View Full Version : Metronidazole side effects?

06-01-20, 07:31
I was recently put on this antibiotic for a BV infection and really didn't want to take it because I'm extremely sensitive to antibiotics already (allergic to penicillin and clindamycin and everything related to them) and from what I read online this is apparently some pretty heavy duty stuff. Of course I ended up taking it anyway because its not a guarantee that I'll have an issue and I'm not just going to leave an infection untreated. I've been on it for about 4 days now and have been experiencing a strange numb feeling (not quite pins and needles but almost) in my fingers, hands, arms and various other places randomly. I know this can happen as a side effect but I don't remember if its one of the serious ones or not and I know that if I look it up I'll just end up scaring myself. I haven't had the headaches or stomach upsets that everyone warned me about but today I had a small rash on one of my thighs that itched really badly for about ten minutes and then mysteriously disappeared, and now I feel like my throat is feeling funny and kind of tense/sore but I'm not sure if its all in my head because I'm worried or if something is actually wrong. When I was put on clindamycin for an ear infection my tongue slowly swelled over a period of like 4 or 5 days and it felt like a sore throat continuously getting worse. I thought I was just sick so I almost didn't go to the doctor for it. That was a long time ago though, and I don't really remember exactly how it felt so I'm worried this feeling could be the start of something similar. My face and head and throat have felt kind of hot all night, but that could be anxiety too. I feel like I'm just waiting for something bad to happen. I haven't had any alcohol and I've been taking it with a probiotic and yogurt to help ward off the tummy troubles. If anyone here has taken these pills, is tingling normal? I read that in rare cases this antibiotic can affect the nervous system or cause encephalitis so of course my anxiety is telling me I'm gonna be that 1 in 10,000.

07-01-20, 06:47
Update if anyone is interested

I woke up this morning with my tongue feeling funny and only noticed tonight now that its time for my next pill that my tongue is white and it seems I have a case of oral thrush. I know this is a possible side effect, but is it safe to keep taking the metronidazole if I have the candida growth issue? I'm so close to being done with the antibiotics. I only have 2 days left, and I have a fluconazole pill to take when I'm done that my doctor prescribed me just in case this happened. I know thrush can be pretty awful and hard to get rid of and I'm scared. I heard it can make your throat swell up and make it hard to breathe and stuff. I need to take my next dose right now, and I'm lowkey freaking out.

07-01-20, 22:32
That's quite an unusual one - you have quite the attentive doctor, prescribing the fluconazole for oral thrush which may be caused by metronidazole. The "just in case" prescribing is usually seen in palliative care - but hats off to your doctor for being so proactive.

I think you should run this past your pharmacist or doctor tomorrow. I'm not a fan of "over the internet" medication related advice.

good luck (and don't be panicking - you don't mention any side effects which would dictate immediately ceasing treatment!)

07-01-20, 22:33
Word of warning for anyone reading this who may have been given metronidazole (brand names Flagyl among others)

this is truly the only antibiotic you CANNOT drink ANY alcohol on. Like NONE. Do NOT drink alcohol when taking this med!

08-01-20, 01:09
Speaking of metronidazole and alcohol.. I'm real stupid and was doing my makeup to try and distract myself from anxiety and used a setting spray that has alcohol in it.. I'm super paranoid.. Its not like I'm drinking it or anything but can it absorb into my skin and cause me those affects? I may have accidentally breathed a little in.. I know I did a stupid thing, but I really didn't think about it! Should I go to a hospital or something?