View Full Version : Gums bleeding consistently

01-01-20, 22:21
Im a 26 year old female, had braces from 2016-2018 and dental appointments inbetween and had no issues, not even any indication to brush better although I often got told my gums were a little inflamed at the brace tightenings every month. I got a retainer one year ago which has suited me perfectly but noticed throughout the year that I bled into it due to my harsh brushing. I tried for the past month to calm down the brushing but my gums for the past month have been seriously inflamed. My lower gums literally bleed at just the touch of my brush some nights and it bleeds into the night and I wake with little patches of it in my retainer. Another thing Ive noticed is my breath and smell of my mouth every morning is absolutely digusting; I have various stomach complications such as mild GERD and potential bile salt malabsorb so assumed its cos of my that but Im beginning to think its an infection of my mouth. My parents say they smell bile from time to time when I speak but never when Ive eaten, only if I havent. Is this a dentist question? I dont believe I can get an appointment until next month but wasnt sure if it was emergency - if anyone else has had this please let me know

01-01-20, 23:34
I would see a dentist yes and let them have a look.

Doesn't sound serious but they are the experts.

02-01-20, 16:55
Sounds like gingivitis.... I had it... I was brushing fine but my flossing was awful. After a few weeks religously brushing and flossing and using antibacterial mouth wash it cleared up but you need to keep on top of it. At its worst I could actually just press my gum and it would start bleeding. All good now though. Best of luck!