View Full Version : Fluox Restarting

26-12-19, 20:08
Hi All, I was on Prozac for about 10 years. Due to my own stupid fault, I missed 2 weeks worth of doses (I was staying at 2 different locations due to a family emergency). Anyway, went through bad withdrawal and realized why it was happening. Started back on my dose, but It's like starting all over again. My anxiety was bad, starting to settle, by insomnia came back with a vengeance. It's been 2 weeks since I've started up again, but it's a tough ride for me at this point. Anyone experience something similar when they stopped (intentional or not). I'm hoping the side effects wont last too long, hoping my body will re-adjust quickly as I was on this before....Thanks for any insight...

26-12-19, 20:55
Have you only missed two weeks? Fluoxetine has such a long half life- I’m surprised it made a difference. I thought it takes about a month to get out of the system.

26-12-19, 21:00
It was like 16 days. Strange, but the symptoms that got me on the med's came back. Since I've started back on, my anxiety has lessened some what, but my insomnia, which I dont think is caused my the medication, because it's one of the reasons I went on the medication in the first place is still lingering along with hot flashes, chills. I had blood work done like 2 weeks ago and i all came back negative. Maybe, the med's just left my system somewhat quickly and not I have to get acclimated to it...again..

26-12-19, 23:22
Hi All,

:welcome: to NMP,

I was on Prozac for about 10 years. Due to my own stupid fault, I missed 2 weeks worth of doses (I was staying at 2 different locations due to a family emergency). Anyway, went through bad withdrawal and realized why it was happening.

Fluoxetine has a half-life of about 6 days so withdrawal symptoms typically come on more gradually than with other SSRIs, but they can be just as severe once plasma levels drop.

Started back on my dose, but It's like starting all over again. My anxiety was bad, starting to settle, by insomnia came back with a vengeance. It's been 2 weeks since I've started up again, but it's a tough ride for me at this point.

The downside of that long half-life is that it takes weeks for plasma levels to restabilize to a steady-state and side-effects can be worse while levels are fluctuating. All you can do is treat the symptoms. Either a benzodiazepine such as lorazepam (Ativan), or diazepam (Valium), or small doses of the prescription antihistamine *hydroxyzine which is also a fairly potent anxiolytic and mild sedative, would make life easier, both with the anxiety and insomnia.

*Hydroxyzine comes in two forms, hydroxyzine pamoate (Vistaril) and hydroxyzine hydrochloride (Atarax). Anecdotally, the pamoate form is claimed to be the more potent anxiolytic, but just how true this is remains a matter of debate in forums.

my insomnia, which I dont think is caused my the medication, because it's one of the reasons I went on the medication in the first place

The most common initial SSRI side-effect is insomnia. They are not usually good sleeping pills, though some do have the paradoxical reaction. Side-effects can also be different after a discontinuation.

02-01-20, 17:15
Well, today is the start of my third week. 1st week wasn't too bad, second week was rough..by the end of the week I was a mess. Insomnia, anxiety got higher, had trouble sitting still. Yesterday was very rough, had an anxiety attack that lasted like 5 hours, was hell. Today I had a doctors appointment, which, I'm felling pretty good today. However, after explaining the situation to my doctor, who was great, she gave me a script for Xanax to help me get through the next few weeks. I haven't had to take any today, as I feel pretty good, but we'll see....

02-01-20, 22:02
she gave me a script for Xanax to help me get through the next few weeks. I haven't had to take any today, as I feel pretty good, but we'll see....

Definitely use it when you need to, but resist taking it just in case when not anxious as benzodiazepines may slow AD kick-in. Alprazolam (Xanax) kicks-in quickly, keeping the tablet under the tongue for a minute or so before swallowing can speed it up further, however, the taste isn't great.

03-01-20, 00:18
Thanks for the info PDU... I'm trying not to take the Xanax unless really needed...

Definitely use it when you need to, but resist taking it just in case when not anxious as benzodiazepines may slow AD kick-in. Alprazolam (Xanax) kicks-in quickly, keeping the tablet under the tongue for a minute or so before swallowing can speed it up further, however, the taste isn't great.

03-01-20, 10:56
I'm trying not to take the Xanax unless really needed...

Okay, but don't white knuckle you're way through severe anxiety. Being anxious is counterproductive too.

