View Full Version : Terrified after brown vomit

06-01-20, 11:42
I was sick this morning and it was a light brown watery sick. I googled this a few months ago as it happened then and got all these horror stories about internal bleeding. I am so frightened right now can anyone help me

06-01-20, 11:51
What had you eaten or drunk ?

06-01-20, 12:04
Nothing since last night. Just a small bite of chocolate

06-01-20, 12:17
The small bite of chocolate will be enough to stain and colour your bile a brown colour, especially on an empty stomach. Do you have a stomach bug ?

06-01-20, 12:19
No, I was drinking last night and have had a big fall out with my partner and think the anxiety and the hangover combined has made me sick. I am terrified it is blood. I had brown sick about 5 months ago too

06-01-20, 13:23
I don’t think brown vomit is all that uncommon. I’m trying to recover from a stomach bug I suffered with over the weekend and my vomit was all sorts of colors, including dark brown. Same thing with the diarrhea.

06-01-20, 15:07
Thanks StephA that does make me feel better. Was yours an empty stomach too? I do have bad acid reflux and convinced I have eroded the lining of my stomach or it's my liver because I drink too much:( so scared. But surely I would be in pain if I was bleeding somewhere?

06-01-20, 15:21
Don't believe me about the chocolate ?

06-01-20, 15:23
I vomited blood twice last year after binge drinking. Believe me, there’s no mistaking it. You would not be posting on here asking if it was blood, if it actually was blood.

Good luck

06-01-20, 15:24
I do Carys I just worry cos it was literally a mouthful, could that turn it brown? I also have bad acid reflux today so am connecting the two and getting into a state. Really struggling today

06-01-20, 15:28
Take a piece of chocolate of an equivalent size and melt it in some hot water.....see how far one piece will go ......

The things we do for people on this site LOL I had chocolate here from Xmas, I have just dissolved 2 mg of dark chocolate (2mg is one tiny biteful, not even MY size of bite) in 250 ml of boiling water (to mimic it being digested and dissolved in the stomach) and it was pretty brown !!!

You have acid reflux I should think from being sick itself and drinking heavily and presumably not eating properly.

06-01-20, 16:19
Ahh bless you for doing that Carys! Makes me feel much better, thank you. And sorry for using up some of your choc for the experiment haha! Yeah I need to stop drinking, then I wont be being sick in the first place.

06-01-20, 16:22
No worries, I won't charge you for 2mg as it was left over from baking lol - but honestly I've seen my daughter chuck up after small amounts of chocolate when she was much younger and it was all brown. A little goes a very long way. Had you drunk tea or coffee ?

I would concur that you need to get rid of the reason for vomiting in the first place ;o)

06-01-20, 17:43
No I had nothing other than that little mouthful of chocolate. So expected just watery bile but it was brown and stringy. Starting to worry about it all again now :( If I was bleeding internally would I know about it by now? I don't know whether I should be seeking help

06-01-20, 17:45
RadioGaga how did you know, did it look like proper blood?

06-01-20, 18:32
I have got myself quite hysterical now. I stupidly looked up images of brown blood sick and it looks just like mine. I am pretty sure it was blood. Would something have happened to me by now? Do I go to a&e? I am terrified

06-01-20, 18:51
Calm down. Are you still vomiting? Do you feel bad, have a fever, etc? If you’re not then there’s no reason to see a doctor. Stop drinking and you won’t get yourself into such a tizzy. And stop googling!!!! That’s the worse thing a hypochondriac can do!

06-01-20, 18:55
No I haven't been sick since this morning but dont feel good. That could just be the anxious state I've had myself in all day though. No fever. I started worrying I was shivery but again I do get that if I have a day of intense anxiety. I know I shouldn't Google it is the worst thing to do. I am just really convinced it was blood and I am in danger

06-01-20, 19:22
I know this fear all too well.

I think the problem is when we Google, we don't see any alternative to it. It's always brown vomit always equals blood when that's not the case. It could be something you ate. You ate chocolate before vomiting. It's very likely that it's the undigested chocolate to blame for the colour.

What specifically did your vomit look like?

