View Full Version : Back again, this time with something completely different ☹️

03-01-20, 20:25
Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a good Christmas and new year.

Unfortunately I’ve not been good the last few days - it all started four weeks ago. I was waiting to hear back about a job that I really wanted and was making myself sick with nerves. The morning I got the call straight after I suddenly felt like I had low blood sugar - I was faint, felt sick, and hot (I went bright red). I left work early that day because I felt so ill. by the time I got home I felt okay and managed to eat, all was normal the next day.

Two weeks ago I hadn’t eaten much and went out for lunch, as I was eating I started panicking thinking what if I felt sick how I did previously then all of a sudden I felt sick. It didn’t last as long as the previous episode and again was fine the day after.

Now is where I’m really panicking - yesterday I went to work and was there for about half an hour before feeling so sick and dizzy. My eyes couldn’t focus properly. I left again and felt better by the evening. Today I felt okay when I woke up and got ready but didn’t go in because about half an hour later I felt the same again.

I went to the doctors - it wasn’t my usual one - and she wasn’t concerned even though I physically looked ill and had had to wait outside the surgery I felt so sick again. She looked in my ears, tested my eye movement and other facial movements, took my temperature and blood pressure and said she thinks it’s a virus / something similar to vertigo.

Now this should be enough for me but of course it isn’t. I have booked an eye test for Monday - the last time I went a year ago they advised I did need them but to put it off for as long as I can as they weren’t that bad. I wonder if this is related to digital eye strain and they’ve got progressively worse over the past year? I didn’t realise it had been that long since my last one until I looked earlier today. I work in an office so am at a pc all day.

Has anyone had anything similar and it been down to their eyesight? It would explain the vision problems but not the nausea.

Another explanation is b12 deficiency as I take metformin for PCOS and I know this can cause it.

I have an appointment with my normal doctor next week so will discuss with her if the problems persist, but any advice would be much appreciated as always.

03-01-20, 20:29
A coworker of mine had something similar. Vertigo due to an ear infection from a virus. He had to be out of work for 2 weeks.

03-01-20, 20:37
Thanks AntsyVee. How was that diagnosed? As she checked my ears so not sure if she was looking for an infection or be able to see one?

03-01-20, 21:05
I dunno. He got sick at work and was taken to Urgent Care, so I know a doc diagnosed him.

03-01-20, 21:32
I dunno. He got sick at work and was taken to Urgent Care, so I know a doc diagnosed him.

this is actually what kicked off my HA again after a ten year lapse. Got super dizzy at work - almost felt drunk. Took me to the ER and was diagnosed with BPPV - basically positional vertigo. They couldn’t “see” it in my ears or on my scans/bloodwork. Was diagnosed by having me shift positions on the hospital bed, laying down, left side vs right side, etc - gave me some motion pills that knocked me out and within a couple weeks it started to improve. Vertigo is no fun at all! But not serious.

03-01-20, 23:14
(Typing from a new laptop, so please apologise if I make a typo - still getting used to the keyboard.)

I'm not sure from your post what you're worried about. Is it the hypo you took, the feeling sick or the vision?

I used to get non-diabetic hypos all the time in my early 20s when I drank too much. I'm 26 now and haven't had one in a few years....until the other day.

I was hungover and had a caffeinated coffee. BIG mistake. I'm only used to decaff. Anyway it came on about 4 hours after drinking said coffee. Which is around the half life of caffeine IIRC. Horrible experience indeed. But it;s also a bit strange - I drink other caffeinated beverages when hungover all the time.

So there must be something else in caffeinated coffee which causes/contributes to this. (If anyone knows, please let me know because I'd be very interested to know).

Your other symptoms really don't sound worrying. When I see people posting on here about dizziness, they;'re usually worried about brain tumours. When brain tumours cause dizziness, its constant and doesn't go away - period. It's only when said tumour is removed and associated pressure is relieved that the dizziness goes away. So that can be ruled out.

tbh you just sound like you have terrible anxiety. Consider CBT because it helped me immensely with a seven year long brain tumour fear

good luck

04-01-20, 09:23
Thanks for your replies.

I woke up today and don’t feel as dizzy but do still feel sick. The doctor prescribed me Prochlorperazine for the sickness which I need to get from the chemist.

05-01-20, 12:01
Started taking the tablets yesterday and by the evening felt better. Woke up today and feel dizzy and sick again.

Seems to be a pattern of being worse in the mornings.

And to top it all off I am due to go on holiday on Friday, on a long-haul flight 😭

05-01-20, 12:23
This happened to somebody I know. And they fainted and ended up being taken to hospital by coworkers. Turned out to be exhaustion and stress. I wasn't aware stress could cause that until it happened to him. A lot of what I read re: sickness sounds very much like anxiety.

I used to constantly feel sick. Any sort of worry would make me panic, which causes adrenaline to release and the body quickly uses up it's glucose stores during a panic attack and it's not uncommon to need a cup of a tea and a sandwich after a period of panic/worry. Or sleep.

Are you sure you're not heightened right now because of the long haul flight and all the panic surrounding that?

05-01-20, 12:40
Well I feel slightly anxious about the fact I won’t be well enough to fly, but this wouldn’t explain it initially starting. I’m not an anxious flyer so it’s not from the flying in general if that’s what you were thinking but it’s a good thought if I was.

I hadn’t been feeling particularly stressed either before this happened, so the dizziness and sickness must be from something else but may be made worse by my anxiety surrounding it and the flight 😩

05-01-20, 13:06
Well I feel slightly anxious about the fact I won’t be well enough to fly, but this wouldn’t explain it initially starting. I’m not an anxious flyer so it’s not from the flying in general if that’s what you were thinking but it’s a good thought if I was.

I hadn’t been feeling particularly stressed either before this happened, so the dizziness and sickness must be from something else but may be made worse by my anxiety surrounding it and the flight [emoji30]

I get more anxiety symptoms when there’s something coming up that I’m looking forward to or feel is important. Like going on holiday where I want to be well for it and able to enjoy it. It’s not always about something that makes us nervous or frightens us.

It’s irrelevant if the dizziness and sickness is/was caused by anxiety or not, it’s there and definitely won’t be helped by panicking or worrying about if you’ll be able to fly. Take each day as it comes and try to calm yourself a little, it’s tough I know. No amount of anxiety is going to change the outcomes for the better though so it only benefits us to let it go because it can certainly make things worse.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-01-20, 12:05

Woke up not feeling well so made an appointment to see the prescribing nurse - only emergency appointments with doctors were available.

Went to see her and she was very helpful - she checked my blood sugar which was low so she said she thinks it’s that and also could be low iron which I’ve had before. I’ve got forms for blood tests I need to have, hopefully will have them this afternoon if I’m feeling up to it.

She doesn’t think it’s vertigo from what I’ve said so said that’s why the tablets won’t be helping (I told her they weren’t).

Got another appointment Wednesday morning about something else so I am hoping I’ll get answers from the blood tests by then to also discuss.