View Full Version : Seriously concerned i have cancer

31-12-19, 12:59
Hello everyone i have not posted on here for a while i hope everyone is ok,i used to post on here about numerous symptoms which have persisted for 2 and half years and have not gone away,i have nearly lost all my vision (2 damaged optic nerves)which 2 years down the line still no answer for....i have serious internal body tremors(feels like it tremors with every heart beat) i have had groin pain for the last 3 months,and now ive got a burning sensation in my right ear it feels full and like theres something stuck in it,my balance is all over the place,i have burning sensations in hands and feet,my whole body feels like its destroying,i have seen countless drs,i have had 2 mris of head and orbits a ct scan of head in last 2 and half years they have found nothing...i am waiting on mri scans of head n orbits with contrast dye,but there seems to be a new symptom everyday,i feel like giving up and that im about to die.