View Full Version : Internal Tremors

02-01-20, 20:15
Hi all,

I have been living with GAD for quite a few years now. After a rather succesful attempt of pushing it aside and working on myself I managed to go almost half a year without any anxiety. However just after Christmas I buckled. I went against my No.1 mantra.... NEVER GOOGLE ILLNESSES!

The story begins after a boozy Xmas day and tiring Boxing day I returned home with my wife. I was quite dehydrated and had a headache all day.I got to sleep with my head pounding and woke up at 4am. Usually I would just think "ah man, headache" and pop an ibuprofen. But for some reason I decided to google "headaches" and went into the rabbit hole. One anxious phone call with the NHS 111 service and a full on 2hours of panicking later I returned to bed. I woke up, headache gone... what a suprise.... anxiety and worry you did it again!! This time however my whole body was weak and fatigued, I was clearly unwell with the common cold. However, AGAIN, I googled weak body and limbs and jumped down another rabbit hole. For 3 whole days I worried obsessively over my sensations and symptoms, they had taken full control of me. Brain fog, tiredness all the rest returned. Anyway, with the majority of the worrying over I have now been left with what feels like internal tremors. The feeling you get after a really tough day at the gym and your muscles tremor when you move them. I dont tremor when I am calm and sitting still. It just feels like they are tremoring when I move them. Could this be a sign of anxiety? An overworked nervous system? the product of chronic stress? Has anyone else ever experienced something like this before after an episode of chronic stress?

02-01-20, 20:48
It's exceptionally common, compounded by drinking and Christmas.

Pay no attention to it.

02-01-20, 21:19
It's exceptionally common, compounded by drinking and Christmas.

Pay no attention to it.

Thanks ankietyjoe! I just wanted to know if it was something that happens after chronic stress - stressful/anxious period. The boozy day was literally a day (i am not a big drinker). Thank you :)

02-01-20, 21:57
Sounds like all the classic anxiety symptoms. I actually had to stop drinking because I would get bad anxiety the following day, even after only one or two beers.

02-01-20, 22:15
Drinking alcohol IS stress. Your body treats it like a poison, because it is a poison. It prioritises the processing and removal of the booze ahead of almost every other process in the body.

10-01-21, 18:27
I feel like the building is vibrating. It also started after a day of drinking but has stuck around. How is it going with you?