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02-01-20, 14:58
In the last couple of days I've come down with a pretty heavy cold. Haven't stopped sneezing, runny nose, aching down my sides. This on top of how I've already been feeling this past week makes it harder to deal with as now I just feel even worse. I was actually starting to feel better on Tuesday :(.

I really want to go to my GP at this stage but I will feel really selfish going with heavy cold symptoms. Having such a dilemma at the moment.

02-01-20, 15:05
Your GP won't be able to help with a cold, anyway.

02-01-20, 15:46
Yeah just ride it out. There is zero reason to go to the GP with a cold.

And try not to catastrophise it, it's such a minor ailment in the grand scheme of things. Just rest and drink plenty of fluids.

02-01-20, 19:02
Thanks for the input both. It wouldn't be for the cold, just how I'm feeling in myself generally and how I did before the cold. It's difficult as everyone around me keeps saying its anxiety and when I saw the doctor briefly last week she also said anxiety. However I still don't feel right in myself, head still feels pretty spaced out and I'm getting the feeling of not breathing properly still. So I am a bit concerned as normally I can get myself over it, if it's anxiety, but other than a few occasions over the last week or so, I haven't been able to, and haven't truly felt myself. So it's all a bit stressful and miserable really.

02-01-20, 19:08
Are you getting rest? Drinking lots of fluids? Taking cold medicine to combat the symptoms? You're not going to feel better if you're not taking care of yourself.

Once the cold is over, then you can start working on the anxiety.

02-01-20, 19:21
Are you getting rest? Drinking lots of fluids? Taking cold medicine to combat the symptoms? You're not going to feel better if you're not taking care of yourself.

Once the cold is over, then you can start working on the anxiety.

Im pretty good with drinking and taking cold tablets. Rest, probably not so much as in the back of my mind there's still the fear that there could be a bigger issue going on so I've found it really hard to switch off, and often when I have its been out of exhaustion more than anything.

I think it's going to take me a little more reassurance and then I do plan on tackling the anxiety once and for all, as this patch has been particularly bad. Even if something is wrong the way I'm responding isn't the healthiest.

02-01-20, 20:09
Christmas is often a weird time for people as it can be stressful and routine's are messed with. This can be enough to make anxiety ramp up a little. Add to that your body fighting an infection and you can feel weird.

But again, just ride it out and definitely, 100%....you need to rest.

02-01-20, 20:23
Christmas is often a weird time for people as it can be stressful and routine's are messed with. This can be enough to make anxiety ramp up a little. Add to that your body fighting an infection and you can feel weird.

But again, just ride it out and definitely, 100%....you need to rest.

yeah I did think routine could come in to it. I'm used to waking up at 7 and being in bed before midnight every night. But since I haven't been in work I've been up until 4 and sleeping in until about 1. So my pattern is definitely messed up. I'm trying to rest as much as I can but every time I do the morbid thoughts come back and I'm forced awake/ alert again ��

02-01-20, 20:46
yeah I did think routine could come in to it. I'm used to waking up at 7 and being in bed before midnight every night. But since I haven't been in work I've been up until 4 and sleeping in until about 1. So my pattern is definitely messed up. I'm trying to rest as much as I can but every time I do the morbid thoughts come back and I'm forced awake/ alert again ��

Sit with the thoughts. They're just thoughts. Find a way to let them happen and let them go. They're not real, they're just thoughts. Imagine your mind as the sky, and then imagine thoughts as clouds. Don't identify them as good or bad, just clouds. Clouds come, but they always go. Running from anything to do with anxiety is the flight response, and doesn't work. Accepting what's here is the only way to deal with it effectively. The more you get used to the thoughts arriving AND leaving, the less power they will have over you.

02-01-20, 21:15
Sit with the thoughts. They're just thoughts. Find a way to let them happen and let them go. They're not real, they're just thoughts. Imagine your mind as the sky, and then imagine thoughts as clouds. Don't identify them as good or bad, just clouds. Clouds come, but they always go. Running from anything to do with anxiety is the flight response, and doesn't work. Accepting what's here is the only way to deal with it effectively. The more you get used to the thoughts arriving AND leaving, the less power they will have over you.

I really am trying but haven't had much luck with it yet. Unless I'm distracted by something, but obviously that's hard when you're just relaxing or going to bed

02-01-20, 22:16
It's not about luck, it's about practice.

02-01-20, 23:08
It's not about luck, it's about practice.

I really don't know where to begin. Seems impossible at the moment but hopefully I'll see the light soon!

05-01-20, 22:50
So I started to feel spaced out again earlier. Then my mind thought maybe I have a blood clot and that's what's causing the lack of breathing sensation. I have work tomorrow but I haven't even able to get up and do anything to prepare as I'm just sat up in fear, unable to move almost in case I feel worse. It's been two weeks now and this still hasn't passed so I'm pretty worried about what will be said :(

05-01-20, 23:26
Souds like anxiety to me as well

11-01-20, 17:17
I had been feeling slightly better up until the other night when I had a very intense, " full" pain in the centre of my chest. I went to A&E and they did a few tests. Was an awful experience as I waited 6 hours and still didn't see a gp or have a diagnosis. I saw my GP who put it down to indigestion and anxiety.

Since then I've had the awful feeling like I can't breathe properly/ naturally and the spaced out feeling along with it. Also a bit achy too.

I just really feel like something really wrong is going on with me with these odd, vague symptoms. It's taking me so long to brighten up about anything again and I'm just plagued with these symptoms and the thoughts that something is seriously wrong with me. I feel like I need to be checked out again and it's just never ending. I don't want it to be like this :(.

11-01-20, 18:44
Hey Alice, sorry you're feeling so scared. Your GP will be right, try to have faith in his/her diagnosis. Anything heart related they would be very quick to act I promise. I also have had loads of freak outs about my heart but honestly, anxiety really does affect our breathing and cause tension in the muscles around our chest. You are fine. Try to relax and remember it is literally your health anxiety messing with your head X

11-01-20, 20:14
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