03-01-20, 23:12
Okay, but don't white knuckle you're way through severe anxiety. Being anxious is counterproductive too.
PDU, you are correct ! While I felt pretty good yesterday, today different story. I made it until about 330 PM and was feeling pretty poorly. As we had no where to go, I broke down and had a half a Xanax. WOW, I cant imagine taking a whole one. It took care of anxiety and put me out for about a hour, which, to tell the truth, i needed. Just waiting for the Fluox to "balance" out. I'm only 1 day into week 3.....

04-01-20, 11:42
I broke down and had a half a Xanax. WOW, I cant imagine taking a whole one. It took care of anxiety and put me out for about a hour

Benzodiazepines (BZDs) can be very sedating when first taken, but tolerance to this tends to build quickly, often within only a couple of weeks if they are taken regularly. Be extra cautious if in a potentially hazardous situation and definitely don't get behind the wheel after taking a BZD. What dose are the tablets?

04-01-20, 13:27
0.25 Mg. To be honest, I was a little concerned in reading some of the info in regards to Xanax and how addictive it can be come. I really only want to take this until the Fluox stabilizes, but I'm apprehensive even about taking it for a short period of time...

Benzodiazepines (BZDs) can be very sedating when first taken, but tolerance to this tends to build quickly, often within only a couple of weeks if they are taken regularly. Be extra cautious if in a potentially hazardous situation and definitely don't get behind the wheel after taking a BZD. What dose are the tablets?

04-01-20, 22:05
I was a little concerned in reading some of the info in regards to Xanax and how addictive it can be come.

Dependence can begin after 3-4 weeks if BZDs are taken *regularly, just as you have a dependency to fluoxetine. Dependence isn't addiction. What's the difference, well, not many taking BZDs would behave as the subjects in this study about a common pain killer did: Hirschowitz BI, 1998 Abstract (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9558275) | Full text (http://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(98)70307-5/fulltext)

* 'regularly' doesn't necessarily mean daily. Because alprazolam has a short half-life you would need to take it daily for a while for dependence to develop, however, with longer half-life BZDs even taking them only 2-3 times a week may be enough to trigger it as these meds remain in the system for over a week.

BTW-you are already dependent on BZDs. Natural BZDs1 which include diazepam (Valium) and its metabolites and lorazepam (Ativan) are found naturally in almost all foods. Sprouted grains and seeds, especially wheat, and potato are particularly rich in them. While the quantities are small, levels can reach pharmaceutical levels in patients with some liver diseases2.These may become so high that medical intervention3 is necessary. We are so adapted to these natural BZDs that we could not survive without them.

To limit dependency onset try and have regular wash out periods. It takes up to 55 hours for alprazolam to be completely metabolized and eliminated, so, if possible, some occasional 3-4 day breaks between doses would help. If you do need to take it daily for more than a couple of weeks consider asking your doctor for hydroxyzine and swap between it and alprazolam from time to time.


Muceniece R, Saleniece K, Krigere L, et al. (2008) Potato (Solanum tuberosum) juice exerts an anticonvulsant effect in mice through binding to GABA receptors. Planta Med. 2008 Apr;74(5):491-6. (Abstract (http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-2008-1074495))

Kavvadias D, Abou-Mandour AA, Czygan FC, et al (2000) Identification of benzodiazepines in Artemisia dracunculus and Solanum tuberosum rationalizing their endogenous formation in plant tissue. Biochem Biophys Res Commun Mar 5;269(1):290-5 (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10694515))

Sand P, Kavvadias D, Feineis D, et al. (2000) "Naturally occurring benzodiazepines: current status of research and clinical implications." Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci vol 250(4):p 194-202 (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11009072))

Kotz U, (1991)
Occurrence of "natural" benzodiazepines.
Life Sci;48(3):209-15 (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1992279))

Unseld E, Krishna Dr Fischer C, et al (1989) Detection of desmethyldiazepam and diazepam in brain of different species and plants. Biochem Pharmacol Aug 1;38(15):2473-8 (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2502983))

Wildman J, Ranalder U. (1988)
Presence of lorazepam in the blood plasma of drug free rats.
Life Sci. 43(15):1257-60. (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3172979))

Wildmann J. (1988)
Increase of natural benzodiazepines in wheat and potato during germination.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Dec 30;157(3):1436-43. (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2849941))

