View Full Version : Right sided throat pain

31-12-19, 23:35
I’ve been experiencing a sharp, achy pain in the right side of my throat. It especially bad when yawning or swallowing. I’m very concerned because it’s lasted so long and is only getting worse. I’m also freaking out because I had an appointment with my gastroenterologist today (for something unrelated) and asked him to take a look at my throat; he said it looked red and inflamed and suggested I see an ENT if it isn’t gone on the next few days. However, in the appointment notes he wrote: “Suggested procedure: esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy”. Now I’m scared that he thinks I have cancer. Has anyone experienced this before? Why would he write this?

31-12-19, 23:40
Why would he write this?

CYA (Cover Your Arse) medicine. See how it goes the next few days....

Positive thoughts

31-12-19, 23:52
Blimey they would never do that here in the UK

31-12-19, 23:57
Any idea why I might have this horrible pain on only one side? Is this normal?

01-01-20, 00:19
A sore throat

01-01-20, 01:22
It really doesn’t feel like a typical sore throat. It’s been hurting for over 2 weeks now, and is specifically on the right side. The pain is very sharp

01-01-20, 01:54
I had something similar today and a few weeks ago? I think it’s viral and can turn into like laryngitis. Unless there is an obvious lump? Do you have routine blood tests? If you’ve had some recently you can probably GAge from your white blood cells and lymphocytes if there’s something sinister before they start removing parts of your throat unnecessarily.

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01-01-20, 01:57
Did you also have it one just one side of the throat? It’s so painful to yawn or swallow, I’m so scared