain does not mean something cancerous, very often cancer is silent.

20-01-20, 22:12

thanks both. I think you are right, I need to get a grip on myself until Weds.

had glittery wee again today, which is unlikely to indicate a lung problem. I’m just so tired of feeling ill.

actually, it was accidental. I was looking for my self assessment login details, 30th jan is loomimg. But, really I should get rid of those letters about my dad. It’s not how I want to remember him.

thank you again, it really helps

inanna xx

21-01-20, 08:35
You probably won't get any "answers" on Weds either as I suspect the consultant will just officially rule out a PC/abdo cancer. If you push enough he may refer you to another department but now may be the time to work on your HA? I know you are convinced that there is a diagnosis of some sorts going on but it looks like whatever is troubling you is of a benign nature. I have lived with chronic pain for over 2 years now-benign pain which is still very real but I have never chased an alternative diagnosis and I'm still alive!

Good luck for tomorrow. You've had some very reassuring news-try to benefit from this news rather than leaping straight to another perceived crisis? xx

22-01-20, 09:11
Hi pulisa

so sorry to hear you have chronic pain, it must wear youdown

and thank you so much for your wise words . I had a bit better day yesterday, I was able to distract myself. Really nervous about my appointment today, as if I can’t shake off the feeling that something is looming.

you are right about crashing from one cancer to another... pancreatic/kidney... then lung, then stomach... I must try to do as you say and concentrate on the reassuring ct scan results

also, I have my first hypnotherapy session tomorrow

thank you all again



23-01-20, 08:47
I hope that the appointment brought you some peace of mind but if it didn't I hope the hypnotherapy today will give your mind a break from constant worry x

23-01-20, 12:18
Hi pulisa

Yes, thank you

The Dr confirmed that all organs looked normal, just a little degeneration on t12.. but that's normal at my age. I asked him to list out all the organs, so liver, pancreas, splern, gallbladder, kidneys, all pelvic structures, nothing detected in base of lungs, nodes, colon or bones (apart from t12).

So, the next step is to do an endoscopy, which will be on 4th Feb. Trying not to obsess about it.

I'm feeling a bit calmer. I did ask about stomach tumours , and he said that although they don't normally show up on scans, the level of pain that I've had would mean that something would be visible on a scan of that makes sense.

Interestingly , I asked him if he was concerned, and he said he was concerned when I first came in, with what I had described. Which made me think back to how horrible the NHS consultant was, and how he didn't listen to me.

He did mention a possibility of something, the name of which now escapes me. It was visceral "something", and is a condition where nerve endings become hyper sensitised and makes us feel things we shouldn't.

I'm also having my bloods done again

Plus had my first hypnotherapy session today, which has helped me feel a bit better.

Thank you for your support, it's appreciated more than you can imagine

Inanna x

23-01-20, 13:51
A private consultant will give you "the works" so if you can cope with the anxiety of more tests/procedures and you will accept his opinion at the end of investigations then it will be a good investment. The danger will be allowing yourself to move onto another biggie...

My chronic pain condition involves nerve endings but doesn't sound like what you are experiencing.

Glad the hypnotherapy was soothing if nothing else x

23-01-20, 19:00
Hi pulisa

Thank you for your reply. I feel I have to keep going, as I don't know what's causing the pain, and need to exhaust all avenues. The waiting is the hardest part.

I was really disappointed when the Dr said two weeks, feels like I've been in limbo forever

Thanks again

Inanna x

23-01-20, 19:16
Two weeks wait for a private endoscopy? That would mean there was no urgency.

23-01-20, 20:39
A private consultant will give you "the works" so if you can cope with the anxiety of more tests/procedures and you will accept his opinion at the end of investigations then it will be a good investment. The danger will be allowing yourself to move onto another biggie...

My chronic pain condition involves nerve endings but doesn't sound like what you are experiencing.

Glad the hypnotherapy was soothing if nothing else x

I'm glad your specialist review went well and the 2 weeks will fly by. Endoscopy/gastroscopy is a simple procedure (I've had a few) and the specialist will discuss the findings with you afterwards. I recommend having the sedation, which doesn't put you out completely but just relaxes you enough to make it comfortable so you can follow commands. They take biopsies of various parts of the esophagus and stomach which you don't feel. The specialist will discuss the results with you after the procedure.

Private specialists are very thorough (their reputation depends on it) so you get the best care. I'm fortunate enough to have medical insurance so can also see specialists if needs be.