Wildmann J, Vetter W, Ranalder UB, et al (1988)
Occurrence of pharmacologically active benzodiazepines in trace amounts in wheat and potato.
Biochem Pharmacol. Oct 1;37(19):3549-59. (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3178869))

Sangameswaran L, Fales HM, Friedrich P, De Blas AL. (1986)
Purification of a benzodiazepine from bovine brain and detection of benzodiazepine-like immunoreactivity in human brain
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1986 Dec;83(23):9236-40. (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3024172) | Full text - PDF (http://www.pnas.org/content/83/23/9236.full.pdf))
(N-desmethyldiazepam is a metabolite of diazepam)

Baraldi M, Avallone R, Corsi L, et al (2000) Endogenous benzodiazepines. Therapie Jan-Feb;55(1):143-6 (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10860017))

Als-Nielsen B, Gluud LL, Gluud C. (2004)
Benzodiazepine receptor antagonists for hepatic encephalopathy.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(2):CD002798. (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15106178))

Zeneroli ML, Venturini I, Stefanelli S, et al, (1997) Antibacterial activity of rifaximin reduces the levels of benzodiazepine-like compounds in patients with liver cirrhosis. Pharmacol Res , Jun;35(6):557-60 (Abstract (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9356209))
[Note: no benzodiazepine synthesizing gut flora has been isolated and they almost certainly don't exist in humans]

04-01-20, 22:15
PDU, what can I say ?? Thank you for the info & taking the time to share it ! Your efforts & time are greatly appreciated ! I had a minor anxiety issue today for about an hour, but "fought" through it and it subsided. For the more "serious"or lengthy attacks, I will utilize the Xanax...

07-01-20, 14:50
Update..Sunday I did end up taking 1/2 of a tab. It relaxed me and helped me sleep. Monday was bad, anxiety ALL day until early evening. Didn't take anything. Today, Tuesday, this morning the anxiety is here. Hope it clears up earlier than it did yesterday. 2 days away from week 4. I hope a turn a corner soon...

07-01-20, 21:51
2 days away from week 4. I hope a turn a corner soon...

The good news is fluoxetine plasma levels usually stabilize to a steady-state at around 25-30 days from the last dose change. Side-effects typically ease at about the same time.

07-01-20, 22:06
Thanks PDU...I'll keep plugging away....

08-01-20, 17:47
Wed Update ** Best day so far ! Slept from 11pm to 6am without taking any sleep aide. Did wake up for a few moments but fell right back asleep. Anxiety today is almost nil. Tomorrow is start of week 4. I'm sure there may be some more up/downs, but for today, I'll take it !
Hope everyone has a good day !

10-01-20, 14:49
Friday Update ** Not too bad a Thursday, Anxiety in the afternoon was pretty high. Soon as I got home from work, it started to settle. Mornings are still kind of rough. I'm still having some abdominal "discomfort" that I believe is from restarting the Fluox, but I have a appointment with a GI doctor next week as this has been going on for a few weeks. Today is the 1st day of week four...moving on !
Have a good day all !

10-01-20, 23:16
Mornings are still kind of rough. I'm still having some abdominal "discomfort" that I believe is from restarting the Fluox, but I have a appointment with a GI doctor next week as this has been going on for a few weeks.

It most likely is the fluoxetine, or being exacerbated by it. The gut is the most serotonergic organ of the body by far making about 50 times as much serotonin as the brain. The enteric nervous system (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gut-second-brain) (ENS), the mini brain which controls the gut can be more affected initially by serotonergic ADs than the brain is. The mix of gut flora is also affected (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326299.php) by ADs and the brain. The ENS is connected to the brain via the valgus nerves and it seems to be the dominant partner including having a strong influence on mood and emotions (it also influences the heart and lungs via the vagus nerves). In turn the ENS is influenced (https://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/09/gut-feeling) by the gut microbiome. How you feel can literally be affected by your poop! Indeed, it is possible to make a good case for us being merely the life support system for the bugs in our guts who can lead us on a merry chase at times. :ohmy:

10-01-20, 23:19
Update to Friday update *** Anxiety was pretty high today. My stomach was (rib area) was bothering me a lot too. Got home from work and broke down an took a 1/4 tab of Xanax (my wife had to talk me into taking it). Calmed me down nicely and I noticed my abdominal pain subsided quite a bit...I'm thinking I may have to give the Fluox a little more time, if the anxiety doesn't lessen, I may have to see my doctor and talk about upping the dosage ?

