View Full Version : Pneumonia

30-12-19, 23:37
Hello everyone,

I don’t know if this belongs here, but I have to post it somewhere. So this year I somehow managed to minimize my general anxiety to the stage where I didn’t have to use SSRI anymroe because my life was “livable” or actually pretty okay. Soon after that the stuff started. Caught a cold. Broke my foot that didn’t heal fast. Got bladder infection. Was like okay that is enough. Nope. Got pneumonia. Pneumonia made me quit smoking actually which was my big love. Now 3 months later I still feel a bit tired but I breathe way better and sometimes I caugh, like a nasty cough from the depth of my soul - I guess it is cleaning but my brain googled eveeeerything already. So I am here asking if someone had a similar situation or a caugh afterwards that felt like cleaning because the breathing feels really normal(even when I have strong anxiety and i can’t really take a breath), the cough never starts when I sleep or chill just for example when I am walking the stairs or carrying something heavy... so I am confused between all these google advice and medical things, I don’t trust doctors and since this year it feels like whatever I did in order to move on, the life just screws me over again and again. I went through all this without pills but last time was so bad I thought it will never end and getting back on them whenever sth like this happens. And it happened so many times.

31-12-19, 02:57
I quit smoking 8 months ago and I still have a cough sometimes. I’m also struggling through a chest cold right now so I know how you feel!! Quitting smoking alone is enough to bring on a cough. Your body is trying to rid itself of all that nastiness. It’s actually a good thing. Great job kicking the habit and try not to worry too much!! This will pass.

31-12-19, 15:57
Never smoked but had pneumonia last year around November, no hospital visit just off work for 3 weeks and phased return for 2 weeks, had to have x-rays in December and January as I was still coughing and the doctor didn't like the sound of it, but the final x-ray just showed scarring and I've been fine since then. Same as you I was tired easily for a few months afterwards, and every so often had a nasty rough cough that really worried me that it was coming back, but now a year later I feel fit and healthy with no cough any more.

07-01-20, 23:32
Yes!!! Exactly this is what I have! The doctor sent me to do another x-ray and to a specialist Just 1 day ago and he just saw the scarring now and said it is nothing in the lungs that could cause this. What makes it weirder this really nasty caugh shows up every day between 22:30-23:00 for one minute just to freak me out before bed time and then it disappears. Even today it was like a dog barking mixed with donkey and then it is go e and no shortness of breath or anything. In general I do have a caugh that sounds normal after catching a cold one, mostly dry. I really don’t get it if my mind is on a mission to freak me out or there are actually some things cleaning out. But I feel so much calmer after ur answer and after the x-ray.