View Full Version : Cold that has almost been active for ten days. Concerned and scared!!

01-01-20, 22:24
Hi everyone,

I really need help and advice. I'm so worried over this and stressed. :weep:

I started getting a sore throat on last Sunday and a hoarse voice. I figured I was getting a cold so I started taking my cough drops and zinc lozenges. On Christmas day, I was so stuffed up and I lost my voice. I could not breathe and had an awful cough. Now, I just have the cough lingering around and am still slightly congested. I keep having sinus pressure that makes me feel like I have a rubber band around my head that keeps being tightened and it is making my top teeth sensitive as it hurts my cheeks. I also keep having thick, light yellow mucus that comes out when I blow my nose.

Should I go to the doctor tomorrow? I'm so scared I'm never going to get over this and that I have a sinus infection because of the sinus pressure/pain. Doesn't yellow mucus usually mean a sinus infection? Please help ease my worries. I can't see the doctor til tomorrow as they're closed on new years.

01-01-20, 23:25
Infections often last this long, it's really not worth elevating to the status of 'I'll never get better'.

Yes, at 10 days I would see a Doctor, but only to rule out a bacterial infection.

Just try and stay chill, drill plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible. It'll pass when it's ready to pass.

Oh, the last infection I had that sounds like yours it remained for about 3-4 weeks. They just do sometimes.

01-01-20, 23:25
A friend of mine has had it 3 weeks now so it is common

01-01-20, 23:37
Infections often last this long, it's really not worth elevating to the status of 'I'll never get better'.

Yes, at 10 days I would see a Doctor, but only to rule out a bacterial infection.

Just try and stay chill, drill plenty of fluids and rest as much as possible. It'll pass when it's ready to pass.

Oh, the last infection I had that sounds like yours it remained for about 3-4 weeks. They just do sometimes.

I'm trying my best, but it's hard. If I ever get something into my head and convince myself that I have it, I get obsessed and I won't be able to stop thinking about it. Does yellow mucus mean a bacterial infection?

01-01-20, 23:45
Some things ARE hard. Doesn't mean you have to pander to them. A never ending cycle of health anxiety is harder, surely?

Ask your doctor about your mucus. I'm not qualified to answer that for you.

02-01-20, 01:34
I was sick for nearly all of October with a cold, they can be nasty things. You think you're put of it and it snaps back again!

02-01-20, 02:06
I'm trying my best, but it's hard. If I ever get something into my head and convince myself that I have it, I get obsessed and I won't be able to stop thinking about it. Does yellow mucus mean a bacterial infection?

I've had the very same since Christmas day... not worried a bit.
My coworker's husband has had it a bit longer than me, he went to the dr and they told him it just has to run its course.

Now if a month from now you're still sick and not better at all or develop a new fever THEN get it checked out .

*and I'm not examining my boogers, I blow my nose and toss the tissue.

02-01-20, 06:23
My 5 year old and I have been sick since around Thanksgiving. We both got better for about a week and then boom, this go round is not as bad as the first and I’m not sure if it went away and then we got a different bug or if it’s the same bug but I’m feeling like it’s never gonna go away. I haven’t been to the doctor and have no plans to go as I know eventually it will pass. You aren’t alone, I just think some viruses take longer to pass then others.

Hope you get to feeling better soon

02-01-20, 06:37
I'm only just starting to get rid of a cough I've had from a cold that started in late November. It's just that time of year, sadly.

02-01-20, 08:09
Does yellow mucus mean a bacterial infection?

No, of course not, it is also happens from viral infection. You must be very young, or very lucky to have never had a cold last 10 days before, or have never had a cold with green /yellow mucous (aren't they all like that )! I'm amazed you are scared by a cold lasting this long to be frank, its a common cold. Even if you have got a secondary bacterial infection in the sinuses, no biggy - get it treated if it continues (although many people will shift minor infections themselves anyway I'm told)

03-01-20, 03:21
Another one here with the same symptoms since Xmas day. Exactly the same lol. Each day is slightly better than the last. As long as I don’t spike a fever at this point I don’t plan to go to doc. Just letting it run it’s course! Been dosing with mucinex dm and using a humidifier at night. Also running eucalyptus oil thru my diffuser. Who knows if it really helps lol but I don’t figure it hurts :roflmao:

08-01-20, 00:26
No, of course not, it is also happens from viral infection. You must be very young, or very lucky to have never had a cold last 10 days before, or have never had a cold with green /yellow mucous (aren't they all like that )! I'm amazed you are scared by a cold lasting this long to be frank, its a common cold. Even if you have got a secondary bacterial infection in the sinuses, no biggy - get it treated if it continues (although many people will shift minor infections themselves anyway I'm told)

I guess I have gotten lucky then as none of my colds have lasted for this long. Since I posted this, my cold has gotten a lot better. I have some congestion still in my throat, but I can breathe a lot better. My voice still sounds a little nasally, but I figure that might take awhile to go. I am still coughing, but it's not nearly as bad. My mucus is clear now too. So, I guess I should have just waited.

I went to my doctor though a couple of days after posting this. He gave me a prescription for sudafed which helped. So, I do not completely regret going. I just guess my health anxiety has been particularly terrible lately. It was the first cold where I lost my voice which I think especially set me off.

08-01-20, 09:33
You saw the doctor for a cold ?

Well, mine is now similar to yours in symptoms and I'm much further ahead than you in timescale. The first where you lost your voice ??? Crikey you HAVE been lucky, I would say I have 2 -3 colds a year still as an older adult and in half I lose my voice.

Sudafed is availiable from a pharmacist here, your doctor basically gave you something you could have got yourself without the doctor visit and if you'd have waited a few more days and just listened to our advice about how long colds can last......

08-01-20, 09:40
I wasn't even fully over my cold from the start of December when I got another one in the New Year.