View Full Version : Health anxiety throuh the roof...liver!!!!

07-01-20, 15:15
So after feeling seriously unwell these past 2 weeks(been unwell for nearly 3 years)I took a trip to the gp who sent me for a whole host of blood tests,I had a text message this morning saying blood tests were normal apart from liver test which needs to be repeated in one month,now this sent me sick,I went and picked the repeat form up and it said raised ALT level repeat in one month.i spoke to the receptionist who has arranged for the gp to give me a call on Thursday.i don’t have diabetes because that’s been checked for,after doing the dreaded google the first thing that comes up is the C word.im worried sick this is the reason I have been so unwell I have been seeing neurologists and gps none of them ever did a liver blood test until now.has this happened to anyone else? Thanks

07-01-20, 15:22
I didnt have it with liver but I had the same thing with my thyroid. Receptionist said it was underactive and needed re testing and I went into full blown hysterics. I had a repeat test and it was normal the second time! Might be the same for you, try not to worry x

07-01-20, 17:50
So after feeling seriously unwell these past 2 weeks(been unwell for nearly 3 years)I took a trip to the gp who sent me for a whole host of blood tests,I had a text message this morning saying blood tests were normal apart from liver test which needs to be repeated in one month,now this sent me sick,I went and picked the repeat form up and it said raised ALT level repeat in one month.i spoke to the receptionist who has arranged for the gp to give me a call on Thursday.i don’t have diabetes because that’s been checked for,after doing the dreaded google the first thing that comes up is the C word.im worried sick this is the reason I have been so unwell I have been seeing neurologists and gps none of them ever did a liver blood test until now.has this happened to anyone else? Thanks

If the GP suspected liver cancer there would be more urgency with the testing. A GP would not leave you a month if he/she had a suspicion that you were at risk of having liver cancer.

That being said the test may have shown a slight abnormality, but the reason why the doctor has told you to wait a month for another test is usually because they want to see how the tests differ month to month - I had it with kidney function, turned out there was nothing wrong with my kidneys but my diet was bad.

I would try not to worry, GPs that suspect the big 'C' would be more urgent with diagnosis. May I ask how old you are?

07-01-20, 18:33
Hello thanks for the responses I am 33

07-01-20, 20:04
Hi Potter, raised ALT occurs quite frequently in liver testing. I’m also 33 and had a range of blood tests last year. I had a raised ALT enzyme as well, and like you, I went into a complete panic. Rather than re-write again, here is my reply to another member on the forum who had raised ALT a few months ago;

Hey Dan, just to help out. I had a high ALT level back in February this year.

I was retested 2 weeks later and they were back to normal. The doc didn't really have an explanation, saying that its 'normally' affected by consumption of alcohol and anti-inflammatories. I wasn't consuming either. However through google I found some possibilities that could affect the ALT enzyme:

1. IBS - I was going through a really bad phase of IBS. Going 3/4 times a day.
2. Other meds. I was taking my IBS prescription tablets, Colpermin (for IBS), herbal stuff for IBS, and also Immodiums. Quite the daily cocktail.
3. Muscle damage. A few days before taking my bloods i went to the gym for the first time in months and my body was aching all over. There is info online saying muscle damage can affect the release of liver enzymes, inc ALT.
4. Viruses. I was also recovering from a cold before taking my bloods, and viruses can affect the enzyme as well.

Hope that all helps. My doc tried to reassure me saying that high ALT is quite common in blood tests so I shouldnt worry, but obviously I did!

Like I finished there, hope that all helps you, but I know how hard it is not to worry.

07-01-20, 22:36
Very good advice from Mr Lurcher

Raised ALT is a very common finding, and isn't usually anything to be worried about - unless you drink bottles of vodka every day and have done so for many MANY years without any sort of break. You're most likely fine.

good luck

09-01-20, 12:15
Just got off the phone to the gp she said all the other liver rests were normal and the alt was raised to 53 which is slightly over the normal mark.lurcher may i ask what yours was

09-01-20, 13:00
Went down this rabbit hole over a year ago. Look up my threads for what happened, but essentially I had raised ALT slightly above normal and went into a huge panic. Had my tests retaken and it was back within normal range. As others have said, it's usually not a significant finding and is very common. It can happen for a wide variety of reasons. I don't remember what caused mine, but it definitely wasn't liver cancer, since I'm still here to tell the tale

09-01-20, 16:30
The doctor never told me the exact figure. Her words were that my ALT had ‘spiked’. I took that as being quite high, although she did try and reassure me that the levels were nothing to be too worried about at the time.