View Full Version : Evening all .:

07-01-20, 18:50
Hi I’ve been super anxious Again lately about a lot of things had tension headache on and off today and a twitchy eye lid super annoying so I’m worrying about that too I just had to control a panic attack because I’ve got a burning sensation in my scalp and I panicked what is this ? Thanks 🙁

08-01-20, 08:32
I guess it’s not normal

08-01-20, 08:34
Don't panic, Natalie, sometimes people don't respond immediately.

What you have sounds a lot like muscle tension to me - I've had eyelid twitches that have lasted for months before.

08-01-20, 10:11
Thanks for taking the time to reply , any tips on how to relieve muscle tension

08-01-20, 10:27
Massaging your temples can help, or using a guided meditation on YouTube. I also rub lavender oil on my temples sometimes - I don't think it has any magical effect but I really like the smell and that helps me relax.

08-01-20, 11:54
Would muscle tension be causing the burning of the scalp

08-01-20, 12:03
Not a doctor, I don't know. Other muscles burn if you use them too much, though, right?

08-01-20, 12:10
I guess so

08-01-20, 12:11
What are you frightened of, specifically?

08-01-20, 19:04
Hi Natalie, I've had some really weird head symptoms from what could've been tension and anxiety. I've had sensations where I felt like someone was pulling my skin - like in a facelift direction. I've also had feelings of head rushes when just sitting down. Feelings of like someone is pressing between my temples and ears. I've also had a twitching eyelid which lasted on and off for over a week.

08-01-20, 19:06
What are you frightened of, specifically?
Something wrong with my brain

08-01-20, 19:34
You do have something wrong with your brain. Anxiety.

09-01-20, 09:39
I regularly get this I’m afraid and mine is caused from my jaw, tmj disfunction. Lots of clenching can cause shocking tension headaches! No pain meds touch mine. I haven’t found any releif but wanted to tell you that you aren’t alone x