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View Full Version : Brown Vomit and other symptoms

06-01-20, 14:43
I posted a while ago about my blood test results showing "inflammation." They were waiting to get my stool sample results back before making a determination as to what was causing it. That was weeks ago. A week or so before Christmas, I believe. I haven't heard anything since. So, I've assumed everything is OK and not allowed my anxiety to chase it up.

I originally went to the doctor about my stomach pains. Honestly, they're the worst pains I've ever felt. It started when I woke up one morning at 5AM with this tight sensation around my belly button. It felt like a band was pulling me in when I breathed deeply. The pain lasted no more than a couple of minutes and I was OK after that. So I ignored it. Possibly just posture or just some freaky thing that is more nuisance than problem.

Well, since then, I've had nothing but stomach pains. They aren't localised to any one spot. That makes me suspect it's not too serious-as if it was something major, it'd be the same rough area every time, not doing a dance over my entire abdomen. Sometimes, it's in the upper right quadrant, other times the lower, sometimes in the centre of my abdomen nearer my chest, sometimes my belly button, sometimes the left of my abdomen both lower and upper. It likes moving around and keeping me guessing, I think. It hurts to move when this happens and I end up just holding my stomach until it passes. Usually less than five minutes.

I've assumed it's anxiety-related. I have labrynthitis at the moment-which caused a lot of muffling in my ears last week and when I was focused on that, I didn't have a single stomach pain. Not one. As soon as the muffling cleared up, the stomach pains are back. I still have the labrynthitis and am off work for it-just my hearing is better-now I'm dizzy and sickly. That's pretty standard for it and I'm not concerned about that. I knew as soon as the dizziness hit what it was and that time will make it better.

Anyway, I vomited today. Again, I wasn't surprised. It's par for the course. But when I did, I noticed a lot of brown bits in my sick. I didn't throw up a lot-didn't have that much to eat if I'm honest, but what was there, was brown. It's possible that it was the brown seeded bread I ate for breakfast today. My mam said it's probably just the food I've eaten, but you Google :lac: and it says it's an emergency and to get to the doctor right away if you have brown vomit. I don't want to go and waste their time when it's probably just food.

I've considered the idea that it may be a stomach ulcer-I do have acid reflux (normally hormonal related) so it's not out of the wheelhouse, but I would have suspected that the stool sample would have shown the bacteria for that. It clearly didn't if they haven't been in touch. If it was just the brown vomit, I'd probably just ignore it. I'm sure it's happened before that I've had brown vomit-and I'm still here, but the other symptoms too...

I know that brown bits can mean there's an internal bleed somewhere. There was a time when I would have allowed my anxiety to lead me straight to the doctor or the A&E, but now I feel like I'm terrified of going there in case it is just my anxiety. I don't know what to ignore and what to pay attention to. :weep:

06-01-20, 14:52
I replied to another post this morning about brown vomit. It’s not all that uncommon. I had a stomach bug over the weekend and my vomit was all sorts of colors, including brown. Diarrhea was the same and it got lighter as the day went on. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

06-01-20, 15:18
I just had brown vomit this morning and I too have acid reflux problems so I'm I'm freaking out as well. But surely we would have more symptoms if there was actually a bleed, pain or fevers or something? Wish I hadn't googled. It's the same every time. Always the WORST NIGHTMARE scenario comes up

06-01-20, 19:12
Thank you both.

Yes, Google is the worst thing we can do and it always presents the worst possible scenario. I'm feeling a little bit better, a little less worried. I realised something I should have realised when it happened-but HA-well, gets in the way of logic. I drank a swig of diet Coke right before vomiting to try and calm the nausea down. Evidently it didn't work, but it would explain the appearance of the vomit.

I do think that if something were massively wrong we would know about it.

07-01-20, 22:50
Someone else just posted about the same thing! I hadn't really seen any "vomiting blood query" posts on here, but now two in one day. Odd

Anyway, I vomited blood twice last year. Pleeeeaaaseee believe me when I tell you it's unmistakable. The very second I saw the vomit come out of my mouth, I knew it was blood. No ifs, ands or buts. It was CLEAR it was blood.

Vomited blood can also be brown, but not like you're describing. Imagine you get a cup to make coffee, but you add the milk first (how many people actually do this!? I add the coffee, then the water and THEN the milk lol). Now imagine you dump the (instant) coffee into the milk, and it clots. That's what vomited blood, which has been in your stomach for a while, looks like.

You don't say anything which would make me think you've vomited blood: imho you're fine!!

Good luck