View Full Version : Help please I'm breaking down

01-01-20, 17:18
I've had health anxiety for so long now. For a few years I managed to control it but now it's back and I feel like I'm going mad. A month ago I found my nan collapsed and had to give her cpr. The good news is she's great but her memory is very bad now.
Recently my health anxiety has taken a bashing ever since I woke up one morning my heart was beating so fast, my head became fuzzy I thought this is it. I ran into my mum's room crying I'm panicking so my mum grabbed hold of me and hugged me like when I was little calming me down.
I went to the doctor he believes that I'm suffering from ptsd after what had to do for my Nan.
But I'm still suffering from the same feeling in my chest (skipped beats rapid heart beat) and head ( fuzzy head rush). I just hate myself right now.

01-01-20, 17:22
Oh goodness, don't hate yourself - love yourself. You saved someone's life, that is an astonishing achievement and even more so as its a family member. I think its understandable that the experience has caused you a few mental health issues and fears, and your doctor sounds like they are on the mark with guessing at it stressing you - and I am presuming they gave you a basic health check ? The symptoms you describe, the skipped beats, the rapid heartbeat and the head rushes/fuzzy feeling sound adrenaline-induced and many here will relate to those symptoms. Panic is basically coming in response to the situation you found yourself in - has the doctor recommended any help for you ?

01-01-20, 17:31
The doctor recommend CBT but when I rang up the asked me if I was self harming (which I haven't done for years) or if I was suicidal. When I said at the moment no they told me that right now I'm on a waiting list since I'm not an urgent case. So I don't know how long I'll have to wait. Also I can't afford to go private.

01-01-20, 18:10
Whilst traumatic, you would NOT get PTSD from what you had to witness and deal with. Anxiety can be bad from experiencing something traumatic like that as it's a massive stress, but your Doctor absolutely 100% cannot diagnose you with PTSD, they are not qualified to do so. Please don't focus on that condition, your Doctor was just a bit loose and free with a term they don't fully understand.

First of all you're not breaking down, you're experiencing anxiety, and second of all there's absolutely no reason to hate yourself. This is common and (almost) normal.

Anxiety is part of the human condition, and you're just experiencing an elevated reaction to a very stressful event.

Give it some time, explore CBT, meditation, go out for walks and let your nervous system process what happened. This is something that will be with you a while. Talk to your Mum, your family and your friends. It will pass.

01-01-20, 20:36
I'm not suprised this has affected you. This isn't an every day occurrence (assuming you dont work in a and e). You should be proud of what you have achieved and concentrate of the positive in that you saved someone's life. I would recommend mindfulness. There are loads of resources online and depending on where you are, there maybe some groups. Near me for example there is a group that meet once a week for £5