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View Full Version : Worried About Feeling In Upper Back

30-12-19, 05:48
Hiii! Okay. So I was super sick and had to do a round of amoxicillan and now Im in Diflucan because the damn antibiotic gave me another infection of the not so cute kind. Lol. I took the diflucan last night at 6:30pm. It’s 9:45pm the next night and my upper back feels so tight and it hurts if I’m not sitting a certain way. My husband thinks that I pulled something sitting the wrong way or I was sitting weird for awhile and creating tension and a knot. I can’t stop thinking about it and I’m worried about it being a side effect with my heart or something. Like something is wrong and it’s creating tension and tightness. If I move around I can find spots where it doesn’t hurt when I take a deep breath but then there’s spots where it does. I was reading the side effect sheet and it said a possible side effect could be heart related and since this spot is on my back same side as my heart I’m panicking. It also said like fast beats and fluttering which I don’t feel. Just this back thing. Does it sound like it’s muscular? Or should I be worried?