10-01-20, 23:21
Hi PDU ! I'm must have been posting my update as you were typing your info...I'd like your thoughts on my new update...

It most likely is the fluoxetine, or being exacerbated by it. The gut is the most serotonergic organ of the body by far making about 50 times as much serotonin as the brain. The enteric nervous system (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gut-second-brain) (ENS), the mini brain which controls the gut can be more affected initially by serotonergic ADs than the brain is. The mix of gut flora is also affected (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326299.php) by ADs and the brain. The ENS is connected to the brain via the valgus nerves and it seems to be the dominant partner including having a strong influence on mood and emotions (it also influences the heart and lungs via the vagus nerves). In turn the ENS is influenced (https://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/09/gut-feeling) by the gut microbiome. How you feel can literally be affected by your poop! Indeed, it is possible to make a good case for us being merely the life support system for the bugs in our guts who can lead us on a merry chase at times. :ohmy:

11-01-20, 10:52
My stomach was (rib area) was bothering me a lot too. Got home from work and broke down an took a 1/4 tab of Xanax (my wife had to talk me into taking it). Calmed me down nicely and I noticed my abdominal pain subsided quite a bit...

Could you have strained a stomach muscle, maybe? I don't see how alprazolam would ease SSRI induced gut pain, in fact BZDs can and do themselves cause gastro issues, but they are pretty good muscle relaxants.

I'm thinking I may have to give the Fluox a little more time, if the anxiety doesn't lessen, I may have to see my doctor and talk about upping the dosage ?

A month is still early days, especially for fluoxetine which tends to take longer than the other ADs because of that long half-life, so I wouldn't read too much into what is happening atm. That said, there is a case for taking a higher dose than previously rather than waiting to see if it will be enough and then having to wait more weeks for an increase to take effect if it proves inadequate. You can always ease back the dose once the anxiety has been bought back under control to check whether you really need the extra, although personally I'd stay on whatever works unless ongoing side-effects are significantly worse. With ADs being a little over medicated is better than under medicated.

11-01-20, 16:18
PDU, Thanks for the reply. What seems to be the issue, maybe, when I have stress/anxiety my abdominal muscle seem to "tighten,spasm ? " as soon as the anxiety is gone, the stomach pain seem to lessen or go. I do have a stressful job (emergency services) , so just going into work raises my anxiety before I even begin.I took 2 (1/4) tabs last night over a 6 hour period and my wife even noticed the difference... My goal today, as I'm off work, is to not take any Xanax and control any anxiety with breathing or mindfulness...hopefully..we'll see how that works...meh..

Could you have strained a stomach muscle, maybe? I don't see how alprazolam would ease SSRI induced gut pain, in fact BZDs can and do themselves cause gastro issues, but they are pretty good muscle relaxants.

As per your info, and others, i'm going to give the Fluox at least 2 more weeks before I consider any dosage change at this point as I'm only into day 2 of week 4...

11-01-20, 21:36
My goal today, as I'm off work, is to not take any Xanax and control any anxiety with breathing or mindfulness...hopefully..we'll see how that works

Sounds like a plan, however, don't be a martyr. If you need to take Xanax then do so.

As per your info, and others, i'm going to give the Fluox at least 2 more weeks before I consider any dosage change at this point as I'm only into day 2 of week 4...

Cool. Fingers crossed that you begin to see a positive result soon.

I do have a stressful job (emergency services) , so just going into work raises my anxiety before I even begin

Is there a career pathway to a less stressful part of the service? I appreciate the personal rewards of these jobs, but you shouldn't sacrifice your well-being helping others.

16-01-20, 20:35
Jan 16 Update** Been a week since last update. Sleep pattern is fairly normal now. Appetite is pretty good also. Only issue at this point is I'm still having stomach area pain. I've had a colonoscopy and endoscopy with found nothing major that would contribute to the pain. I still have points of high anxiety, but I dont know if it's the anxiety issue or my body is still adjusting to the Fluox. It's been 5 weeks as of today and I'm starting to get a little frustrated at this point.....

16-01-20, 22:03
I still have points of high anxiety, but I dont know if it's the anxiety issue or my body is still adjusting to the Fluox. It's been 5 weeks as of today and I'm starting to get a little frustrated at this point.....