06-01-20, 19:28
It was like watery brown and biley, a bit stringy too sorry to be gross. I looked at images, bad idea, and thought it looked just like mine. It wasn't really dark or anything more a light ish brown I think. Wish i had never read about it :( Now I am terrified I'll be sick again and it will be brown again, which is in turn making me feel more anxious and more sick. Haven't been able to eat at all today

06-01-20, 19:41
I was also thinking I had my dinner really late last night like after midnight then went straight to bed. Could it have been the meal from then not digested properly? It was spag bol

06-01-20, 19:57
Man I gotta tell ya, alcohol and acid reflux is a bad mix. They tell you not to drink with reflux disease. They also tell you to stay away from chocolate. Sounds like you put the double wammy on yourself drinking and eating that stuff.

But you only vomited once. If you don't do it anymore today I wouldn't be concerned about it. Chalk it up to what you drank or ate. But me, I'd be more worry about how many times I vomit in a day then what's in the vomit, but that's just me.

06-01-20, 20:08
I haven't been diagnosed with reflux, it only really happens every now and again if I drink wine which is what I had been having over the weekend. Need to stop drinking it because it does give me bad acid. Yeah it was just the once, but I am terrified it will happen again and I have just sat here perched all day to make sure I'm not sick again

06-01-20, 20:19
Well, it doesn't sound like you had blood in your vomit at all. Blood in vomit looks like coffee grounds which are very dark.

I'd try and stay away from the alcohol and try and relax. I know it's hard, but it really doesn't sound like you had any blood in your vomit.

06-01-20, 21:02
I haven't been diagnosed with reflux, it only really happens every now and again if I drink wine which is what I had been having over the weekend. Need to stop drinking it because it does give me bad acid. Yeah it was just the once, but I am terrified it will happen again and I have just sat here perched all day to make sure I'm not sick again

Oh, well that's different. I got the impression you had GERD. My bad. Still, in this day in age, there are certain foods and drinks that can irritate a person's stomach. So some people just can't eat or drink certain things.

Anyway, don't be terrified, I've seen people bad sick and I mean bad sick, I mean - bent over, gut grabbing, on the floor, crying and they weren't telling me - "hey, I vomited a mouth full of brown stuff this morning and it looked like blood, do you think it's blood or anything serious? Then wait around to see if they vomited again, because you know, they kept on vomiting. So yeah, those people went to the hospital immediately. So there was no doubt about it with them.

So unless it happens again (I mean vomit again within 24 hours), and I know this is easy to say, I wouldn't worry about it. And if it does, well, you know where to go, right?

06-01-20, 21:40
Ah I hope I don't vomit again I will freak out. But yes there wasnt a lot of it and my nurse friend said I am being over the top. I sent her pictures of my sick, the poor girl! She said she doesn't think it is but cant say for sure so go to docs for peace of mind. She also said if it was like emergency bleeding there would be lots and lots and probably would be in my stools as well which it isnt. But yeah I am still quite sure it was :(

06-01-20, 22:09
Ah I hope I don't vomit again I will freak out. But yes there wasnt a lot of it and my nurse friend said I am being over the top. I sent her pictures of my sick, the poor girl! She said she doesn't think it is but cant say for sure so go to docs for peace of mind. She also said if it was like emergency bleeding there would be lots and lots and probably would be in my stools as well which it isnt. But yeah I am still quite sure it was :(

Believe me when I say this, most people in the health care profession have seen it all. But um...usually it's in person.:D So she might have been surprised when you sent her those pics, and to be honest it's hard to tell anything with pics. But I agree with your nurse friend. On the other hand, if you're not sure and think it was, then you might consider getting it checked out for peace of mind like she said.

07-01-20, 09:22
Thanks panicky. I wasnt sick again and its been pretty much 24 hours. I have had a bit of a sore tummy though which is worrying me. My bf says it'll just be because I haven't eaten and because of being sick yesterday but I am of course worrying. Thinking theres an internal bleed happening that's causing the pain :/ is that silly?

07-01-20, 11:46
Thinking theres an internal bleed happening that's causing the pain :/ is that silly?


Positive thoughts

07-01-20, 15:44
Hope so. I cant stop worrying. I just had some lunch and sick burped afterwards. And I still have a bit of tummy ache so I'm really panicking that something internal is going on. But I haven't been sick since yesterday morning. I can't see a doc for a few weeks either and I am really worried:(

07-01-20, 22:40
Thanks panicky. I wasnt sick again and its been pretty much 24 hours. I have had a bit of a sore tummy though which is worrying me. My bf says it'll just be because I haven't eaten and because of being sick yesterday but I am of course worrying. Thinking theres an internal bleed happening that's causing the pain :/ is that silly?

