View Full Version : Sudden head rush while seated?

06-01-20, 04:40
As the title says, was just sat down, hadn't moved in a while when I got a really intense head rush sensation, like what sometimes happens when you stand up too quickly. It went away but has left me with a headache and a general woozy feeling. Can anyone relate? It's scared me to death, I had to wake up my girlfriend lol

06-01-20, 08:54
I get them all the time, and for me it's neck/back tension. Always when I'm sitting at my desk, as it's also postural.

Feels like the kind of sensation you get at the drop of a roller coaster/falling, combined with a surge of 'something'.

Just ignore it, it goes away.

06-01-20, 18:05
Yeah I was at my desk when it happened, was just a split second but it was terrifying. I thought my blood pressure tanked for no reason, felt just like when you stand up too fast. Is yours like that yeah? That makes me feel better

06-01-20, 18:23
Yup had it loads of time - nothing serious.

06-01-20, 19:09
When I first experienced it, it was pretty scary, but you get used to it. Never lasts for more than a couple of seconds and I still get them all the time. I work at a desk/studio all day long and I'm a postural moron.

06-01-20, 19:23
Just before a panic attack every time. Worst feeling in the world and scary because it mimics or feels like I'm gonna pass out, but I never do. That's what a adrenaline rush does to ya at the wrong time. That's the worst thing I hate about my Panic Disorder. But like others here have said, trying to get into a mindset of ignoring it is the trick.

Edit to add: BTW, see my AVI of Fry...that's how I respond every time it happens. Lol.