Like pulisa said you will have to accept the specialist's opinion and move on from this issue, knowing that all is well. Good luck with it all x

24-01-20, 07:56

Thanks for the replies

Pulisa, that's a good point. I'll add it to my list of things when trying to think positively. One of the others is that the consultant said "stomach cancer is vanishingly rare". Its good to have something to cling onto when you are spiralling.

Wisemonkey..it's hard to think all will be well when you have so much going on internally... Gurgling , bubbling stomach and guts, bowel urgency, sire abdo and ribs... Something is not right and hasn't been for 5 weeks. Hopefully, I will get a diagnosis and it will be benign and treatable.

Thank you all again

Inanna x

27-01-20, 06:45

well, I am still experiencing pain on my left side, under the ribs. Sometimes it goes to the front , and sometimes to the back, but almost always the left side. The pain can be like someone has run a cheese grater down the inside of my ribs , and sometimes feels like someone digging up and under my ribs ( usually when the pain is at the front)

As if that’s not enough, I have also been bleeding for the last 6 days ( I am on hrt). I’ve emailed my meno clinic, but not had a reply. It could be totally unrelated, I just don’t know.

Im so tired of feeling ill, and not knowing what’s going on inside my body, I’m trying really hard to stay positive, but I’m struggling so much. I feel like I’m in limbo. I’m due for my cervical screening this week, but I’ll have to cancel it if the bleeding doesn’t stop ��

sorry to be such a whinger

Inanna x

27-01-20, 07:46
Stress and anxiety can wreck havoc on your hormonal system especially during pre or menopause. The stress of everything can really get you down and make you tired, especially if it's been going on for ages as yours has.

I'm having issues with my stomach (rumbling, bloating, gas pains etc) so will be going back to my specialist soon. A while ago he suggested a gastroscopy/endoscopy, I had one 2 years ago which showed a bit of inflammation but that's all. He thinks it could be functional dyspepsia but it maybe some gastritis, which is what you may have too. Specialists are thorough in their investigations, ruling out anything sinister then you can begin on healing yourself and dealing with stress.

I have autoimmune issues (CFS) so have lots of weird stuff going on. I've had various stomach/IBS issues for over 30 years but it's all been benign.

ps. I also had an abdominal MRI late last year which was all clear :)

27-01-20, 19:49
I think it's important to only have tests based on clinical need though. Some private consultants can take advantage of the patient's HA and run tests for reassurance purposes only. Quite apart from the expense it's not the best way to manage HA in my opinion.

27-01-20, 20:14
I think it's important to only have tests based on clinical need though. Some private consultants can take advantage of the patient's HA and run tests for reassurance purposes only. Quite apart from the expense it's not the best way to manage HA in my opinion.

I'm sure this is true in some cases. Unless you've had symptoms for several months, tests would not be recommended. If you have medical insurance then the expense is ultimately yours so your not draining the national health system.

27-01-20, 20:52
Over here the NHS is happy to offload serial surgery attenders to the private sector if they can afford it but having easy access to tests just perpetuates the problem. At least it doesn't drain the NHS as you say, WM..just the patient's bank balance and often having numerous tests is what they want whether they are needed or not.

27-01-20, 21:07
Over here the NHS is happy to offload serial surgery attenders to the private sector if they can afford it but having easy access to tests just perpetuates the problem. At least it doesn't drain the NHS as you say, WM..just the patient's bank balance and often having numerous tests is what they want whether they are needed or not.

The public health system down here (NZ) has been way overstretched for some decades so we were encouraged to take medical insurance when we started working. It's cheap when you're young then the cost goes up as you age. Personally I wouldn't be without it especially as I have some chronic autoimmune issues. I have specialist and surgical cover only. My fiance has the same.

The way I look at it is, I've taken responsibility for my own health care because I can afford it and hopefully will continue to do so. My daughters also have private medical insurance through their work.

28-01-20, 08:38

Thanks for all of your replies, it's an interesting topic, about private health care and tests.

I absolutely do want to know I have explored all avenues, and hopefully get a diagnosis. I don't know if my consultant is just doing test to keep a revenue stream, or because he thinks it might be something, but I'd take the former in a heartbeat.

So, I have been doing a little work myself. I did the bicarb of soda burp test, and I didn't burp at all. Not sure if it's a good test, but anyway, that could indicate low stomach acid.

I've also cut out gluten for now. The last thing I'm trying , ( because someone pointed it out), is not drinking hot drinks, as the pain started as soon as I had my decaf coffee. So if there is gastritis, it's like pouring hot water on an open wound.

This morning I had a cup of cooled ( to tepid) peppermint tea , and I have to say, so far, I don't have any significant pain. Hope I haven't jinxed it.

