View Full Version : So many fears

24-10-19, 14:41
can You pick up bedbugs from sitting next to people on the metro? I live in a big city where there definitely are bedbugs and I was wondering how likely is it to pick them up from sitting next to people on the metro? It’s making me not want to ride the train anymore-how often do people get them from other people?

24-10-19, 15:30
Doesn't really matter does it? They're only bed bugs, yes they're a pain in the .... but just wash and clean wherever they get.

24-10-19, 16:21
Doesn’t really matter? Treatment for them costs upwards of $1000 and you need to call an exterminator-pretty big issue id say...

24-10-19, 16:27
Today I sat next to someone on the subway and saw she was texting her friend about bedbugs. Now I’m super paranoid-I’m worried that she could have passed them along to me. What stage chance of this and how worried should I be?

24-10-19, 16:30
The chances of this happening are absolutely miniscule. Think about it, millions of journeys every day and how often do you hear of it happening...if ever?

Sometimes you have to worry about things WHEN they happen, not IF they'll happen.

24-10-19, 18:05
Doesn’t really matter? Treatment for them costs upwards of $1000 and you need to call an exterminator-pretty big issue id say...

Never heard of having to call an exerminater for bed bugs before. I apologise if I upset upset you. Dont you just wash bedding and soft furnishings on a hot wash, buy sprays, hoover and so on?
That all being said you can't inconvenience yourself about something that might happen.

24-10-19, 23:40

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

25-10-19, 01:34
Aren't you assuming she has them?

Imagine if you hadn't seen the text? Couldn't you still get them yet you would never know where from? But what if you didn't get them and never knew she had been texting her friend about them?

I wonder how many times you have missed out on a trigger because you haven't seen/heard something and yet nothing happened and you were fine?

27-10-19, 21:37
I think it's extremely unlikely you could catch bedbugs from the subway. If it were a more common occurrence, the media would probably have a field day with reporting it :-).

I went through a bedbug scare several years ago. My kids got a strange rash after getting home from vacation, and I was convinced we had picked up bedbugs somewhere during the trip. Eventually we found out they were just allergic to the sunscreen we were using :-), so it was definitely my own mind making a mountain out of a molehill. It was a stressful few weeks though.

One thing that did help calm me down, is I ordered these bedbug traps from online. You put them somewhere on your bedframe, and then supposedly if you do get bedbugs they'll crawl in there, and you'll know. It just gave me peace of mind instead of wondering.

30-12-19, 14:43
One or two nights in the past few weeks I’ve woken up really sweaty. I’m super worried it’s night sweats and a sign of cancer. Not sure what else it could be, but I did take Plan B a few weeks ago which messes with your hormones, so maybe it could be that? Either way I’m worried

30-12-19, 15:05
Try and see how absurd this thought pattern is. You're sweating and you're assuming cancer because 'what else can it be'?

It could be literally thousands of things, including being hot.

This is something to ignore and not even bother investigating for now.

30-12-19, 15:56
I get hot a lot at night and my head sweats - never thought of cancer though.

31-12-19, 06:59
Even if you had what amounts to clinical, bonified night sweats, there are many causes besides cancer. And you don't sound like you have those.

01-01-20, 06:22
Anxiety can cause night sweats, I've had them.

always scared
01-01-20, 06:46
I get night sweats once in awhile. I use to freak out about them all the time but it turned out to be my hormones around my period. Now i just freak out about everything else :wacko:

01-01-20, 10:32
Night sweats here often - hormones.

06-01-20, 02:06
I know you’re not supposed to use tap water for neti pots etc because it can be unsafe if tap water gets into your nose. I got it really in my nose while showering today so much that it hurt, and now worried about an infection! What should I do?

06-01-20, 04:23
Nothing. You're fine!

06-01-20, 04:25
Do you use city water or well, septic, etc? I don't think it is a concern if your water is disinfected, and I believe that most city/public water systems are treated (usually with chlorine),

06-01-20, 12:39
I’m still really freaking out. It was normal city water. But I guess the rational thing is to think a lot of people in my city have gotten water in their nose at one point or another, right?

06-01-20, 13:58
I’m still really freaking out. It was normal city water. But I guess the rational thing is to think a lot of people in my city have gotten water in their nose at one point or another, right?

It’s treated water there’s no worries.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-01-20, 20:28
I’m still really freaking out. It was normal city water. But I guess the rational thing is to think a lot of people in my city have gotten water in their nose at one point or another, right?

I can definitely confirm that there will be nothing in that water that will give you any infections. It's public water, therefore it is treated with chlorine or a similar chemical, you are fine.

God bless.

06-01-20, 21:23
ha I was thinking of the same fear for my daughter. We were on vacation and stayed at a fairly new hotel in Southern CA. she loved taking a bath in the bath tube filled with water. she did that a few times and yesterday I noticed she put her head down in the water.

now I'm thinking of this or dry drowning. I know its' unreasonable but the fears are lurking behind there

logically we shall not be afraid of this if we use city water.