Frustration is normal, it can seem that the med will never begin to work, but they usually do. The worst part is behind you, now it's just a matter of being patient waiting for the kick-in.

16-01-20, 22:26
Frustration is normal, it can seem that the med will never begin to work, but they usually do. The worst part is behind you, now it's just a matter of being patient waiting for the kick-in.

Thanks PDU...I have a follow up appointment with my GP a week from tomorrow. So, I'll see how I'm doing by then. See if at that point a dosage change or something may be appropriate...I think the anxiety may be contributing to the stomach issue, but I've never experienced that before..Of course, it makes the anxiety worse...meh..

20-01-20, 16:58
Jan 20th Update*** Friday and Sat I need half a tab of Xanax to help with heightened anxiety,kind of a background anxiety, but Sunday & today, so far have been really good. I slept great last night. Fell asleep about 11 pm woke up at 6 for a few minutes, fell back asleep until 8 am..Nice ! This Thursday will mark the 6 week point of my restart....

20-01-20, 22:09
This Thursday will mark the 6 week point of my restart....

If you plot when ADs begin to have a positive effect you get the classic bell curve with the peak at around 6 weeks, maybe a week or two later for fluoxetine. So you are/have entered the prime zone. You may still get some setbacks, but as long as the length and frequency of the good days keep increasing you're on the right track.

20-01-20, 23:57
Thanks PDU !

22-01-20, 20:21
Jan 22 update** Yesterday was killer, worst day in a while. Half way through work it hit me, anxiety and abdominal pain. Got home and felt crappy all evening.Was able to eat dinner. Went to bed around 10, took 2 mg of melatonin, didn't fall asleep until about 1, wide awake at 7...Have a doctor's appt on Friday, we may have to discuss dosage upping. My "background" anxiety still feels high. Tomorrow is start of week 6..Onward and upward....

23-01-20, 21:28
Oh no, that’s so frustrating. Do you know if your anxiety is triggered by stress at work or is it more when you bring it on by negative thoughts? I know if I’m busy & distracted the anxiety is in the background but can really amp up when given too much time to think about it. I’ve been doing puzzles & crosswords to make my mind refocus. Do you enjoy anything like that?

23-01-20, 21:58
Oh no, that’s so frustrating. Do you know if your anxiety is triggered by stress at work or is it more when you bring it on by negative thoughts?
Yes...to both, unfortunately...Today was a good day. Almost no...well, very little anxiety. Last night, thank heavens, I slept pretty good.Funny thing about stuff like crosswords/puzzles is, when my anxiety is high, I cant sit still long enough to do them..It's even hard to sit and watch TV or a movie...Hopefully, the other day was just a 'blip'.
Hope all is going good for you !

24-01-20, 01:41
Yeah, im exactly the same. Can’t sit still either, can’t concentrate on anything. Today I’m flat but not bad. Have eaten & went for a walk. Now I’m meeting friends at the beach for a swim & then out to dinner. This will be interesting....I’m already got the knot in my tummy & nausea spiking. Thinking I may cancel....

24-01-20, 02:31
Yeah, im exactly the same. Can’t sit still either, can’t concentrate on anything. Today I’m flat but not bad. Have eaten & went for a walk. Now I’m meeting friends at the beach for a swim & then out to dinner. This will be interesting....I’m already got the knot in my tummy & nausea spiking. Thinking I may cancel....

I hope you were able to go. Yeah, sometimes, when your not feeling good, it's hard to get motivated to get out and do things. Sounds like you have/had a opportunity to do some fun stuff. Hope you were able to go and enjoy...

24-01-20, 22:10
I did manage to go, not too much anxiety but having a beer helps! How are things going for you? Have you thought any more about increasing your dose?

25-01-20, 00:15
I did manage to go, not too much anxiety but having a beer helps! How are things going for you? Have you thought any more about increasing your dose?

Thats great that you went ! Not too bad here. After the rough patch earlier in the week, things have started to smooth again. I'm going to wait 2 more weeks and see what happens. If the good days out number the bad, I'll hold where I am. If not, then I'll ask my doctor about increasing to 60 Mg and see if that works better

25-01-20, 18:39
That’s a good plan. I am seeing my Dr next week. I wonder what he’ll suggest. I’m definitely going to get some Xanax. Don’t know how I’ve done these last few weeks without it. Hope you have a good day.

