View Full Version : Hi Im new

30-09-07, 18:14
I have suffered from general anxiety/panic on and off for a few years, which has got worse of late. I find it difficult to tell family/friends about how I feel as I dont think they will understand or maybe think I am going a little "crazy". I'm quite sure they wouldn't think that at all but its just taking that first step.

I am waiting for a referral for CBT which hopefully will help and enable me to start thinking more positively.

Cyndi x

30-09-07, 18:44

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

30-09-07, 18:47
Hello Cyndi :welcome:to you!

Well, the only way to tell your friends my love is to just - tell them! Rather than think you're going crazy they'll probably wonder why it took you so long to tell them in the first place.

That's what I had to do, because trying to maintain a "I'm ok" face is very tiring and stress-inducing. Sooner or later something will just have to give - and it will probably be you.

So, take a deep breath and decide to carry on once you've started. The relief, and achievement, you'll feel afterwards will be worth it. But I'm not saying it will be easy going - being honest with people, and yourself, is sometimes exactly the opposite but the rewards for doing so, in my opinion, far outway the keeping quiet and pretending nothing's wrong.

Best of luck to you - oh, and pleased to meet you lol !


30-09-07, 19:02
Hi Cyndi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I've told my closest friend I suffer and I also had to tell my work colleagues because of circumstances. They are all very supportive and what I found helped was to play down the anxiety and say you're finding ways to overcome it.

Best of luck,

Mike :)

30-09-07, 20:56
Hi Cyndi,
welcom aboard. Hope you can find alot of help and support.

Take care

30-09-07, 22:35
Hi Cyndi,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here feel exactly how you do and will get a lot of support. I have always suffered anxiety so I have not had to tell anyone they have always known. When I do make a new friend I just tell them as it is just part of me, I feel if they really like me they will understand. Also, when I am scared of something I just explain my fear and they do understand. You will be surprised how understanding people can be once you open up to them.



30-09-07, 23:09
Hi Cyndi

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

30-09-07, 23:45
Hello Cindi And Welcome To The Site.......wish Ya The Best.........linda

01-10-07, 08:28
Hi Cyndi,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

01-10-07, 10:20
Welcome i am new too and am hoping this site will give me somewhere to let vent!!!!Feel free to pm me if you need.:hugs::hugs:

01-10-07, 12:33
Hi Cyndi

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


01-10-07, 18:54
Hi Again

Thanks for all your encouraging words. It really helps.

Cyndi xx


01-10-07, 23:02
Hi there
you will be amazed how many others have been there or someone they know have - everyone has their own fears and issues -

I lost no friends and had an amazing response at work when i was open to my anxiety and depression - my boss had been there - my manager had been there - good luck

02-10-07, 11:19
Welcome Cyndi, lots of friends here for you :yesyes: