View Full Version : Want to get the IUD but scared of complications

06-01-20, 13:13
Now that I’m in a relationship I really need to be on some sort of birth control but the side effects and complications scare me. I know it’s childish but my OCD plus HA just blows everything out of proportion.

Don’t really want to take hormonal birth control because there is a history of blood clots in my family. I know there is the mini pill but I don’t really like the idea of putting extra hormones in my body anyway especially since a lot of women experience worsening mental health from it.

I decide the copper IUD is probably best for me. However I keep seeing videos and articles like “IUD horror stories” etc. I don’t read them but they scare me. How safe exactly is it? Also I heard it can make period pain worse and I already get pretty bad cramps. Good thing is in my area it’s free for under 21s so I’m going to get it before I turn 21 in May for sure.

And another thing I feel stupid even asking, me and my boyfriend had sex last night and the condom broke so I’m going to go get the emergency contraceptive but my social anxiety is playing up and I’m scared to ask. What exactly do I ask for? Just like to be prepared. Literally feel dizzy and am shaking...it’s pathetic I know haha.

06-01-20, 13:39
Me and my partner only use condoms, I won't go on any sorts of hormonal birth control and my partner don't mind or notice the condoms. we use a high quality brand called Rfsu (https://www.rfsu.com) and use the one called Beyond thin. In the two years I have used them they have stayed intact.

this is not to say that hormonal birth control is bad, loads of people use it without any problems, this is only advice if you should stay with the condom. My friend had the copper one and ended up changing to the hormonal, because she kept on bleeding and having heavy periods that lasted for a long period of time, she is now very happy with the hormonal one.

talk to your doctor about your worries, maybe they will have some advice or alternatives.

06-01-20, 13:46
I had a complication from the coil, It moved and became painful, I had it removed and I’m going back on the pill for now but I wouldn’t hesitate to have another one, I probably will have another put in at my next smear.
I’ve also had the implant, taken the mini pill and combined pill too over the last 10+ years. I love birth control! I hate having a cycle so it’s always been worth it for me, even though Mr Midnight has had the snip.
I did feel slightly more anxious on the implant, and the mini pill was a no go, felt great on the IUD and most woman will have a very light to no period type bleeding while using it, which in my opinion is brilliant. I didn’t find it to make and of the change over bleeding I had particularly painful. And removal is really quick and painless. Do take painkillers before insertion though, it’s definitely a pinch! But over quickly.

I’m happy to answer any questions you might have from my personal experiences over the years.

Just ask the pharmacist for an emergency contraceptive pill/ morning after pill. They will help you out there.

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06-01-20, 13:51
Just re-read and noticed you want the copper coil, you will still have a cycle on that one and might have more cramps/heavier bleeding. My natural cycle is a murder scene so it’s the one I’ve never tried! My mum was on it for a good while though and never had any problems.

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06-01-20, 16:27
Hi Midnight-mouse!
My obgyn will put on me on birth control for endometriosis.The ones that completely stop your period i guess. I avoided hormonal birth control all my life (30 now) because im scared of their side effects. I only took the combination pill for 3 months a few years ago but then i stopped. I was also very bad at remembering to take the pill. I even went on a short trip and forgot the pills at home.

I wanted to ask you why was the mini pill a no go? Also, did you get any acne or did you gain weight? Or did you have any other health issues because of them?

thank you

06-01-20, 17:16
Hi Midnight-mouse!
My obgyn will put on me on birth control for endometriosis.The ones that completely stop your period i guess. I avoided hormonal birth control all my life (30 now) because im scared of their side effects. I only took the combination pill for 3 months a few years ago but then i stopped. I was also very bad at remembering to take the pill. I even went on a short trip and forgot the pills at home.

I wanted to ask you why was the mini pill a no go? Also, did you get any acne or did you gain weight? Or did you have any other health issues because of them?

thank you

Mini pill probably would of been okay if I had seen it though but it caused more of an increase in anxiety than I was willing to deal with, the rest of my birth controls have been really quite wonderful experiences.

I haven’t had any problems, I do get a little acne occasionally but I’ve never been one to take great care of my skin, no weight gain sometimes a bit of bloating but only usually for a couple of days. I’ve had no other issues, a little more anxious on the implant than anything else. I’m actually starting the combined pill again today because I’ve endured two cycles and can’t stand it!

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06-01-20, 17:25
All done, just got home from the pharmacy and was no where near as bad as I thought. Just asked them for the “Emergency contraceptive” and they took me into this private room to ask me some questions before giving it to me.

Was pretty funny actually because the pharmacist asked me how old I was (I’m 20 but often get mistaken for about 15) had to explain to her I just look really young and I’m short because she looked kinda of worried.

Anyway probably going to spend the next few weeks paranoid over whether I’m pregnant haha.

07-01-20, 18:43
Thank you midnight mouse!