25-01-20, 21:47
I’m definitely going to get some Xanax.

Imho, lorazepam (Ativan) is better. It's longer acting and dependency is slower to develop. Only use it when necessary as benzodiazepines may slow AD kick-in, but do take it if you need to as white-knuckling through anxiety is counterproductive.

25-01-20, 22:23
Imho, lorazepam (Ativan) is better. It's longer acting and dependency is slower to develop. Only use it when necessary as benzodiazepines may slow AD kick-in, but do take it if you need to as white-knuckling through anxiety is counterproductive.

PDU offers good advice. I've never had Ativan, but the Xanax that I have, I take very rarely due to the fact that dependency can occur faster than with other meds..It does work for those extreme anxiety periods, but its my 'last resort'. Talk it over with your doctor. If your still struggling, sounds like you could benefit from a short term help...Keep us posted...

26-01-20, 06:45
Imho, lorazepam (Ativan) is better. It's longer acting and dependency is slower to develop. Only use it when necessary as benzodiazepines may slow AD kick-in, but do take it if you need to as white-knuckling through anxiety is counterproductive.
Thanks, my Dr has completely freaked me out with lorazepam & said it was really addictive so I’ve been avoiding taking it. Was initially taking it to sleep when I was first diagnosed & it worked brilliantly so I won’t be so worried about taking it now when needed. Cheers

26-01-20, 06:55
PDU offers good advice. I've never had Ativan, but the Xanax that I have, I take very rarely due to the fact that dependency can occur faster than with other meds..It does work for those extreme anxiety periods, but its my 'last resort'. Talk it over with your doctor. If your still struggling, sounds like you could benefit from a short term help...Keep us posted...
Thanks, will talk it through with the Dr & keep you posted.

26-01-20, 11:10
Thanks, my Dr has completely freaked me out with lorazepam & said it was really addictive so I’ve been avoiding taking it.

You've been taking it all your life. It is one of the naturally occurring BZDs found in all foods. Potato tubers are a particularly rich source (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3178869) apparently, as is lab rat food (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3172979). While the quantities are small, they are high enough to supply the brain with all the BZDs it needs to activate BZD receptors and can reach pharmaceutical levels (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10860017) in those with some liver diseases.

Was initially taking it to sleep when I was first diagnosed & it worked brilliantly so I won’t be so worried about taking it now when needed. Cheers

The BZDs are not great sleep meds. They work well enough in the beginning, but tolerance to the sedation can develop quickly, sometimes within only a couple of weeks. Fortunately, the anxiolytic effect is mediated via different BZD binding sites which are much more resistant to tolerance developing. The sedating antihistamines - hydroxyzine (also a good anxiolytic), mirtazapine, doxepin, trazodone (n/a in AU or maybe NZ) - are better longer term sleeping pills.

26-01-20, 22:36
Well you know your stuff. That is really interesting. Based on your feedback I took 1/2 lorazepam & feeling much calmer. Have the energy to do jobs around the house today. Start week 6 tomorrow. Am grateful for all the good advise you guys post. You are helping making the days bearable.

26-01-20, 23:48
Jan 26 update **Since my Jan 22 update, things have calmed down considerably ! No background anxiety, well, almost none, but very low, if at all. I have not had to have any Xanax since. Stomach issues have pretty much cleared up. I have acid reflux and I'm sure the anxiety put it into overdrive, but with the lessening of anxiety, I'm sure the reflux calmed, however, I believe restarting the Fluox contributed to that also... Sleep is pretty good, once I fall asleep, though, last night took me almost 2 hours to fall asleep and that was with 2 mg of melatonin...So overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say I'm pushing a 7-8....onward and upward !

26-01-20, 23:50
Well you know your stuff. That is really interesting. Based on your feedback I took 1/2 lorazepam & feeling much calmer. Have the energy to do jobs around the house today. Start week 6 tomorrow. Am grateful for all the good advise you guys post. You are helping making the days bearable.
Yup, sounds like the Lorazepam did it's thing. Good job taking half of it. I've taken a half and never not had it work for me (Xanax). Your starting week 6...things should start to tapper down (side effects) at this point. Couple more weeks you'll be in the home stretch !

28-01-20, 01:15
That’s great you are improving so much. What’s really good is that you know the flux works for you or has done. That must be reassuring.

