View Full Version : ear infection and brain infection

07-01-20, 12:26
hi everyone,
guess what im worried about now?

okay so
back in october i had an ear infection in my left ear that also started in my right ear as well. i had antibiotic drops that cured it, but something still seems wrong.
i used it in both ears, and the earwax in my left ear is normal, but the earwax in my right ear is liquid most of the time, whatever solid i can dig up (sorry, tmi) is white. there's no pain in my right ear, just weird earwax that smells off. im afraid that the infection might be lingering? im scared its spread to my brain or something and the infection is causing my anxiety or something, i dont know, its a crazy thought but ive been worried about it for a while. i dont have a primary doctor right now but i DO have insurance. i mean if something were wrong with my brain i would've known by now, right?

07-01-20, 12:29
Yes, you'd know by now. No need to worry about this one.

07-01-20, 12:35
thank you bluey :( we're still trying to find a primary doctor but mom hasn't had a whole lot of time to really focus on helping because she works pretty much full time.

07-01-20, 12:36
When you do see one, your first priority needs to be getting your anxiety under control, m'kay? Otherwise things like this are going to keep coming up and terrifying you.

07-01-20, 12:42
yes definitely, ill tell them all about it and what's been going on, i just want it all to stop

07-01-20, 20:39
Just sounds like the infection hasn’t completely gone in one ear and some oral antibiotics may be needed? My daughters had this numerous times and tonsillitis about 20 times. It’s rubbish but rarely turns into anything more serious. X