View Full Version : Throat nausea - GERD, illness or the A word?

26-12-19, 22:49
Sitting here on the verge of tears as Christmas has let me down again.
I'm a severe emetophobic, to the point where ive often mistaken feelings of general tiredness and even emotions for nausea.
I have been very good this year though as ive cut out triggering foods such as spicy foods and mountains of coffee, coke and chocolate. However.
My dad got flu around 4/5 days ago BAD. No appetite, nausea aswell as aches, fever, throat etc....me and my mom didnt catch it yet and so I managed to eat lots of christmas food yesterday, past 4 years ive had either flu or stomach upset so I went for it and felt great. Nothing too crazy but definitely lots more than usual. I also ended the night with pineapple juice (and bucks fizz). I woke up perfect today and had 2 slices of white toast. Felt hungry after so had some cheeky quality streets and about 3 hours after I felt what FELT like hunger. But it quickly turned into intense hunger nausea and I left it too late so it became very uncomfortable like acid...but not quite acid reflux, just a tightening feeling in my throat. I had an ant acid to clear it but it made me SO much worse and for 2 hours the ant acid felt like it was undigested laying in my stomach.
I tried to calm down as my anxiety peaked and eventually hung out with my family but the feeling was getting worse and worse. Weirdly though when they began to eat I felt better and even felt a twinge of hunger. Ive had hunger sick before but usually it turns into proper hunger but this really didnt. It was a gnawking lingering feeling in my stomach and the fact that my dads been unwell has petrified me as he said the nausea was bad.

Is it anxiety doing this? or do I have GERD? I have had no heartburn or reflux today but thinking it could be connected. I didnt eat anything all night except for 2 plain doritos and im settled now but have 4 days of showing my bros partner round and I cant entertain this sickly lingering feeling