View Full Version : Advice please

30-09-07, 21:43
Still, after about a year and a half, i am having extreme dizziness and floaty feelings, very off balance. I know this could be down to my PTSD and i have been through a lot lately as you all know, but it is very extreme. Still walking into things and have a lack of co-ordination too. I have had an MRI on my head and neck and they were clear, and was supposed to be referred to a physio for my neck and also a neurologist as it could be Menieres Disease or something to do with my muscles as i have a weakness in my right arm and a tremor in my left. Well 3 months down the line and i have just been referred to a physio which i see next week, but still no neurology appointment. I have read things about allergies and that this could be a cause, or might not be helping anyway and am keen to be tested for this if only just to rule something else out. Could i please have some advice re: allergy testing. If i were to ask for this on our NHS the gp would probably laugh at me. No funding as it is for anything let alone this and if they did refer me then i would probably have to wait anything from 6-12 months just to be referred. So i was wondering if it would be worth my while to go to a chinese shop as i know that they do this there. I don't mind paying and going to them but just wondered if they will be as accurate and if it is worthwhile me doing this. Also how do they test you. I don't mind them putting things on my skin, but i will not be eating, drinking or having any needles stuck in me will i? I couldn't cope with that. Advice please, is it worth me doing this?

02-10-07, 19:30
Still really struggling with extreme dizziness!
Been on my own today, had to pick up the kids and go Morrisons and it was very very tough. Of course i am still here and i made it but it was awful and am still feeling as bad now. Feeling like my arms and hands are out of co-ordination now too and they won't go where i want them to go, does anyone else have this. But i am just feeling like i'm drunk or drugged and it isn't getting any better at all.

02-10-07, 21:38
I have been having the same exact symptoms. It is very hard to function with the constant fear, and the constant sensation of being off blanace. A lot of times I feel like I am on a boat. It is very uncomfortable. Anyway, my doctor is also reffering me for allergy testing. I took my son for allergy testing once, and basically they made little pokes on his back, and each poke had a different allergen in it. It turns out he is allergic to dust... so the poke with dust was just a little red. No major allergic reaction or anything. And, it was only red for about five minutes. If I end up going myself ill post again and let you know if it is different for an adult, but I am assuming it is similar.

03-10-07, 18:39
Thankyou for your reply, thank goodness someone else is having what i'm having. I know a lot of people have dizziness, but this is just so extreme and with all the other symptoms as well, unbearable!!
I have made an appointment with a chinese person for tomorrow afternoon. It's £25 for the allergy testing and they use a piece of your hair!!! She says that thousands have had it and they have found out their allergies and it works. Well, we will see, i don't mind paying if something will help me and i know there is absolutely no point in asking my gp for a referral. So i'm gonna go and try it anyway.
Will let you know how i go on, but i have to wait for a week for the results i think.