View Full Version : Amplified Sounds and Lights - Symptoms

04-01-20, 23:48
Hi Everyone,

First off, I'd like to qualify my post with saying - I recognize this is me seeking reassurance. I've been in treatment for anxiety/ocd for approximately a year now.

Every few weeks I get some intense anxiety and just nervousness/being on edge out of nowhere with no apparent trigger. It seems to last a few days. During that time sounds are amplified and the smallest noise can startle me. Same with lights (like on a car passing) and even a simple thing like a leaf blowing across the street can startle me (like my brain processes it as a dog or something running at me). In short, my senses just seem really amplified and if I'm talking with someone my focus seems to sharpen really intensely then I get loads of intrusive thoughts.

Since I started OCD treatment, I've worked through a lot of my irrational themes (see my previous posts - rabies fear etc). I've gotten my life back. I've conquered them. Now I'm mostly dealing with just learning how to live as an anxious person and being okay with that. Being anxious without the presence of an obvious theme is very challenging for me.

Are the symptoms that I have described above just typical anxiety symptoms? I'm a bit on edge and feel like I'm losing my mind or going crazy.

Note: I don't take any medications.

Any comments or input appreciated!

05-01-20, 10:21
Yes it’s completely normal, you’re in a heightened state when you’re anxious in general. The body and mind is in fight or flight mode, it’s convinced that there is a threat therefore everything is first perceived that way.

The further you go into calming the generalised anxiety the less you’ll find it’s an issue but it takes time. I’m easily startled and I become overwhelmed quite quickly when there’s a lot of noise and lights/movements just because my mind is trying to find the threat, there isn’t one of course and I have to calm myself and rationalise to regain control and let it pass over. Sometimes I find being aware of why it’s happening let’s me not get worked up by it and it doesn’t escalate, I acknowledge that it’s the ‘risk assessment team’ working overtime and move on.

Positive vibes,


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