View Full Version : Constant headache/pains/burning forehead

06-01-20, 13:28
I have a drs appointment next Monday but in the meantime wondered if anyone suffered anything similar? I have diagnosed migraines, for which I take sumatriptan very successfully. However I also get what my dr thought was nerve pain, basically a sharp pain over one or both of my eyes, doesn't go anyway with pain killers but does with the triptan! This eye pain is not at the same time as a migraine, and has no similar features except sumatriptan makes it go away!

I was put on gabapentin but it did nothing. I didn't pursue it because they got better and I moved house. I have since started getting a burning sensation in my forehead and a tight, sharp pain over the top of my head. Sometimes in the back of my head too. I changed my pillows as I get neck pain which I thought might contribute but no real improvement. I have also booked a neck massage for Thursday.

I guess what I am wondering is if anyone can identify with the burning? Could it be stress/tension? I am quite anxious in general and have a teen with anxiety, so every day is a drama it seems!

06-01-20, 13:33
I have a drs appointment next Monday but in the meantime wondered if anyone suffered anything similar? I have diagnosed migraines, for which I take sumatriptan very successfully. However I also get what my dr thought was nerve pain, basically a sharp pain over one or both of my eyes, doesn't go anyway with pain killers but does with the triptan! This eye pain is not at the same time as a migraine, and has no similar features except sumatriptan makes it go away!

I was put on gabapentin but it did nothing. I didn't pursue it because they got better and I moved house. I have since started getting a burning sensation in my forehead and a tight, sharp pain over the top of my head. Sometimes in the back of my head too. I changed my pillows as I get neck pain which I thought might contribute but no real improvement. I have also booked a neck massage for Thursday.

I guess what I am wondering is if anyone can identify with the burning? Could it be stress/tension? I am quite anxious in general and have a teen with anxiety, so every day is a drama it seems!

I’m not a migraine sufferer at all, my mum is, we’ve both had that burning type headache/pain at times of stress and if we’re a little run down. Are you well hydrated? I’ve noticed that it makes a difference, I’ve also had that sort of headache triggered by chocolate. It’s definitely nothing like the migraines my mums had so I would hazard a guess that it’s unrelated too. Are there any particular stressors going on for you at the moment?

I do second the idea of a neck massage though so many of my headaches are related to shoulder and neck tension/pain.

Positive vibes,


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06-01-20, 13:54
Thank you Mouse! I have to say, I'm very stressed most of the time and suffer with GAD and well as HA. Sadly my 14 year old daughter is the same, and is currently going through a bad time so it's double the stress! I also had breast cancer scare just before Christmas!

I deifntely could drink more water and eat less rubbish.

I love the poem in your sig btw!