Thank you all again

Inanna x

28-01-20, 20:22

Thanks for all of your replies, it's an interesting topic, about private health care and tests.

I absolutely do want to know I have explored all avenues, and hopefully get a diagnosis. I don't know if my consultant is just doing test to keep a revenue stream, or because he thinks it might be something, but I'd take the former in a heartbeat.

So, I have been doing a little work myself. I did the bicarb of soda burp test, and I didn't burp at all. Not sure if it's a good test, but anyway, that could indicate low stomach acid.

I've also cut out gluten for now. The last thing I'm trying , ( because someone pointed it out), is not drinking hot drinks, as the pain started as soon as I had my decaf coffee. So if there is gastritis, it's like pouring hot water on an open wound.

This morning I had a cup of cooled ( to tepid) peppermint tea , and I have to say, so far, I don't have any significant pain. Hope I haven't jinxed it.

Thank you all again

Inanna x

Sounds good that you're trying different options too. Hot drinks (especially any coffee) can make sensitive stomach muscles contract causing sharp pains. I've got low stomach acid so I don't take acid blockers. These measures help me with stomach issues :

*Try taking (sipping) 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning, it can stimulate acid flow.
*Taking 1 heaped tsp of slippery elm powder in a glass of warm water (half hour before eating), puts a soothing mucilage coating on the stomach lining and intestines.
*Digestive enzymes with food helps.
*De Gas tablet after each meal helps with bloating.
*Raw ginger helps.
*Chamomile tea helps calm the stomach in the evening.
*Don't eat gluten.
*Avoid alcohol.

Something else you could try is a lactose free milk as you could be lactose intolerant.

31-01-20, 12:10
Hi WiseMonkey

I certainly will try all of those things. Amazingly, I haven't had any left sided pain since I gave up the hot drinks and not eaten gluten. Well, thats not quite accurate, I did eat some gluten one evening ( a biscuit and some gravy -- I didn't know gravy had gluten), and the pain was still okay, but I had a horrible pale loose bm the very next morning... hmmm.

I also had my US scan following my post menopausal bleed at my meno clinic, and my ovaries and bladder looked okay (I was worried about the bladder because my urine habits seem to have changed too. He did say I was retaining a bit of urine -- but it was only just above the range -- 26, upper end of range is 25 , and the measuring is not an exact science, he was not concerned). Reassuringly my endometrium was 3.3mm , so well in range. I wonder if my digestive issues could have conrtibuted to destabalise my lining, if the progesterone may not have been absorbed as well.

So, I am feeling a little brighter, that whatever it is, it may not be anything sinister....but I do still want to know.
Not having the constant pain makes it a bit easier to not dwell 24/7
Ironically, today I have an ache in my right side!!

Again, many thanks for the advice and support.

Inanna x

03-02-20, 19:22
So, tomorrow is the day I get my endoscopy. I am really scared, and trying hard to not imagine the worst.

i have a lot of burning in my stomach ( strangely, I no longer have pain in my side.). I don’t know whether it’s because I have been a little less strict on not drinking hot drinks today, and if this can really be just gastritis? Would it last this long? Over 6 weeks? I have been less anxious this last week or so, keeping up my hypnotherapy etc..

I had my bloods redone last week, and they came back as normal. And of course I am very pleased, but that little voice in my head keeps whispering that I am about to run out of luck.

Inanna x

03-02-20, 19:37
Of course it does...That's your HA making sure it stays alive and kicking.

Tomorrow will bring you definitive results re the state of your stomach and oesophagus so pointless to speculate because you'll have answers very soon.

Good luck, Inanna x

03-02-20, 20:19
So, tomorrow is the day I get my endoscopy. I am really scared, and trying hard to not imagine the worst.

i have a lot of burning in my stomach ( strangely, I no longer have pain in my side.). I don’t know whether it’s because I have been a little less strict on not drinking hot drinks today, and if this can really be just gastritis? Inanna x

What you've got is nothing serious, the absent pain in your side proves this. Gastritis can last years or a life time.
Good luck with your endoscopy, it will all be fine (or else something benign that medication or a change in diet can remedy) :)

03-02-20, 20:20
I haven’t read your thread (sorry) but I had gastritis for weeks and weeks. I had an endoscopy a couple of years ago, and honestly it wasn’t too bad. I didn’t have sedation because I wanted to get up and out as soon as possible- I felt a bit beaten up for the next 24 hours and was quite full of burps but was fine.

Mine showed a couple of tiny ulcers and gastritis.

If you’re having it on the nhs I really recommend getting there before your appointment. I didn’t realise that it was first come first served, and I turned up last and had to wait for 3 hours - that was honestly the worst bit for me. The spray they give you to numb your throat is a bit weird too, but really you’ll be fine.