07-01-20, 01:35
I’m terrified of complications from the flu since it’s so serious and also just of my life being disrupted. I’m terribly scared to call out of work as i have some big meetings and I’m worried I’ll let my team down.

07-01-20, 01:40
So I guess you dodged the brain eating amoeba from yesterday?

Positive thoughts

07-01-20, 07:19
Flu is very rarely serious for healthy adults; it's horrible and tiring but ultimately you'd recover. Likewise, sickness happens, your workplace would cope.

07-01-20, 07:40
Please see your numerous 'fear of flu' threads from prior years for my reply :winks:

07-01-20, 08:20
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


ps I have renamed this thread and merged some of your previous threads here

07-01-20, 08:22
Hi Please look back on your thread about flu from last year


10-01-20, 17:45
Ever since I took plan B last month I’ve been having random breast pains. Could it be related to that or is there a risk of it being breast cancer? I’m 25 and very scared

10-01-20, 18:47
What is plan B ?

Scaredpt, you are always very scared, and quite an 'impressive CV' in only 2 years on this forum - of serious illness posts and minor issues which are blown hugely out of proportion. So, without knowing any more I can fairly categorically say that if you have random breast pains, at 25, then it isn't BC. BC at 25 (as you know because you've had this fear before!) is astonishingly rare, immensely rare. Pains being 'random' would not tie in with it anyway, without any other symptoms or signs then certainly not. These are facts that you should be able to say quite clearly to yourself by now, and logical responses you should be learning to do yourself.

Are you planning on carrying on like this for another year ? In two years you've made 125 separate threads about health and illness fears.

10-01-20, 18:55
Plan b is emergency contraception. I took it a month ago and some of the short term symptoms are breast related

10-01-20, 18:56
Does it list random breast pain as a side-effect ? Actually, scratch that question, I've looked it up and yet it does list breast tenderness on the side-effects. However, it also says if your period doesn't come - do a pregnancy test !!! (that can cause random breast pains also)

Its not BC !

10-01-20, 19:02

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


10-01-20, 19:57
Please post ALL your concerns here as it is making work for us to keep merging threads. Thanks.

12-01-20, 16:28
Hi everyone: now I feel a heaviness in one breast. I’m so worried it’s cancerous or something. Could it also just be something with my cycle

12-01-20, 16:33
Could it also just be something with my cycle

You solved your own problem.

What are you doing to work on your anxiety?

12-01-20, 16:49
Hi everyone: now I feel a heaviness in one breast. I’m so worried it’s cancerous or something. Could it also just be something with my cycle

'Heaviness' isn't BC, and you don't have BC. Yes it could be to do with your cycle, are you sure you aren't pregnant ?

12-01-20, 19:01
'Heaviness' isn't BC, and you don't have BC. Yes it could be to do with your cycle, are you sure you aren't pregnant ?

I’m pretty sure I’m not, I’ve gotten my period. Just nervous because it’s in one breast

12-01-20, 19:06
Let me assure you - and this is something that is currently being talked about on another thread right at the moment - pain in one side (often the left) seems part and parcel of many women's cycles. I have only had pain in one breast for the last few years myself.

13-01-20, 12:09
That does help me, maybe I’ll wait until my period to see if it could be related to my cycle or if it eases up around then. It’s just that it’s quite painful and I am constantly feeling it

13-01-20, 22:22
Anyone else have insight? Or anything to alleviate the pain? It may be related to my cycle but it hurts

26-01-20, 17:15
I am so nervous about the virus. I think people on this forum will say not to worry but realistically it is a risk. How can we not go crazy with all the reports that are coming out about it?

26-01-20, 17:37
There's an entire thread (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?233967-Coronavirus-worries) devoted to this is Misc.

Positive thoughts

26-01-20, 17:56
It’s about as deadly as a cold.

What happened to all the posts on here about it tho?

26-01-20, 18:12
It’s about as deadly as a cold.

What happened to all the posts on here about it tho?

They've been merged into one thread in Misc. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?233967-Coronavirus-worries)

Positive thoughts

05-02-20, 00:09
I just got a cough and my chest feels a bit tight. Since the Coronavirus is spreading ive been worried that I might have it. I live in the us, haven’t travelled or been with anyone from China so I know it’s a low chance but it’s just weird

05-02-20, 02:33
No. So far there are no US cases except Wuhan travelers and their immediate family.

So you either have a cough, or you're a one out of 300 million.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

05-02-20, 02:42
Last night I saw there were 6 schools closed today because of illness. I had a meeting cancel this evening because the committee Chairman has the flu. At our salon every day there is a big shift in our schedules because people are calling in sick. I heard on the radio today this is a really bad flu season, the main culprit is influenza B.

Hope you feel better soon.

05-02-20, 03:57
I’m in US too and started a small cough today with shallow breathing. Totally afraid of it too. This kind of thing always sends me over the edge. Even if I get a cough I freak out. Completely anxiety related I’m sure

05-02-20, 11:47

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.