View Full Version : What could this be?? weird symptoms

06-01-20, 02:35
Yesterday night i woke up with bad stomach cramps and very nauseous. I spent all morning throwing up. The nausea kept coming back and also cold shivers.
(i thought i might have eaten something wrong that caused this)

But now today i just feel very weak and hightened temprature (38,6C) My stomach feels alright and not much nausea anymore. Tho i have no apatite but veryyy thristy.

06-01-20, 02:45
That doesn't sound weird at all, it sounds like a normal stomach bug. The throwing up made you dehydrated so you're weak and thirsty... Drink slowly so you don't throw up anymore - tea, ginger ale, ice pops.

06-01-20, 03:43
Thanks. I just checked and i have 39.3C temperature now. I'm trying to drink lots. I should just sleep it off?

06-01-20, 04:09
I would just take it easy, yes. I'm not a doctor, but what you describe sounds exactly like a typical stomach virus. If this was me, I'd keep hydrated and get lots of rest. These viruses are usually pretty fast, especially since you've already stopped throwing up. You can always give your doctor a call, but there's usually nothing to be done but wait. I hope you feel better soon!

06-01-20, 14:18
Deffi sounds like a stomach bug to me, my daughter had the same thing just before Christmas.

06-01-20, 15:38
39.3 is a high fever temperature (although my daughter, an adult, gets this type of temperature with any virus), take some paracetamol - if the paracetamol doesn't bring your temperature down then maybe give your doc a call ? Hydrate, keep yourself warm but not wrapped up and too hot.

07-01-20, 00:58
Thanks for the replies i really appreciate it. I don't have fever anymore since today. Only thing is i get really nauseous now when i eat anything at all, hopefully that will go away soon too..

07-01-20, 01:34
I had a stomach bug or something over the weekend, starting Friday night and also Saturday. I’m still recovering. Eat bland stuff for awhile, such as toast, crackers, applesauce. I still don’t have much of an appetite but at able to eat some. It just takes awhile to recover sometimes. Hang in there. No fever is a good sign!

07-01-20, 02:05
Yes, it seems like the typical stomach bug! Like Steph says, keep it really mild for a few days while your stomach gets back to normal.