28-01-20, 02:16
That’s great you are improving so much. What’s really good is that you know the flux works for you or has done. That must be reassuring.
Yes, it's reassuring. It's kind of a good thing this happened. It showed me that, I guess unfortunately, I'll need to be on the med for life....well, very least, until I retire...How are your side effects, per se, doing ?

28-01-20, 18:47
The mornings are improving. Not as bleak & gloomy. Anxiety is there simmering in the background all the time. Still forcing myself to eat. I’m walking everyday & trying not to sleep at all during the day which helps my night sleeping. Seeing Psych tomorrow.

29-01-20, 18:12
Jan 29 Update***Still on a upward trend. Pretty much no background anxiety.Monday was a little rough as I had some serious anxiety causing issue(s) at work, which would have sent almost anyone over the deep edge.Took a 1/4 tab of Xanax due to anxiety causing pretty intense stomach discomfort. Since then feel pretty good. Sleep is still getting better, sleeping a solid 6-7 hours. On scale of 1 to 10, feeling a solid 8. Hope everyone is doing well !

30-01-20, 02:14
On scale of 1 to 10, feeling a solid 8. Hope everyone is doing well !

Looking good, buddy!! :) Long may it continue :yesyes:

ADs can be truly awful meds which no one on their right minds would take, especially at the beginning...except when they work they can almost magically change lives for the better.

30-01-20, 02:29
Looking good, buddy!! :) Long may it continue :yesyes:

Thanks PDU. I appreciate all the help you've given !

30-01-20, 20:19
Thanks PDU. I appreciate all the help you've given !

Great to hear you are on the improve. Went to Dr yesterday & he said all my side effects are the wash out from tapering off citalapram. Apparently I will now start to see the results of fluoxetine over the next 4-6 weeks. He seems happy with my progress. I’m just impatient & want to be living life now! Feeling mild anxiety & mild nausea today.

30-01-20, 22:32
Great to hear you are on the improve. Went to Dr yesterday & he said all my side effects are the wash out from tapering off citalapram. Apparently I will now start to see the results of fluoxetine over the next 4-6 weeks. He seems happy with my progress. I’m just impatient & want to be living life now! Feeling mild anxiety & mild nausea today.

Well, sounds like you might be in the home stretch...a few more weeks and you should be feeling pretty good...Waiting is the hard part...

03-02-20, 22:27
Feb 3 Update : Well, still on an upward trend. Anxiety is almost non existent. Thoughts/anxiety may pop up during the day, but dont last very long. Next week will be a test. I have to go out of town all week for training for my work, so we'll see how I do with that. Only somewhat issue, for the last few days, has been sleep. Have a hard time falling asleep, then waking up early. Saturday night into Sunday only had, like four hours of sleep. Even though, I felt fairly well all day. Anyway, hope everyone is doing well !

04-02-20, 00:22
I’ve been having terrible anxiety for 2 days now. Took half lorazepam yesterday. Trying not to today. If I count my weeks from when my dose was upped to 40, I’m now starting week 5 so it’s still early days. I do seem to cope with stress abit more. Don’t have too much anxiety when grocery shopping & going for walks. But that is about as much I can do. The thought of work is overwhelming. Am sleeping 8 hours most nights. Have a therapy session booked next week so perhaps she can unravel my tangled thoughts abit more!
Conelrad, I hope the sleep improves for you but if you’re coping during the day I wouldn’t worry too much about it. It’ll be a blip hopefully.

04-02-20, 01:24
I’ve been having terrible anxiety for 2 days now. Took half lorazepam yesterday. Trying not to today. If I count my weeks from when my dose was upped to 40, I’m now starting week 5 so it’s still early days. I do seem to cope with stress abit more. Don’t have too much anxiety when grocery shopping & going for walks. But that is about as much I can do. The thought of work is overwhelming.

Hi Summer..sorry to hear about the anxiety issue. Good 4 U for taking the Lorazepam. Heck, if you need it take it. I still have a lot of my Xanax left and it's been 4 weeks since I got it. But, I have it in case I need it. It's good your sleeping, hope mine gets better again. It's good your getting out (shopping, walks). I find having to go out is a lot less stressful now, so it does get better..Keep us posted !