Hope so. I cant stop worrying. I just had some lunch and sick burped afterwards. And I still have a bit of tummy ache so I'm really panicking that something internal is going on. But I haven't been sick since yesterday morning. I can't see a doc for a few weeks either and I am really worried:(

Silly? Yes I'm afraid so or as @Fishmanpa said - "Totally!" Because at this point it sounds like it's possibly becoming psychosomatic. And if your stomach is still bothering you, maybe you should take something for it if you haven't already. ;) I would instead of dealing with it.

07-01-20, 22:43
I have GORD and gastritis and I drink too much alcohol and coffee, love spicy foods and I vape: this is the "perfect combo" for worsening my stomach problems.

When I vomited blood, it wasn't a "hmmmm... does that look like blood?" or "hmmm....maybe I need to post on an internet forum and ask people what they think?" moment. The SECOND (and I mean SECOND) I saw the vomit come out, it was unmistakable. Bright red blood in my vomit. The vomit was essentially blood coloured and not just streaks. This indicates fresh bleeding and is usually caused by an ulcer/gastritis or a Mallory-Weiss tear.

The other type is coffee ground vomiting where the blood has been in your stomach for a while. This looks just like the name suggests: get a cup, pour some milk into it and then add the coffee grounds. If you experienced this, again you'd know and you wouldn't be posting on here - you'd be in A&E,

And yes you are being silly thinking the pain is internal bleeding. VERY silly. People who experience significant internal bleeding are usually going unconscious on the floor and not posting online worrying about it

You're fine!

07-01-20, 22:54
^Yep! Exactly what @RadioGaGa just said.

Man I wish I could "like" or vote on your post. Wish I could do that with many posts on this entire website.:frown:

07-01-20, 23:34
Thanks for your kind comments PanickyGuy!

That would be a pretty good function, if we could upvote (or downvote, as appropriate!) posts on the forum. A bit like Reddit!

08-01-20, 13:49
Thank you guys so much for the replies. RadioGaga, what worries me is that I did think there to me that is old blood. The reason I thought it is because I've seen that sort if colour before and texture but not in vomit. I am female and wont go into any further gross detail than that but I did think omg that's what it looks like. But equally, rationally, it was not dark dark brown like that coffee ground look. And Carys did point out that I had a small amount of chocolate which would likely be enough to turn empty stomach bile a shade of brown. I guess I worry as I had the same brown sick a few months ago and the same panic, that time no chocolate was involved and it was first thing in the morning. But I have been sick inbetween those times and it was a normal colour. So I dont know. My concern is that I had a heavy weekend drinking and then that happened and my acid was really bad. But nothing has come of it either times so that should tell me it's nothing to worry about?
Totally should have a 'like' button haha X

08-01-20, 13:50
Maybe think about avoiding the heavy boozing in future, just for the sake of your anxiety?

08-01-20, 14:52
Definitely BlueIris. I had a particularly bad time with my partner and I just went out with friends to try forget it about it all and took it too far. It's isnt the answer though x

09-01-20, 10:19
Great, dark green stool now! It wasnt black but wasnt far off. So of course I am now terrified again. I had salad late last night and a couple of red wines. Could that cause this? I'm right back to internal bleed now and cant see doc for a few weeks

09-01-20, 10:43
I think you need to go talk to your doctor about this, you are in a right panic about it and you need the words of a professional. No, this doesn't mean I think that you have a problem at all and yes, red wine and leafy greens can indeed change your stool colour ! The fact that you also didn't eat for a few days can upset gastric balance also and produce very odd changes - actually it was that which brought me to this very site again after years of being away from it! I had what I considered almost black stools one day and it was basically because I'd not eaten before for a couple of days. I do think also that you are being a bit foolish having wine again so soon after the incident with the alcohol - sorry had to say it. :winks:

09-01-20, 11:00
You're totally right Carys I shouldn't be having any. I think I might have a problem actually. Cant get through a night without even if its just a couple. Yeah also very true. I didnt eat much the past few days and ate and drank normally yesterday so might have just been a bit much. Have so much stress at the moment I just keep giving in x

09-01-20, 11:01
Owch, it sounds as though things are out of control for you. You might want to speak to your GP if you think you'd struggle to quit without extra help.

