View Full Version : Twitches got better? Not sure...

30-12-19, 22:19
I'm a 17 year old male who is no stranger to health anxiety. I also connect all the symptoms I have or previously HAD and connect it to a disease of some sort. I used to be worried about my heart until the doctor said I was perfectly fine. Now I have fully transferred to another debilitating symptom which is twitches. I transferred to THIS one about a year ago when I first started noticing them. I used to get them A LOT. However, recently they haven't come up as much.

AS OF NOW, I get twitches around my lip. They are very small spasms and only I notice them. I get this pinching pain around my thighs sometimes too. And lastly, I get this musculo-skeletal chest pain that comes and goes.

My main worry is if I have a muscle/nerve problem caused by the brain. One thing I notice is that I never get these symptoms when I am focused on a certain task or activity... they only arise when I am bored and have nothing to do.

Thank you so much,
Matt :)

04-01-20, 00:43
I'm a 17 year old male who is no stranger to health anxiety. I also connect all the symptoms I have or previously HAD and connect it to a disease of some sort. I used to be worried about my heart until the doctor said I was perfectly fine. Now I have fully transferred to another debilitating symptom which is twitches. I transferred to THIS one about a year ago when I first started noticing them. I used to get them A LOT. However, recently they haven't come up as much.

AS OF NOW, I get twitches around my lip. They are very small spasms and only I notice them. I get this pinching pain around my thighs sometimes too. And lastly, I get this musculo-skeletal chest pain that comes and goes.

My main worry is if I have a muscle/nerve problem caused by the brain. One thing I notice is that I never get these symptoms when I am focused on a certain task or activity... they only arise when I am bored and have nothing to do.

Thank you so much,
Matt :)

I get them too. Also notice them the most when I am just sitting around. Don't notice them near as much when busy. Wish I could find a way to make them disappear.

04-01-20, 00:47
Twitches are not debilitating. The fact that you're labelling them as such shows just where you mind is when it comes to benign symptoms.

Twitching is one of the top 5 most common symptoms of anxiety, and nothing to worry about at all. You're over focusing and over analysing.

At 17, you should be focusing on other things, like women. Or men, or whatever you want to rub yourself up against.

03-02-20, 05:38
I am sorry for the very late reply, but I do notice that I experience little to no anxiety when I have distractions. Such as women and other interests like tennis/football. It all comes to me at night before bed where all these negative life thoughts spring into my mind. It’s rare for me to think negatively throughout a busy day!

I always think about little pains around my back and sometimes chest that may occur. Slight palpitations. Twitches. But I’ve had all those for almost 2 years and if anything, my body has been looking better? (Thank God). I’ve been trying to reprogram my mind to think that all these sudden bouts of pain and weird feelings mean that I’m transforming into something better. But sometimes it can get overwhelming if I overthink!

I’ve gotten my heart checked twice and the cardiologist said it looks great. And I’m all cleared to play the sports I love. (Thank God)

Thank you, Matt.