08-02-20, 19:22
Feb 8 Update *** Anxiety is pretty much gone. I've have had some spikes, however, I am now dealing with other medical issue(s). The one that was probably causing my stomach issue(s). I am following up with a GI doctor. I saw my primary doctor the other day as she wanted an update on my anxiety...both agreed that things are moving forward very well and I will stay at my current dosage.
Hope everyone is doing well....

08-02-20, 23:09
Feb 8 Update *** Anxiety is pretty much gone.

...I saw my primary doctor the other day as she wanted an update on my anxiety...both agreed that things are moving forward very well and I will stay at my current dosage.

This is very good news!! :)

however, I am now dealing with other medical issue(s). The one that was probably causing my stomach issue(s). I am following up with a GI doctor.

Bummer. :sad: At least they tend to be easier to deal with than the psyche disorders.

10-02-20, 18:43
I’m now at week 6 today. Had 3 good days in a row after 3 bad days. I do get nausea in the mornings but it seems to taper off later in the day. Anxiety is in the background but I haven’t had it build up to any panic attacks, thank goodness. Seeing psychologist Thursday to do some unraveling! Will be interesting to see what needs work...I will keep you posted! Conelrad that’s frustrating about your stomach. Hopefully it’s minor & can be easily fixed.

12-02-20, 01:55
I’m now at week 6 today. Had 3 good days in a row after 3 bad days. I do get nausea in the mornings but it seems to taper off later in the day. Anxiety is in the background but I haven’t had it build up to any panic attacks, thank goodness. Seeing psychologist Thursday to do some unraveling! Will be interesting to see what needs work...I will keep you posted! Conelrad that’s frustrating about your stomach. Hopefully it’s minor & can be easily fixed.

Summer, great that your starting week 6. You should be well on the way to turning the corner, per se with side effects. Hope everything goes well on Thursday for you...

12-02-20, 02:03
Feb 11 Update : Well, it's been just over 8 weeks since I restarted and can say I don't want to go through that again. I am feeling very much "normal" now. Feeling as good as before I went off Fluox. Pretty much no anxiety, very slight background anxiety every so often, but it's not frequent at all. My sleep is pretty much normal now however, I do take Melatonin a few times a week because I do wake up a few times during the night, but fall right back asleep.I'm "hotel living" all this week due to having to go out of town for work. Non issue, no anxiety due to it, I was glad about that !
Hope everyone is doing good !

16-02-20, 21:42
Feb 11 Update : Well, it's been just over 8 weeks since I restarted and can say I don't want to go through that again. I am feeling very much "normal" now. Feeling as good as before I went off Fluox. Pretty much no anxiety, very slight background anxiety every so often, but it's not frequent at all. My sleep is pretty much normal now however, I do take Melatonin a few times a week because I do wake up a few times during the night, but fall right back asleep.I'm "hotel living" all this week due to having to go out of town for work. Non issue, no anxiety due to it, I was glad about that !
Hope everyone is doing good !
Hope the week away for work went smoothly? Tomorrow is week 7 for me. Had a really good weekend but got back to the city & anxiety returned. I seem to be able to manage it ok. Haven’t had to resort to lorazepam. My psychologist has suggested I try EMDR for the anxiety. Has anyone tried it?

18-02-20, 22:25
Feb 18 Update*** Well, as far as anxiety goes, it's pretty much non existent. Hooray ! It's been almost 9 weeks since the restart. My week away for work went well, no issue(s). Sleep is an issue often, but it always has been for me. Last couple of weeks, it takes me like, 2 hours to fall asleep. I'm going to have to do some reading up/research on that issue and see what I can come up with.A lot of tossing & turning to get to sleep...
Hope everyone is doing well ! !

19-02-20, 11:48
Sleep is an issue often,

Insomnia, or delays in falling asleep can be an ongoing issue with ADs, especially the SSRIs. The standard remedy in the *U.S. is small doses, 25-75mg, of the very sedating AD trazodone (Desyrel). It becomes less sedating as the dose increases so don't be tempted to go for a high knockout punch. It's main advantage over other meds such as mirtazapine, doxepin, or quetiapine is that it only has a very short half-life, about 5 hours, so you're less likely to be groggy the next morning, although it does sometimes still happen.

You may also find these links useful:



* UK GPs seem to be reluctant to prescribe it for some reason, and it isn't available in AU, or, if memory serves, NZ.