I still get symptoms of reflux/heartburn when I get very stressed.

Let me know if you have any questions x

03-02-20, 21:00
Thank you all for your support, it's really helping.

I do have a question. Can gastritis cause additional problems, like IBS or bowel problems?

Thank you again

Inanna x

03-02-20, 22:58
Thank you all for your support, it's really helping.

I do have a question. Can gastritis cause additional problems, like IBS or bowel problems?

Thank you again

Inanna x

Hi yes many people with IBS also have gastritis, but you may not have gastritis :)

04-02-20, 07:48
Thank you wosemonkey

I'm sort of hoping it is gastritis, as opposed to something more sinister.

Just at the hospital now

Inanna x

04-02-20, 08:07
Am sure everything will be fine, let us know how you get on. Going privately, the specialist will chat with you after the procedure :)

04-02-20, 08:10
IBS is very much linked in with gastritis but you will get answers very soon now. Make the most of being looked after in hospital and do take the sedation because it makes things a whole lot easier!

I'm glad the waiting is over and hope you get some respite from worrying after the endoscopy x

04-02-20, 17:47

yes, my endoscopy came back normal, I can hardly believe it. Ypthe consultant took a biopsy to check g
for bacterial problems, but said there was nothing that caused him concern.

i have a follow up appointment with him to discuss, but knowing it won’t be something sinister makes me feel okay about it

Today is a good day, thank you all so, so much for all of the support

Inanna x

04-02-20, 17:57
That is such good news, Inanna and thank you for updating us.

It will be good to go to an appointment not fearing the worst and knowing that it's a normal result.

I really hope that you will be able to accept that there is nothing sinister going on and that you will not move onto another "diagnosis". A "functional" diagnosis means no organic abnormality for the symptoms. You may be advised to accept this interpretation of your pain.

I hope you are able to sleep well tonight xx

04-02-20, 19:11

yes, my endoscopy came back normal, I can hardly believe it. Ypthe consultant took a biopsy to check g
for bacterial problems, but said there was nothing that caused him concern.

i have a follow up appointment with him to discuss, but knowing it won’t be something sinister makes me feel okay about it

Today is a good day, thank you all so, so much for all of the support

Inanna x

Great news, so happy for you x

04-02-20, 20:11
Brilliant news, very pleased for you.

19-06-20, 11:22

I've come back to this thread, and reread the whole thing, because these digestive issues have started up again, and I am spiralling. Would it even be possible for something sinister to show up 6 months after my CT scan and endoscopy? Could they possibly have missed something?

Burning pain in stomach, and strange left sided pain at the bra line. My appetite is rubbish too.

I never actually got a diagnosis, which would have been good, as I at least wouldn't be left wondering? If it was a tumour, it wouldn't wax and wane like this would it?

WiseMonkey, I did the burp test this morning and I didn't burp at all... after 6 mins I stopped waiting.

I wish I could feel like I did just after I got all of those results. HA is the pits.

Inanna xx

19-06-20, 12:38
No it's not PC, it's just your digestive issues flaring again. Pain on the left side where you describe is where your stomach is, have a look at a pic of the digestive organs and you will see this. You may have too much stomach acid or not enough, both can cause this gnawing pain in the stomach. Gastric reflux can also cause this.
You could also try cutting out wheat and try a gluten free diet.

I find that Gaviscon liquid is the best quick fix for stomach issues.

19-06-20, 13:06
Hi WiseMonkey

thank you so much for replying. I looked at the diagrams, and am surprised to see how high up our organs are! Looking at that, it could be top of stomach, spleen or tail of pancreas. But, like I said, I would hope that the clear CT scan in January would mean that the pancreas is not it?

does Gaviscon work for low stomach acid? What even caused low acid?

Inanna xx

24-06-20, 22:55

I've come back to this thread, and reread the whole thing, because these digestive issues have started up again, and I am spiralling. Would it even be possible for something sinister to show up 6 months after my CT scan and endoscopy? Could they possibly have missed something?

Burning pain in stomach, and strange left sided pain at the bra line. My appetite is rubbish too.

I never actually got a diagnosis, which would have been good, as I at least wouldn't be left wondering? If it was a tumour, it wouldn't wax and wane like this would it?

WiseMonkey, I did the burp test this morning and I didn't burp at all... after 6 mins I stopped waiting.

I wish I could feel like I did just after I got all of those results. HA is the pits.

Inanna xx

If you had PC without treatment for over 6 months, you'd most likely be very dead, not posting vague symptoms on a HA board