09-01-20, 11:35
I have previously BlueIris and she recommended I cut down and start the medication she prescribed. I am in talking therapies at the moment too but they ask you to select one 'problem' to focus on. I chose my OCD issues but maybe should have been the inability to cope with anxiety.

09-01-20, 14:39
Ok it was definitely black this time. I am terrified again

09-01-20, 14:58
Do I go to a&e I don't know if this is an emergency. Is green/black stool an emergency

09-01-20, 15:00
No, it's absolutely not an emergency. Give it a few days of eating normally and then visit your GP if it still hasn't cleared up.

09-01-20, 15:03
But what if I am slowly bleeding inside from an ulcer or something. I am so so scared and scared to go to the toilet

09-01-20, 15:04
Some of it looks dark green and one bit looked totally black

09-01-20, 15:07
I've given you my advice, it's up to you whether you take it or not.

09-01-20, 15:12
Thank you. I wont go to a&e. Its just google freaks me out saying black stool is an emergency and stuff. So I don't know what to do

09-01-20, 15:13
Especially after the brown sick. I'm really combining this all and panicking uncontrollably

09-01-20, 15:14
How about working on getting the panic back under control?

09-01-20, 15:25
I'm trying that now. I think it is mainly green but looks a bit black in some parts. So maybe not fully black stool more a dark green

09-01-20, 15:49
I'm trying that now. I think it is mainly green but looks a bit black in some parts. So maybe not fully black stool more a dark green

There's the serial pattern spoken of on several current threads.... short reply followed by additional symptoms :shrug:

Positive thoughts

09-01-20, 15:59
I know sorry. I am just in full flight right now I need to calm down

09-01-20, 19:02
LF87, I'm afraid your mind is fixated on what your nurse friend told you about seeing blood in stools the other day. You've moved forward from seeing blood in brown vomit to now, blood in stools. See how you are torturing yourself?

Blood in stools is like crapping out fresh asphalt. Tarry, and extremely black. Not semi black or dark brown. Green stool is mostly likely from undigested food. It's probably because you are drinking that wine again. You can't seem to leave the wine alone, when you know better. It's just gonna screw with your anxiety even more. That's the wrong thing to drink with anxiety, makes it worse.

10-01-20, 12:27
Thanks panicky guy. Yeah I really flew off the rails with the toilet situation. Wont even go into detail about what I did to get a closer look but I did think to myself wow, you've really lost the plot 🤣. Its back to normal now anyway incase anyone wondered, a nice thought at lunchtime X

10-01-20, 12:54
I think I know what you did - you broke it open to see if it was black/ dark/green right through ? LOL

10-01-20, 13:41
Yes Carys, yes I did hahaha. And I am not proud 😅

10-01-20, 15:31
Yep LOL As I said, when you have had a period of not eating, things get disturbed and can come out much darker due to a lack of bulking waste matter and strong amounts of digestive enzymes. Believe me now ? ;o)

10-01-20, 17:31
Haha yes I believe you now. I had red wine as well and steak so maybe all the dark stuff contributed (I hope). Thank you xx

11-01-20, 00:22
Ok on the second time when I vomited blood (the second time was much more bloody than the first) the next morning I went to the toilet.

The FIRST thing that caught my attention was the smell (I've smelt 'pooped blood' in work before). The second thing was the appearance. Just imagine a truck had dumped some bitumen in your toilet.

Your post contained one 'give away' that you DID NOT experience a GI bleed and resulting melaena - you would have SMELT it before you saw it. And please believe me, it would be the smell you noticed first - that smell could be used as chemical warfare I'm sure!!!!!!

Please see your doctor re: your anxiety. You did not experience a GI bleed based on your description. Period.

11-01-20, 00:27
No - the smell wasn't "oh, open that window" or "spray some air freshener". This was literally "evacuate the building and surrounding area for 200 miles!!!"

11-01-20, 01:43
No - the smell wasn't "oh, open that window" or "spray some air freshener". This was literally "evacuate the building and surrounding area for 200 miles!!!"

Been there, done that! What RGG is saying is the Gospel truth!

Positive thoughts

11-01-20, 10:42
Oh really? Yeah I have to say without being gross there was no smell at all. I didn't know it would smell worse if it was bloody poo, why is that?