View Full Version : Oral Cancer fear - black spot on tongue. Please help - feeling sick

28-12-19, 16:49
This may seem ridiculous, but I'm a 25 year old woman and terrified that I have oral cancer. Today I was getting pain in the side of my tongue towards the back and assumed it was an ulcer (I get ulcers frequently due to stress). I took a look in the mirror and the area is a small black/reddish dot. The dot itself is slightly raised and it's the area surrounding it that hurts the most. It could be a blood blister (I went out for curry last night - though it wasn't very spicy) but I am convincing myself it is tongue cancer, particularly as it is such a dark color. I watched a video a few days ago about a man in his thirties who had a pain in his tongue and next thing he knew his tongue had to be taken out and he was given months to live.

I feel sick. The side of my tongue is throbbing and feels tingly as I write this. Everybody I've spoken to has said it will go soon and that it's nothing but I can't seem to believe them. I've spent the afternoon in tears.

Anybody else had anything similar?

Thanks very much !

28-12-19, 18:06
I watched a video a few days ago about a man in his thirties who had a pain in his tongue and next thing he knew his tongue had to be taken out and he was given months to live.

These sorts of videos are not something that you just 'find' and pop out at you (I've never seen one in my much longer life), they have to be searched for and found during your internet checking. I don't know why you'd go watching things that specifically feed into your fear, a fear you must have had before you found this blood blister - which I am sure it is ! Have I had similar? - yes - often actually. I am a chewer of gum, a tooth clencher and prone to ulcers and blood blisters in the mouth. I would go as far as saying that it is rare for me to not have a tiny one at any one time, in some part of my mouth. Even a scratch or rub from sharp food, or something too hot can cause one. This particular little injury you have has appeared quickly, and as the mouth is awesome and very fast at healing - it will go fairly quickly too I should think.

28-12-19, 18:07
We do have some posts about this so do a search but here is one:


28-12-19, 18:45

My partner is a dentist, his brother is a head and neck cancer surgeon and they tell me that cancerous lesions in the mouth are usually white or red. I hope this helps.